Monday, December 29, 2014

I make factory in Greece - There will be no salary less than 1500 euros! - What does the daughter o

The "Pink" Yiannis Moralis, one of the most impressive kuma seafood buffet works of the painter, with almost all the features and craftsmanship of the artist, kuma seafood buffet is the masterpiece of the auction Greek works of the house Bonhams, which will take place on November 21 in London .. . The "Pink" Yannis Moralis The "Erotic" Yannis kuma seafood buffet Moralis The selling price is estimated at between 250,000 and 350,000 British pounds. kuma seafood buffet The international rating agency will auction 150 works by major, modern up to contemporary Greek artists. Among the major projects are tendered are: The "Perseus and Andromeda" (180000-250000) Alekos Fasianos monumental work that delivers a simple transfer of the famous mythological scene in modern times. Table 'Eros and Painter "(120000-180000) Nikolaos Gizis, rare museum project milestones of the painter, who was exposed recently kuma seafood buffet in Greece in 1928. A" Landscape "(80000-120000) of Pericles Pantazis. And the projects: "New kuma seafood buffet profile to right" (80000-120000 pounds) of Tsarouchis, one of the finest works from the late '30s, kuma seafood buffet influenced by the art of Henri Matisse and the tradition of shadow theater . The "beach house" (70,000-90,000) Michalis Economou, one of the dreamy kuma seafood buffet landscapes of the artist, "Santorini" (60,000-80,000) of Constantine kuma seafood buffet Malea, a characteristic example of the artist's engagement with the Cycladic island. And the "Psarokalyvo" (30,000-50,000) Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Gikas, work with Byzantine approach and cubist influenced by Braque kuma seafood buffet and Picasso. The auction yet included works by Theophrastus Triandafyllidis Bouziani George, Spyros Vassiliou, Alekos Kontopouli Yannis Spyropoulos, Polykleitos reggae, kuma seafood buffet Marios Green, Alexis Akrithakis, John Gaitis Thanasis Tsigou Costas kuma seafood buffet Koulentianos, Theodoros Stamos, Kessanlis etc. Nikos The paintings and sculptures will be on display before the auction kuma seafood buffet in London on 8, 9 and 10 November Polychoros Culture "Athinais" (Kastoria 34-36) in Botanical. G.E.KAR.
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