Friday, November 15, 2013

Traffic flow

Disease risk infesting corn and cause cancer in humans has entered the country and now farmers have warned warm buffet them not to eat corn or flour that does not ujakobolewa. Maize affected by the disease grows 'fungi' that has formed called 'Aflatoxin' which may cause harm to animals and humans, warm buffet particularly cancer. In addition to shaking several regions causing huge losses to farmers, the disease originated in Kenya continues to spread rapidly and now has entered in Uganda. Initially the disease was reportedly so for the Babati district warm buffet in Manyara and Shinyanga Meatu only, but now has spread to neighboring warm buffet regions, including Kilimanjaro
. Kilimanjaro Regional Commissioner Leonidas Gama lithibitishia this newspaper yesterday that his region has experienced disease and has already spread over three districts, Moshi Rural, Siha and Hai. "It is true some districts have also faced the disease, unfortunately has no cure and can spread rapidly ... Experts continue to educate farmers to identify warm buffet their symptoms," said Gama. Gama said when he revealed his farm farmer attacked by disease in the early stages, he should do is to uproot the whole plant maize and burn hot. Hai District Commissioner, Novatus warm buffet Makunga said approximately 14 ha zimeshambuliwa disease in the field of Catholic nuns Mailisita a farmer's field Lambo. He already experts from the Institute of Agricultural Research Selian (SARI) in Arusha to have arrived in the district and to alert farmers warm buffet about the impact of the disease. Prominent businessman in Moshi, John Bennett who owns the restaurant of Golden Shower urged the government to provide education to citizens and businesses and take risks. "How do you know it ukutokana peck meal and the corn or bran animal feed not come with it? This matter is very serious not joking warm buffet one bit of manipulating" said Bennett. Farmer of the Village of dry cell Hai District, Justine warm buffet Mvungi said experts from SARI have them burn corn seedlings which they found already infected. "Tell us about the field likishambuliwa, tung'oe maize and set them on fire, they told us if we shavuna then tukoboe maize for his cell has an impact," he said. "He added" even if we have been told that corn rice bran ipe his livestock warm buffet because we suffer ... This disease of maize plant has brought great surprises for farmers and citizens. "SOURCE Citizen
ASSISTANT LECTURER IN SOCIAL WORK Qualifications: Master's degree in Social work or related fields with a GPA of not less Than 3.5 or equiva ...
Traffic flow

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