Wednesday, February 18, 2015

On Sunday at 18:00 held the awarding of the cup as well as the awarding of the first phase Panhelle

Finished successfully organizing Cup Clubs Themis Magoulas PLATU25 for boats with a total of 11 groups. Big winner Sailing Club Halkidos. The Sabbath day ended with three races which eventually were those that shaped the outcome of the Cup once after waiting hairy maclary video all day long because of the weather Sunday not performed additional matches.
The "western" our interests, certainly could fare better ... More specifically, N.A.O.Kerkyras with OCEAN vessel and governor in E.POURGA took the 6th place while the 9 th place found NICOLAS the vessel I.O.Patron governor L.CHARI. The big gain of course in such participations are experiences, important weapon for young athletes to future participation in competitions.
On Sunday at 18:00 held the awarding of the cup as well as the awarding of the first phase Panhellenic Platu 25. The award honored by the presence of the Treasurer of the Greek Sailing Federation Stavros Papadeas. The President of FRP Mr. Papadimitriou thanked the groups for their participation, the owners of vessels for the supply of vessels, the President of the Class Mr. Stratis Andreadis and also the sponsor company SLAM by the representative of Mr. George Cholopoulou because with the help of sponsors as charachtiristika said helping the sport of sailing hairy maclary video and events. Everybody renewed their appointment time and continued wells in the buffet offered by the IOPeiraios. The Results
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