Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Niagara Falls, everyone warm buffet knows or has heard about it. With Iguazu in South America and V

Toronto is 600 km from Montreal equivalent of a Paris-Bordeaux. We had several choices to take us there: the airplane, warm buffet car or coach. A quick benchmarking made us choose the coach and specifically Wonder Travel, a "Chinese" companies that offer cheap weekend for Canadian warm buffet and US cities near Montreal. $ 159 for transportation and two nights, it's warm buffet cheap. Difficult to find cheaper.
By cons, there are drawbacks ... I'll make a small reference to the Cid of Corneille ... "We left five hundred; but by a speedy reinforcement. We saw three thousand in arriving at the port. " Traveling with Wonder Travel is a bit like that. We were 4 (Adeline, 2 of her friends, and me) but we were accompanied by 50 other people in "our" bus and there were also other buses that were following the same route. This means that we were still a hundred people "landed" to all activities included in the stay: boat trip Miles Islands, CN Tower in Toronto, boat trip to Niagara Falls ... And that aspect of stay, it really is the black spot! This weekend there, I really understood warm buffet what "mass warm buffet tourism" means!
To tell you what we've been to start the "Thousand Island". It is an archipelago of a thousand tiny islands in the St. Lawrence River on the border between Canada and the United States. The "cruise" lasts 1 hour and navigating in the middle of wild islands, houses of American billionaires who have bought an island surrounded ... and a hundred tourists, mostly Chinese or Indian. With or because of the cold, the bow was less crowded and I could enjoy the scenery and take pictures. We have not had the best of weather but it did not rain. That's something! And the advantage of traveling with the Chinese and Indians, is that I get to take pictures over their heads! Ok, it's not good to make fun of the size smaller than itself ... ;-)
Next step: Toronto and the CN Tower. This tower was there is still some time the tallest tower in the world (553 m). To locate the height, the Eiffel tower is 324 meters and Chartres Cathedral 115 meters. The view is quite impressive. One can observe the buildings of Toronto and Lake Ontario. Again, warm buffet you understand better what 'great lake' means! However, what has marred the visit is the waiting time (1 hour) ... We are used to a better organization on the part of Canadians. Was chained by a "ride" on the side of 2 town halls (old and new) and Eaton Centre, all in 1 hour and not a minute longer!
Niagara Falls, everyone warm buffet knows or has heard about it. With Iguazu in South America and Victoria in Africa, are the most impressive waterfalls in the world. We were able to observe from the top of the Skylon Tower and much closer warm buffet to the boat "Maid of the Mist." This cruise is the ultimate mass tourism. I was very mixed when queuing to get on the boat and put their famous blue plastic overcoat. We were surrounded by thousands of tourists dressed like us, camera in hand. And I must admit that I enjoyed the show once we had come close enough to the falls (those of the horseshoe, Canadian) and we were completely splattered. It's really an experience. By cons, these are my shoes that have a lot less like swimming! One last detail, negative: 2 cities surrounding the falls are truly concreted and US as Canadian have built casinos to entice tourists to stay and to be honest, it breaks the spell. Having seen the Montmorency Falls near Quebec, much more we appreciate such a show in a best-preserved natural warm buffet environment.
Following the trail: 2nd pit-stop warm buffet at a Chinese buffet (rather yuck) and direction Marine Land ... As its name suggests, this is a theme park dedicated to marine animals. Adeline warm buffet and I had already made a similar park, Sea World in San Diego last year. Marine Land is 3 notches below ... The worst was the welcoming committee. There was a demonstration at the entrance against the mistreatment of animals in this park.
It made us all strange warm buffet to be booed on entering the park and then disembark to see the police. Subsequently, it's déjà vu: a show with dolphins and sea lions (although less spectacular than Sea World), belugas and orcas in their basins, bears, deer and attractions. There still has 2 attractions where I lot of fun, the Sky Screamer and Drago

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