Tuesday, December 23, 2014


NICK PORTOKALOGLOU "30 years trip" Along the Sofia Sarri TECHNOPOLI - THROTTLE keräsalaatti WEDNESDAY JUNE 20 Participating keräsalaatti guests: Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Natasha Bofiliou and Panos Mouzourakis NP celebrates 30 years in music with a big concert at the Technopolis in Gazi Wednesday, June 20th. Guests at this concert - festival will be the Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Natasha Bofiliou and Panos Mouzourakis. 30 years ago, in February '82, he released the first album of FATME. The black, the girl with the veil on the cover. Since then followed for Nikos Portokaloglou thirty years of creation, inspiration and success, thirty years full of songs that were deeply engraved in the collective subconscious, thirty years of a course with a clear and strong artistic position. NP wanted to celebrate his musical birthday anniversary released a double cd The first cd contains new material while the second covers of older songs, sung by separate representatives of the new music scene basically like Panos Mouzourakis, Kostis Maravegias, Natasha Bofiliou, Leonidas Balafas, John Haroulis etc. Starting with this new release, NP prepared for the concert of Technopolis a colorful music festival. It is a celebration charged from the past but also looking to the future, to beautify and make even more special with their participation keräsalaatti Eleftheria keräsalaatti Arvanitaki, Natasha Bofiliou and Panos Mouzourakis. Nick interprets songs that we all have our love and companion in important moments of our lives, recommends songs from this new album, share songs with his guests, as always having a well-tuned band and Sofia Sarri his side, promises a possible summer evening in the cataclysm keräsalaatti that surrounds us ... Arguably from obstinacy keräsalaatti and madness ... maybe because one day we will go farther / further away ap'to end / until the beginning ... ADVANCE TICKETS: SHOPS PUBLIC, viva.gr, City of Athens Technopolis - PIRAEUS 100 TELEPHONE: 210 3475518
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TSIPRAS NOW: "With the new year, the Greek people will turn the page" - Smiling and relaxed Alexis Tsipras has just said "The Greek people of the new year will turn the page with absolute democracy" and wished ...
New threats keräsalaatti and blackmail by the "democrat" Samara: "In the third ballot to avoid the national risk. There will be no 'present' '- What is dangerous Sir, what I had always ... "Despite these differences, terrorism keräsalaatti and mud from the duo Tsipra-Kammenou, and other Members ...
Choosing the cook and the recipe that you like ... - On crimes and criminals ... Whispers everywhere, nothing contradicted, nothing is confirmed, none of those who should not have the mood and ...
Beijing: "Anefthynes" information - information that China was involved in stopping North Korea's keräsalaatti Internet connection is "irresponsible", announced today the Ministry of Foreign ...
In 168 the "yes" in the nomination keräsalaatti of St.. Dimas - What MPs changed attitude - In 168 came the "yes" got the nomination F. Dimas for the Presidency of the Republic in the second round held at noon the ...
168 voted Dimas, 131 present and one absence .. - A total of 168 MPs voted for the election of Stavros Dimas to the position of President of the Republic became independent ... the Tassel Win by DIMAR al ...
In 168 the willingness of the government to elect the President Republic ... In the third and poisonous will be judged by Stavros Dimas ... - Without the election of the President completed the vote in the House, as the candidacy of St. Dimas failed to collect the required number of 2 .. .
EXTRAORDINARY: THE RESULTS OF THE 2nd VOTE FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC - over and the second vote to elect the President of the Republic and the candidacy of Mr. Starr Dimas received 168 votes, three more than 1.
168 "NAI" and 131 "PRESENT" in the second ballot keräsalaatti for President-What changed in terms of the Republic - Independent Members who changed their vote in the second round of the presidential election are: Read To read the whole section. ..
The top ten scientific achievements in 2014 - mission "Rosetta" by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the adventurous landing subsidiary robotics diastimosy

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