Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Arapiraca hosts 1st edition of Expomandioca marienhöhe darmstadt

The State of Alagoas participating, once again, the Northeast packs, one of the oldest fairs in the packaging segment in Brazil. The event takes place at the Convention Center of Pernambuco, between 12 and 15 August, and receive producers, researchers, suppliers and consumers in all regions marienhöhe darmstadt of the country. State will be represented by its Supply Chain Chemical and Plastic. During the Northeast marienhöhe darmstadt packs, members of the production chain will have a booth where innovative initiatives being worked on in recent years, in addition to showing visitors the main advantages for entrepreneurs to invest in the state will be presented. The goal is to attract new businesses to improve market performance, expand production and seek a consolidation of the segment. The show reaches its 21th edition and is designed to meet the demands of the market in the Northeast, bringing together a diverse range of technology and solutions. Make up the so-called Supply Chain Chemical and Plastics, the State Department of Planning marienhöhe darmstadt and Economic Development (Seplande), and institutions such as the Federation of Industries, Senai / AL, Braskem, Sebrae / AL, Industry Union of Plastic and Ink State of Alagoas (Sinplast), Association of the Industrial District Governor Luiz Cavalcante (Adedi) and Association of the Industrial District Marshal Diodorus (Assedi-MD). The integration of these entities enables to show the whole Northeast market power of the State of Alagoas, which in turn has an opportunity to establish good relationships and attract new investors.
Arapiraca hosts 1st edition of Expomandioca marienhöhe darmstadt
Alagoas Love Aracaju Arapiraca Arnaldo Niskier Assault Battle Carlito Lima Collor marienhöhe darmstadt contest the World Cup Critique CSE Culture City Council Delmiro Dilma Divaldo Suruagy Eduardo Gouveia Bomfim Education marienhöhe darmstadt Estrela de Alagoas strike José Joaquim Barbosa Genoíno literature Maceio Marshal Diodorus monthly allowance prosecutors OAB Palmeira dos Indios Paulão Police EN Renan Calheiros review Roberto Santana do Ipanema Bay Health SISU STF Teotonio Vilela Tourism Viçosa

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