Monday, October 21, 2013

All fill some donuts cream (half of large and small with chocolate cream and the other half with cr

Mix water, milk, butter, salt and vanilla sugar and put to boil. When butter is completely melted, remove decoration buffet from heat, add the flour all at once and stir vigorously. Continue mixing on low heat until the dough starts separating from the vessel. When slightly cooled add eggs one by one and stirring to obtain a smooth and shiny dough that must not be spills.
On greased baking syringe tulumbe or scoop to make balls (much larger and much smaller) and bake in preheated oven at 180 C for 25 min to fine golden. During baking oven do not open. When some donuts baked turn off the oven and leave them in it to cool.
Chocolate decoration buffet cream: Cream of coffee:
30 cl of milk 30 cl of milk
60 gr chocolate 2 tablespoons liquid coffee extract
3 tablespoons of sugar 3 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons flour
1 egg 1 egg
2 egg yolks 2 egg yolks
20 g butter 20 g butter
In the milk add chocolate and let the mixture is heating up on low heat. During that time mixer whisk egg yolk with sugar until the mixture becomes frothy. Add flour and izmesajte. Add the mixture into the hot "chocolate" milk with continuous mixing wait for the cream thickens. When the density of cream pudding add butter, izmesajte and leave to cool.
Powder sugar in a small bowl depth. Gradually he added dropwise milk and mešam until we get the icing desired density. Icing should be rare. Winning white icing divide into two parts and put in one half of cocoa extract and other coffee or a little Nescafe.
All fill some donuts cream (half of large and small with chocolate cream and the other half with cream coffee cake using a syringe) and leave to cool. On the upper part of the evening we put some donuts and glaze over it less krofnica (glaze is there not only for decoration but also has a function that sticks less to krofnica

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