Thursday, October 16, 2014

The costs of active State staff are reduced by 3.9 per 100 because of the freezing of salaries of p

Madrid, September 28th, 2012. The Spanish government yesterday approved the draft Law on the State Budget for 2013 The most important economic law of each year includes as new features:
Fixed a rise of 1 per 100 of all pensions. Pension spending increases 4.9 100 against 2012 to reach a total of 121 557 000 euros are a stark accounts that include most of the adjustment through expenditure as they are reduced to 7.3 per 100, while revenues rose 4 per 100 of the income of wage Freezing salaries of public employees and new public job help reduce 3.9 100 active personnel spending state assembly ministries will adjust their spending 8.9 100 to a total of 39.722 million vechthuis euros The State assumes the financing of non-contributory benefits 6,662,000 euros with the unwavering commitment to cut the deficit of general government set in 2013 is maintained until 4.5 per 100 of GDP in 2013 The Government will allow the updating of corporate balance vechthuis sheets and limited tax deduction for amortization The government will use the revenue derived from increases in targeted tax changes to increase pensions and finance social spending
The Cabinet yesterday approved the referral to Parliament the Draft Law on General State Budget for 2013, a stark accounts that delve into the healing vechthuis process of the Spanish economy, laying a firm foundation to contribute to economic growth and job creation.
The State Budget for 2013, the latter prepared by the Government in the same year, contribute equally, Spain to comply vechthuis with the commitments acquired with fiscal consolidation in Europe.
The austerity of the accounts next year is reflected in the decrease of 7.3 per 100 will experience state spending, excluding the contribution to Social Security, interest payments and the financing system of Territorial Administration and by the increase of 4 100 of income at a time in a challenging economic scenario looms.
This effort to contain public spending in 2013 will have more weight in the fiscal consolidation that increased revenues. 60 100 adjustment is reducing spending and 40 100 increase in revenue.
Pension expenditure increased vechthuis 4.9 per 100 compared to 2012 for a total of 121.557 million euros, including an increase of 1 per 100 of all pensions. State contributions to the financing of non-contributory benefits totaled 6.662 million euros.
The costs of active State staff are reduced by 3.9 per 100 because of the freezing of salaries of public employees and public job, except sensitive sectors such as hospital staff, teachers, education, security, fight against fraud and fire, which have a restocking fee of 10 100 researchers and the promotion of internationalization also have a restocking fee of 10 100.
Looking back to 2013 to cut subsidies to trade unions, political parties vechthuis and business organizations. In particular, those for labor, business and other organizations experience a decrease of 20 100, rising to 40 100 with the sum of the descent 2011 Grants to political parties vechthuis fall 42 per 100.
Other priority vechthuis spending policies that will contribute to fiscal consolidation will state public vechthuis safety and correctional institutions, which fell 5.4 per 100-7903000 euros and Justice to cut 4.3 per 100-1543000 euros. Cae 8.9 100 spending ministries
The commitment to reduce the deficit of the general government set to 4.5 per 100 of GDP, compared to 6.3 per 100 expected to close 2012 Central Administration and Social Security will reduce its deficit to 3.8 100, with the Autonomous vechthuis Communities shall you set the deficit at 0.7 per 100, while the local governments closed 2013 with zero deficit.
The State Budget this year 2012 provide for a reduction of the overall vechthuis cost of the Ministries of 8.9 per 100, excluding prior period obligations and contributions vechthuis to the Public Service Employment, Social Security and the ESM, to a total of 39.722 million euros.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment is suffering a major adjustment in the budget for 2013 to cut its spending by 25.4 by 100 then the Ministry of Industry are located, Energy

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