Monday, March 16, 2015

Abr - A Definition - Ardent Defender mystic lake steakhouse AP - Attack Power AS - Avenger

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Posted in: Classes Paladin. Tagged: Guide, mystic lake steakhouse Class descriptions, Classes, description, English, Mists of Pandaria, mystic lake steakhouse Mists of Pandaria, MOP, Paladin, Paladin Guide, wow Paladin, Protection Paladin, Paladin Protection MOP, world of warcraft, wow.
We welcome you, this is a description of the Protection Paladin, or to refuel Paladins in MOP. The description includes basically everything in order to successfully tankolhass Paladins Herock dungeon or raid. Of course description is pretty mystic lake steakhouse basic, and does not include specific mystic lake steakhouse bossfight comments. With the description of the Prot Paladin you learn the basics. The document will be updated when feedback is you have to write a clan member (see the contact menu). The guide consists of: The major changes since Cata Abbreviations Active Mitigation - the new tank model Talents, Builds, Glyphs Rota, CDs Gearelés: reforge, gem, enchant Important changes since Cataclysm Talents, CDs, glyphs teljhesen changed five Holy Power can be up to but only three at a time can be spent, the skills have changed the names are similar, but they are doing something completely different! There are no missing auras of Righteous Defense: just plain left Taunt (RIP RD ) All non-crit and no healers and DPS gear tank gear too! Seal of Insight refuel in !!! Abbreviations: mystic lake steakhouse
Abr - A Definition - Ardent Defender mystic lake steakhouse AP - Attack Power AS - Avenger's mystic lake steakhouse Shield BIS - Best in Slot compliment - Blessing of Kings BOM - Blessing of Might Con - Consecration CS - Crusader Strike CTC - Combat Table Coverage DP - Divine Protection DS - Divine Shield GAK - Guardian of Ancient Kings GC - Grand Crusader GCD - Global Cooldown Hotrod - Hammer of the Righteous hop - Holy Power - how Hammer of Wrath HW - Holy Wrath J - Judgment JotW - Judgments of the Wise Loh - Lay on Hands salts - Seal Insight of salt - Seal of Truth Shore - Shield of the Righteous SS - Sacred Shield SP - Spell Power TbtL - Touched by the Light WOG - Word of Glory Active Mitigation - the new tank model:
Protection paladins rota and survival has been called. Activa Mitigation revolves around. The idea is that a properly implemented not only in the rota-ed DPS and threat-fold increase, but because of the hop spending can dramatically increase your chances of survival.
Short: 3 hop, 30% less physical damage ate three secig and scales of Mastery. Tolo The more, the less damage you'll get in. Active mitigation: press when you know that most damage comes in, thus reducing it. Of course, the more you want to push, but you may want to wait before major damage. 1 to 1 stack Shore Bastion of Glory: it increases the WOG healjét. You can stack up to five.
Copies the descriptions and short summary. Level 15 - Mobility Speed of Light - Increase run speed by 70% for 8 seconds, 45 second cd Long Arm of the Law - Successful Judgment Increases run speed by 45% for 3 seconds Pursuit of Justice - Baseline mystic lake steakhouse + 15% to runspeed, plus another 5% for each one hop
Almost mind1 which one to choose, the base of the Pursuit of Justice - this will always be maintained. Level 30 - Stun / CC Fist of Justice - upgraded HOJ - 6 second stun on a 30 second CD, 20 yard range Repentance - 1 min cc, 30-yard range, 15 second cd but only one target at a time Burden of Guilt - Successful Judgment of the applique to snare 50% target for 12 seconds
CC vs vs stun slow. The Fist of Justice was ajnálom, Interrupted. Level 45 - Defensive / Selfless Healer Heal - each Successful Judgment cuts FoL cast time and mana cost by 35% and by 35% Increases mystic lake steakhouse ITS Effect When Used To heal others, can stack three times Eternal Flame - uses all-hop to the healing and HoT target Sacred Shield - Shield puts hurt on target absorbs damage, shield Lasts 30 seconds ITS absorption capacity and refreshes every six seconds. mystic lake steakhouse 6 second CD, only one can shield you up at a time (Though multiple mystic lake steakhouse shields can be on the same target from different mystic lake steakhouse Paladins). Absorbs up to 117% SP every 6 seconds.
Clearly the Sacred Shield, and a CD to press. Very important! Level 60 - Cleanse / anti-CC Hand of Purity - Reduces effect of dots on the target by 70% for 6 seconds, 30 second mystic lake steakhouse cd Unbreakable Spirit - Each one hop cd reduces Spent on Loh, DP or DS by 1%, 50% up Possible reduction Clemency - hop, HoF, and HoSac HoSalv Used Twice before you can each start ticking Their cooldowns. Play with this in

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