Thursday, January 22, 2015

We doubted about PF Chang

Last night we slept well and around 7:15 pm we were both awake. Last night my right knee suddenly began to ache and at night I had problems with it. No idea how this happens and hope it does not get worse because it is run and later driving salade legumineuse not count. It looked all sunny outside and we took a picture of the view from our balcony.
We went with the lift to the pool and the pool guy recognized us all, Hello Ladies, good morning. Very funny because everywhere we go is the Hello Ladies, how are you ladies, thank you ladies. The blog had so better Ladies on the road can be called, haha. We were again the only one at the pool and swim or hurt on my knee but later felt better. After showering we drank only a cup of tea in the lobby of the hotel and then walked to the other side of the hotel. Some streets here appear in the business section on streets in New York.
We walked into a breakfast restaurant salade legumineuse in the neighborhood, Au bon pain, because we had read that it was featured on the site of TripAdvisor. There have arrived it appeared only open Monday / Friday. We walked further and actually finding out more and more restaurants in the area, including a Subway, salade legumineuse Pizza Hut, sushi restaurant and a Greek restaurant. There were people eating outside in a cozy-looking thing, Freshko and we decided to eat here. This proved a good choice.
There were among others a Guess store and a Disney store and several souvenir shops. Tom would be here in Miami are also a mecca for everywhere sit cigar stores with the finest Cuban cigars. There are several restaurants in Bayside, including the Chile's where we ate Thursday, Bubba Gump, The Knife a kind of steak / buffet restaurant (also in Orlando) and Hard Rock Café.
We have all the time to all boats and yachts stand watch in the harbor. From here leave for a cruise ship, pirate ships and boats that can tear quickly over the water. called. thrill rides. salade legumineuse
On the other side of the harbor was ao the boarding point for the hop on, hop off bus and the Duck Tours. We walked along the water toward bayfront park, very nice to see with colored chairs along the water. Here we have been watching for a while all the activity.
On the way back to the hotel we were in for a treat and walked to a Starbucks. We both took a frappuccino, Nathalie and I strawberry a new flavor, mocha cookie crumble with a slice of lemon cake with it.
Tomorrow morning, if we want to leave early to pick up the rental salade legumineuse car, we bought cups yogurt with granola and fruit to eat in the room for breakfast. Nathalie wanted to like this afternoon sunbathing by the pool and I wanted my book reading salade legumineuse in the shade. salade legumineuse We dressed again in swimsuits and went to the pool. But what a difference this morning! Almost all beds were occupied, there was a DJ who played loud music, the pool was full of hip people.
There were two beds in a free umbrella and to the pool guy who came to bring the towels I asked if it could be established. Unfortunately the wind was blowing too hard so that was not, he said. Nathalie did not mind to stay alone so I walked back to our room I was fine on our balcony in peace could read from my book. I'm salade legumineuse glad we have a room with a view of the city instead of the bay because then you constantly hear that noise at the pool. Unfortunately salade legumineuse for Nathalie that she does not have such trendy mom, haha. She had indeed entertained with great people watching salade legumineuse and tasty touched salade legumineuse up in the sun. In the afternoon we also have several pictures of the hotel. For the entrance are the most beautiful cars parked every time.
We doubted about PF Chang's and a sushi restaurant, Doraku sushi, which I had already read a lot about. At Doraku was happy hour from 5 to 8 pm and there were all kinds of nice dishes on offer. The restaurant looked nice and we sat down inside the coolness.
We feasted and it was very cozy. At the Publix at this complex we bought kiwis for tomorrow morning and mini Ben and Jerry's ice cream we ate on the way to the metro mover. Which metromover really helps if you fast and free to travel through downtown. salade legumineuse
Tomorrow it's time to leave Miami and start our road trip. We've only been here two days, but the idea to be much longer salade legumineuse road. Below are some pictures of the Epic Hotel.
Super fun! Am glad that you are still switched with the hotel, because it really looks MUCH nicer than our hotel in Miami. The food looks delicious eats, which will have tasted good. Have fun tomorrow, gr Esther Reply Delete
The hotel also looks great and then that view, lovely! The food also looks all delicious, hear good choice

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