Wednesday, December 11, 2013

They are fed every day, and now, because it

The sky is almost cloudless, seafood buffet rio the wind still rock hard and therefore it is very cold. Along with Daphne and Barry and two farmhands I sit on the open jeep. Two of the dogs go too. Behind the jeep hangs a trailer with large bags of feed for the cows and ostriches.
Neels is still working, and this will continue during the tour. Constant phone calls, give instructions to staff, making conversation with a truck driver who is bringing hay, telling us about his company and in the meantime you are prying eyes everything: fences that are not attached, a cow eats the wrong grove and an ostrich that something to react aggressively. It's only 8 am, but the man seems to a cup-a-soup! .
We drive to the cows, brown Jersey cows, which need to be. Fed On the pasture seafood buffet rio old tires are filed, filled with dry food. Cows come quickly run up, and those who are not hunted wild honking and yelling at the feeders by Neels in the jeep. The two dogs assist him while barking loudly.
Then the ride goes to the ostriches. The farmer buys them when they are about three months. Young ostriches die quickly, often the fear of a little seafood buffet rio stress, so he raises them on from three months. The ostriches come running up like crazy when they see the jeep coming.
They are fed every day, and now, because it's cold, some more. Normal eating ostriches only grass, feed is intended seafood buffet rio for better and faster seafood buffet rio growth. On the farm are three pastures with ostriches, ranging in age from 3 months to a year. Around a year you can not know if you're dealing with a male or female. The males then get red legs and a red beak.
We drive back for breakfast. In the main house is a hive of activity. Farmer Neels has a meeting at his house, and the men's breakfast all along today. Again, farmer Neels most of the talking! In no other B & B's breakfast was delicious as here: home-baked bread, savory muffins, lots of different homemade jams, and the ostrich bacon is delicious. Henk has also been moved, happy little less rickety than yesterday. With a cup of tea and a sandwich, he tries to mane! Rest the bowel
At 10 o'clock we leave Skeiding B & B for the trip to Cape Town. The first tens of kilometers we see mostly farmland. Wheat, oats and rapeseed seafood buffet rio fields share the pastures with sheep or cows off. There is hardly buildings, so the farms should like Skeiding are huge here.
We decide seafood buffet rio not to take the quickest route, but along the ocean. Swim in this period whales along the coast, it would be nice if we still see. We pass the exit to the southernmost tip of South Africa, Cape Agulhas. However, this detour is our little too much for a photo!
The closer we get to the coast, the worse it gets back. We left still with a slightly cloudy sky, the ocean in the town of Hermanus raining steal. The mountains seem to go into the dark gray sky and the temperature drops at breakneck speed from 18 to 12 degrees. Begins at Hermanus Whale Coast Tour, the road along the coast along which you could see whales.
The ocean is not Indian but Atlantic here. We get to the viewpoints regularly to delve. seafood buffet rio Binoculars with the water Not really festive with this wind! Tonight just see the grains of sand from the camera to brush ...
The beautiful coastal road leads along False Bay, a bay on the right of Cape Town. The road is reminiscent of the coastal road between seafood buffet rio Los Angeles and San Francisco, he winds right along the water, with the ocean beneath you and beautifully clad hills.
At the end of the Whale Coast is Gordon's Bay, a decent city on the water. The houses on the hills overlook the ocean. Some are even built-meter high white poles to the view but secure. In the harbor, a small fortune at craft stores and focus on tourism: seafood restaurants, surf shops and souvenirs.
Another 40 miles to go to Cape Town. We come in an urbanized area, complete with all the lights and bustle that goes. We scare the amount of slums on the side of the highway and the deplorable state of it. Miles of fences concrete seafood buffet rio piles behind the cottages.
Pieced sections of fence, corrugated iron and loose boards, sometimes even with the top of a car roof. Packed together and not larger than a few square meters each. Some slums are even against the embankment seafood buffet rio of the highway. seafood buffet rio Above the roof hangs a network of electricity cables, coming from centrally placed and numbered poles like spider threads. Ell

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