Thursday, November 14, 2013

To achieve benefit and national community Wanakilimanjaro from different services hyvee breakfast b

SCHEDULE OF TANZANIA MAINLAND Premier League (VPL) 2013/2014. August 24 - Ashanti 1.Yanga United SC 5-1, 2. Mtibwa Sugar Azam FC 1-1, 3. JKT Oljoro Coastal Union 0-2, 4. Ranger JKT Ruvu JKT 0-3, 5. Rhino Rangers 2-2 Simba SC, 6. Mbeya City Kagera Sugar 0-0, 7. Ruvu 3-0 Shootings Tanzania Prisons
Ladies and Gentlemen;
It is my hope that this forum limekutanisha journalists and media stakeholders from here and each Region for her role as part of the family is one in pushing forward the wheel of development of our region.
To achieve benefit and national community Wanakilimanjaro from different services hyvee breakfast buffet offered by different institutions, mutual cooperation between the government, traders products and services, including public and media agencies is the key word.
I would use this opportunity to offer congratulations to all members of MECKI under the leadership of chairman of MECKI Rodrick entire groups executive committee to be at the forefront to ensure that your club is moving forward to implement its obligations to comply with an order you have set.
If you have explained the objectives of this conference, I believe this conference litafungua new chapter of relations improved between the media and other stakeholders in general because hyvee breakfast buffet for a brief period I existed the region have witnessed a significant contribution of media in Serie governments to better his duty but also criticized when became seems appropriate. Criticism and not blaming or complaining.
Finding and providing news in our country hyvee breakfast buffet is a constitutional right as stipulated by the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977 in Article 18 (b) gives freedom to operate in the Tanzanian media industry.
I would intimates journalists that Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro government recognizes that the work done by the media is a legitimate operation in accordance with the Constitution and laws of our country. Work based on professionalism and ethics in our country.
In our country hyvee breakfast buffet there is the problem of people abusing the space that is available for public kuutumika instead use the opportunity to serve their own interests or minority groups in society. I would rather that this problem has already begun to enter the key industry news ambali thing I see in my opinion it is dangerous for the economy and the peace of our country.
Media industry has a significant contribution to promote the country's development in all relevant fields as well utilized hyvee breakfast buffet by news reporters stand in their place of service to the Tanzanian public.
But if the contrary media industry will be used to spread lies, jealousy, hatred and violence towards people which its effects on people are missing the opportunity to consider how to work hard to fight poverty, instead they will remain straighten fingers at each other to see another is the enemy and not brother again with likirudi nation back instead of moving forward.
Serious consequences of a violation of law and ethics in the media is in the country to machafuto, which litatugharimu back in development we're at, the existing schemes, our resources and our lives. I would niwatahadharishe that there are people who do not like the success that we have reached. And you can use the media to mislead the public and ultimately our country entered hyvee breakfast buffet into chaos. We are all witnesses, and we have seen how these instruments as vilivyoweza used in countries like Rwanda and Burundi in fueling discord, hatred, division of the land fallow and eventually lead to chaos yaliyogharimu loss of property and lives.
Ours is a democratic country, and all the rights of true democracy based on human rights are observed and no freedom without limits. I would would like to remind the media that the freedom of the person you end up when you introduce someone else's freedom. hyvee breakfast buffet
Freedom hyvee breakfast buffet of information is presented clearly in Article 18 (a) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. It is known that this Constitution establishes the boundaries of freedom in Article 16 (1) gives a person the freedom to be reserved for himself, his life and respected.
We tend to write the new constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, this is your time to educate the public key elements need to be a stop to support issues that may distort the process. Most of the world have not been able to find in the state Constitution hyvee breakfast buffet utulivi and peace. I congratulate the people of Kilimanjaro.
Let no one in any way disrupt the foundations established by the founders of this nation, led by the late father of the Nation Julius Nyerere who Mwl during his whole life he preached and believed in unity and solidarity among Tanzanians.
In addition to journalism is not advisable k

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