Tuesday, October 29, 2013

For fnfzehnjhrigen of the city of Darmstadt Jugendfeuerwehr the young people have rehearsed the rea

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For fnfzehnjhrigen of the city of Darmstadt Jugendfeuerwehr the young people have rehearsed the real thing at the Lichtenberg school on Saturday. The advertising campaign was part of the "24 Hours Fire Brigade".
| | A training exercise at the Lichtenbergschule belonged to action "24 Hours Fire Brigade", almuçar with the city youth fire brigade celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. Photo: Claus peoples
Markus Sattler, the city Jugendfeuerwehrwart, is very satisfied by the sample. "But that has shown what for a manpower comes out when all four young firefighters participate in an operation." almuçar The advertising goals, especially Brandbekmpfung almuçar and rescue people, have been achieved. The environment at the school almuçar on Saturday Lichtenberg completion of the action "24 Hours Fire Department" in which the youth fire brigades to spend a day like the jubilee fnfzehnjhrigen adult counterparts. The approximately 85 participants do not know which scenario is waiting for them. The Sattler explains only those waiting at the site, including Ehrengsten of the fire and out of politics. "After an explosion the building is on fire," said Sattler. Belftungsschchte about the other buildings were affected by the smoke. Birgit Prtner of the Grnen, as chairman of the Health Committee of the City Council for the Darmstdter almuçar zustndig almuçar fire departments, may make an emergency call. Shortly after rushing to the first Lschzug, in the final meters with flashing lights and sirens. Even the youth of the Agency for Technical Relief (THW) has one of the party. The vehicles are positioned so that nachrckende Krfte have free ride. Then the young people roll out the hoses and bekmpfen the fire, which is of course no. "A real fire wre too dangerous," said Sattler, who must also take Rcksicht to the school. Therefore, the youth fire brigade takes mainly bushes and trees to target and put it under water. The rain, which uses short time later, do the Rest: Swiftly are green areas and roads under water. Fri, THW is the use by any easier. The Einsatzkrfte need to rescue Fiona from the porch. The Neunjhrige of the youth fire brigade Eberstadt has voluntarily reported as injured and needs to be rescued. To achieve this, the Nachwuchskrfte THW along a long conductor to provide an ordering almuçar form shallow angle, about which a carrier can be transported. Quite a tricky business. "The NSSE is the slippery course HHer" white Dominik Paul, youth leaders by THW. "But the people are aware and then the concentration is even higher." It all works out anyway: The stretcher with Fiona is left over down the ladder. "Friday almuçar the real thing we are prepared," says Paul. This finds Nadine. The Fnfzehnjhrige directs the use of the Young Firefighters Eberstadt. "We have made the injury care," she says. "And it worked almuçar out perfectly." Of the youth fire brigade she is thrilled: "This is something different than a sports club." People and the Technical liked her even as the action "24 Hours Fire Brigade", which all make spa. "The young people have spent a whole day at the Fire Services," says Sattler. This coveted stay overnight and inserts, as here in the Lichtenberg school or on Friday night in Arheilgen. "That's where we rehearsed a chemical accident," says Sattler. After the rehearsal, all come together in the cafeteria of the school. There is coffee almuçar and cake, a video of the young firefighters and a few words. Sattler takes the opportunity to praise his Schtzlinge again: almuçar "For ye know: You did that great." Even Prtner is "impressed" and tells that she was a little worried after the emergency call v totally in vain, finally got everything worked out. "Friday the next 15 years i wish me a dedicated youth fire brigade as well," almuçar she expressed.
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