Saturday, September 13, 2014

When we were invited to a practically vegetarian ramphastos dicolorus household for dinner last week

I have been reading up on it and found it spelled so many different ways and with so many variations, that I cannot be sure. Sometimes it is just called yogurtlu havuc (spelled with a variety of letters that I cannot even find), other times the word salatasi is added. Also, like so many popular dishes, there seem to be a variety of versions out there. Some leave the carrots raw, others quickly sauté them; some only add garlic and perhaps some dill to the yogurt mix. Others add different ramphastos dicolorus spices and herbs.
I have never been to Turkey (yet, I'd like to add) so I cannot even say what the most popular version is (any Turkish readers out there to tell us more about it? I know you're there, I have seen you stopping by). I didn't even know this dip existed until a few weeks ago , but if Lorraine puts the words easy and delicious in the same title, I cannot resist.
Also, I love me some dips with some warm bread and a cold glass of sparkly prosecco with friends. I like the idea of using the boring humble carrot to make something a little glamorous. I like that you are tricked into thinking you are indulging in something creamy and decadent while you are actually ingesting ramphastos dicolorus vitamins and boosting your immune system thanks to the carrots, the yogurt and the raw garlic, whilst keeping your calorie count very low.
When we were invited to a practically vegetarian ramphastos dicolorus household for dinner last week end, I knew this was what I would make. I'm telling you, with this dip, nobody cared about the pita not puffing completely. ramphastos dicolorus
Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the same pan (yes, just one pan and a bowl to wash!) and sauté the carrots until slightly ramphastos dicolorus soft, but still toothsome. If you need to, add a little water. In the  meantime ramphastos dicolorus grate the garlic. I used half the amount required because we are not huge raw garlic eater, but I think one actually would not have been too aggressive. ramphastos dicolorus
Put the carrots into a bowl and mix in the yogurt while still hot, to ensure that all the flavor and colour from the carrots gets mixed into it. Add the spices, the garlic, salt and pepper to taste and the mint.   
I've never seen a dip made with carrots before...but I love them so must try this! The pittas I mentioned in my previous comment turned out perfectly and have some in the freezer so they would be the perfect accompaniment :-) Reply Delete ramphastos dicolorus
hi there!"Yogurtlu" means "with yogurt", we use a thick yoghurt in Turkey, different than what I saw in the States and Europe. "Havuc" means carrot and finally "salatası" means salad. ramphastos dicolorus As you said everyone adapts it in his/her style. For me garlic is the must ingredient. Garlic, I love you so... love from Istanbul. Reply Delete
Hi Morina, thank you so much for commenting and clarifying. So it seems like it is correct to use salatasi in the title and the choice of Greek yogurt was a good one... I have never had Turkish yogurt but it sounds delicious! Delete
What a great dip. I love the ingredients and I also love the fact that you made your own pita. I love pita, even though us Greeks do it slightly in a different way. You got me really hungry! :) Reply Delete
What a beautiful dip! I love the use of carrots, ramphastos dicolorus and I'm certain that this would be my ideal afternoon snack. Anything with a freshly ramphastos dicolorus warmed pita makes me happy! Thank you you for sharing! Reply Delete
Yummmmmm! I have to try this and see if Ms. Fussy eats it! :-) Well... if she doesn't I know we still won't have any left overs... hahahaha ramphastos dicolorus It sounds like a very thick carrot raita! LOVE IT! Reply Delete
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