Thursday, October 31, 2013

For the following conferences we seek parent representatives. Please let us know if you are willing

Welcome Home School Community School Parent Advisory Council School Committee conferences patrons canada a la carte student / internal representation workgroups City PTA Documents protocols addresses Internal Contact Imprint
Item 2: issues of school canada a la carte management with decision 2.1 Organization of the E phase from school year 2014/2015 (20:10 to 20:20 h) request: 'In the grade' E 'to be continued instead of the current rate system canada a la carte of the classroom from grades 9 with the exception of cross-class canada a la carte subjects. The goal is better educating the Schüler.innen on the course system. (Summary) explanation of the action and the application by the headmaster Mr. Hiemenz. 2.2 Discussion voting Portfolio link (20:20 to 20:25 h) request: 'The additional canada a la carte services provided previously listed in the certificate canada a la carte with a line such as participation in joint stock companies are audited by a separate document, which will be collected in Europe school portfolio. The testimony is given a reference to the portfolio. ' (Summary) explanation of the action and the application by the headmaster Mr. Hiemenz. 2.3 Educational Discussion voting day 22:11:13 to school culture: (20:25 to 20:35 h) explanation by the headmaster Mr. Hiemenz. Discussion: relevant issues, parental involvement Vote
Item 3: Other issues of school management 3.1 years scheduling (20:35 to 20:40 h) explanation by the headmaster Mr. Hiemenz. Questions 3.2 Rhytmisierung class (20:40 to 20:50 h) explanation by the headmaster Mr. Hiemenz. Questions 3.3 framework for extracurricular area (see HKM: Hiking remission) (20:50 to 21:00 h) explanation by the headmaster Mr. Hiemenz. Questions 3.4 Information Goals of the Presentation of the School of Vol 4 Profiles / elective subjects / Groups / learning coaches (9:00 p.m. to 21:10 h)
Item 4: Topics of SEB 4.1 organization for improving parent-teacher associations (21:10 to 21:20 h) Application: 1. Parents 'evening each school year shall ever born on the same evening held at the same time' The goal is a better integration of parents and parent representatives of the years to discuss cross-class vintage themes. Organization with the active participation of parents' councils, the class action to be mirrored by the same organization on the college side. Discussion Voting 4.2 years scheduling (21:20 to 21:25 h) discussion of the annual meeting dates SEB questions 4.3 upperclassmen (21:25 to 21:35 h) for the preliminary selection of the parents for the school board members (see below) Questions 4.4 conferences (21:35 - 21:40), su filling vacant post questions tuning 4.5 AGs, patrons (21:40 to 21:45 h) filling vacant posts talk / definition 4.6 Information on reappointment of the board (21:45 to 21:50 h) Sanitary facilities within 4.7 ' construction '(Talk application canada a la carte of plenary) (21:50 to 21:55 h) Discussion determining further action.
The election of members of the school board for the next two-year term will be held in a second SEB session. The School Council is advisory and decision-making body of essential school needs. It consists half of elected representatives of the teachers and the one-quarter of students and parent representatives. We parents have four voting seats and need four parent representatives and four alternates.
We ask for candidates who would like to get involved to perceive the participation rights of our parenting as a whole and to design our school development together in a constructive cooperation. Nominations or nominations we will take counter in advance. Feel free to introduce yourself to the session. Please feel free to
For the following conferences we seek parent representatives. Please let us know if you are willing to attend the conferences in a particular subject. A job description canada a la carte can be found on our website under Luo conferences. For the following subjects parent representatives are primarily looking for: Latin, Spanish, Catholic religion, Powi, sports, biology. For many subjects also deputy could be added. We thank you for your commitment and look forward to your feedback on This entry was posted in News by Administrator LUO-SEB. Bookmark the permalink.
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