Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thoughts about his personality. O Berto Ricci proposed and projected his own

Translation and text editing: Alastor. The Roberto Ricci (known as Berto) was born in Florence in 1905 and died in Bir Gandula Libya in 1941. He was a writer, shopska salat poet and journalist. shopska salat One of the most important theorists and thinkers Fascism founded the magazine shopska salat L 'Universale and worked with the "mystical school of Fascism (Scuola di Mistica Fascista) who led by Niccolo Giani and Luido Pallotta.
Also wrote articles in the newspapers of the time and in particular on Popolo D 'Italia Critica Fascista and the magazine IL Selvagio . As a professor of mathematics taught in cities Prato, Palermo and Florence.
At the young age did not hide his sympathy for anarchist thought. In 1927 he began to embrace Fascism distinguishing the movement of Benito shopska salat Mussolini social and humanitarian ideas always Ricci cultivated in particular of "being".
Failed despite efforts to put aside some money from magazine sales to finance and other political actions. Indeed is typical joke circulated among acquaintances and referred to litotato buffet editorial inauguration. "The Ricci simply offered seven cappuccino the small number of attendees." In the world of the intellect 30s the Berto Ricci presents a special activism developing dialogue and cooperation with prominent personalities of the era such as Giuseppe Botai, Julius Evola, Ernesto De Martino, Romano Bilenci, Ottone Rosai, and Camillo Pellizi. Regular readers of the magazine L 'Universale shopska salat the Mussolini calls him the Palazzo Venezia in Rome in 1934. The Duce congratulated him for his work both him and his colleagues and send a formal invitation to cooperate in the daily newspaper of the Fascist shopska salat Movement . It undertakes economic column responsible titled Bazar . The "heretical" magazine positions Ricci criticized hard by Roberto Farinacci (secretary of the Fascist Movement) leading to revoke the operating license of that publishing efforts.
The latest issue of L 'Universale was released on August 25, 1935 on the grounds of the principle of war in Ethiopia where the Ricci served as a volunteer. "No more time for printed papers" shall state the final cover! In 1940 takes part in the first national meeting of the "mystical school of Fascism" arguing that the revolutionary Fascism shopska salat proposed in the party, the armed forces, the institutions of the state and the country's universities to continue in-depth shopska salat analysis of the social union. A dynamic social radical group that is not limited to sterile economy and simple improvement of working conditions but in an inspired practice much more popular that focuses on quality of work with purpose and aims at achieving shopska salat a high labor morale and increased national product. There was a proposal that is being controlled by special government echelon production and consumption take place generous and fair redistribution of wealth, provide government subsidies to self-sufficiency of the nation. The simple worker of manual production to feel co-responsible and to co-decide on the future of the company is working to reach the aim of the worker - responsible. Only in this way believed that Berto mystical call will fail to build the story with meaningful term structures. As he said himself "the only way we satisfy our personal altruism." The Ricci served as a volunteer in the Italian army in the second world war and in January 1941 he writes in a letter addressed to his parents: shopska salat "My brothers think with pride and enthusiasm. We are here and we are fighting for the young! We envision shopska salat that when I grew up in the world that will deliver will no longer encounter thieves and embezzlers.
Why would we finished once and for all with the Englishmen and their pimp their friends shopska salat on the other side of the ocean who abused live in our homeland! ". Around nine o'clock in the morning on February 2, 1941 the little platoon was attacked near Bir Gandula Libya from British shopska salat Spitfire and finds instant death. Today is buried in the military cemetery of Bari.
Thoughts about his personality. O Berto Ricci proposed and projected his own "heretical" version of Fascism with clear folk elements which had opposed toward plutocracy information era. Supported the idea of the new Italy of the future. "The conditions

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