Wednesday, December 31, 2014

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TH2 Hamburg
Now spring is finally here, and not just on the calendar! In recent weeks I've been on holiday, had much to do with my blog and made a creative break. But now I'm back. I am happy just so over the beautiful weather in Hamburg. This weekend I was out in the plaza around the sun, lazing hokkaido buffet long beach on the terrace and attended Lagerfeld's photography exhibition at the Hamburger Kunsthalle, but an event has made me so much fun - breakfast on Saturday with girlfriend on TH2. The TH2 cafe with three branches is actually an "institution" in Hamburg and refreshes with its bright, hokkaido buffet long beach cheerful mood: White painted walls, wicker chairs and pastries, as in an English hokkaido buffet long beach country hokkaido buffet long beach Café präsentiert.Angeboten is a good mix of breakfast, grilled paninis and delicious cakes that do not exist anywhere. A great cake counter and beautiful souvenirs such as biscotti, hokkaido buffet long beach tea, coffee are also sold in TH2. My favorite is the TH2 Cafe. Poeseldorf hokkaido buffet long beach in the middle
But to a special feature of this cafe is also known. The owner of the TH2 have a business establishment name TH2 WHITE, named after the café TH2 and the prevailing color - and offers beautiful furniture, hokkaido buffet long beach accessories and styling, which have absolutely nothing to do with a catering business now. From the color white one is also moved away - in favor of black and gray. Classically, it remains so definitely, chic anyway. Here are some pictures from the cafe and shop furniture ....
Proljeće per konacno u Hamburgu i ne samo na kalendaru! Zadnjih sedmica sam bila na godisnjem odmoru i uz to sam Imala dosta obaveza - u tom periodu pauzirala sam na blogu, sada ali sam tu ponovo. Jako se radujem lijepom i suncanom vremenu ovih dana u Hamburgu. Sam za vikend vrijeme provela vani, uzivala u suncu, izlezavala se na terasi I posjetila izlozbu Lagerfeldovih fotografija u geleriji umjetnosti, ali mi je jedan dogadjaj predstavljao najvece zadovoljstvo - Dorucak sa prijateljicom u kafeu TH2. Ovaj Café, koji ima ukupno tri filijale u Hamburgu depending vecini u za mene Hamburgu poznat i sa svojim enterijerom per tipican za Hamburg: bijeli Zidovi i Stolovi, hokkaido buffet long beach udobne Bijele stolice u skandinavskom stilu. Ponuda per dobar mix dorucka, friskih paninija i domacih kolaca koji se ne mogu naci na svakom Cosku Hamburga. Pored toga ovdje se mogu kupiti I raznorazni slatki specijaletit kao biscotti, scons., Cajevi, Kafa ...
Ovaj café each poznat i po tome because njegovi vlasnici Imaju i butik namještaja nazvan hokkaido buffet long beach po kafeu TH2 i boji koja dominira ovom radnjom - TH2 WHITE. Cesto sam u ovoj radnji namještaja i volim ovaj style. Radnja pored namjestaj nudi, dekorativne predmete, tepihe i aksesoare. Par utisaka iz kafea i iz radnje TH2 WHITE ...
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