Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The newspaper

We all have our preferences for FRUTEA most delicious. It even without knowing that within a grain hazelnut and olive oil, are numerous vitamins, which help the body to work in a healthy milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 way.
Or, that obtained from thana tea, berries, olive branches can be cured diseases such as liver, stomach ulcers, multiple sclerosis, etc. Moreover, there are fruits which are recommended milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 by the National Medicine for the treatment of more serious diseases, such as heart, stomach, blood pressure, anemia, cancer.
What is most important, on which they agree, as National Medicine, milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 as well as the modern of today, coupled with the fact that our table should not be missing in any meal fruits. Their diversity should be great, also the fact that the human organism assimilates everything, making them the vitamins and carbohydrates according to the proper functioning of all organs.
The newspaper "Tirana Observer" in today's supplement summarizes the latest advice that give doctors, that if anyone would apply would not be threatened by diseases of the stomach. Bananas reduce gastric acidity. Pickled Cabbage prevents boil. Garlic prevents the emergence milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 of an ulcer in the stomach.
These and many other tips and recommendations to physicians, in today's supplement of five pages, to protect against diseases of the stomach. Thus, the number of Saturday you will be able to read all about how to eat in the XXI century to keep away diseases of the stomach.
Stomach ailments are many and varied. For their treatment folk medicine will help you with some popular medical care, which can easily milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 prepare. The stomach is located milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 in the upper abdomen, under the ribs and diaphragm, and is linked to the gullet and intestines as a common channel, which runs through milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 the anus. The stomach has the form of a plastic bag while its size varies according to age and gender. The stomach is able to expand and retain nutrients in amounts up to several liters. Traditional healers have explained the diseases that occur in the stomach, as well as folk cures for their recovery.
What diseases can occur in the stomach? In the stomach may occur several types of diseases as acute and chronic gastritis, ulcers and hiperacidet. In acute disease, gastritis, gastric hulls infected, irritable. milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 Also, the core of the stomach, weakened under the action of microorganisms, chemical substances milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 from rotten food and especially when acted against the rules of hygiene.
How does nutrition in acute gastritis? Dietary habits and food that consumes each one is are the main causes of this disease. Excessive eating, good food mospërtypja mouth when used heavy meals, hot, cold, exciting, very sweet, meat, fish, potatoes, rotten vegetables, tobacco, alcohol, garlic, coffee, sauce, cause Acute gastritis. Acute gastritis these signs bodily collapse, vomiting, pain in the upper stomach acid; and burning sensation in the stomach. Chronic Gastritis is inflammation milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 of the stomach for a long time, as a result of acute processes, milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 especially when the stomach is burdened with excess food, hot and strong. The disease is caused by loss of appetite, vomiting, heaviness of food in the stomach, sour stomach, headaches, etc. Stomach ulcers caused as a result of chronic gastritis, which developed acne in membrane of the stomach, or in the initial part of the small intestine (duodenum). milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 This is an illness in which the stomach is affected most often.
Cheese and milk for boils in folk medicine used this method of treatment. Take 1 kg new cheese without salt, 1 kg milk boiled and cold. The mix together until formed a cream form. Përgatesën keep in a plastic container in the fridge and eat every meal from a tablespoon before baking.
A mint tea spoon of chopped mint set in a piece of strapping, which should climb above the navel. Strapping should keep it there for several hours until they cease abdominal pain stomach concerns.
Pickled cabbage pickled cabbage juice has given good results for diseases milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 of the stomach and ulcers. This juice should be taken every 2 hours from 1 tablespoon for 1-2 months. During this treatment should not be drunk alcoholic drinks and tobacco, and milk and fruit juices milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 can drink as desired.
Red beet for curing stomach, take 50 grams of red beet juice, 50 gr potatoes squeezed juice, cranberry juice 50 gr. These are mixed in a container and left there for 7 consecutive days. This fluid is used for the treatment of gastritis, hiperacideve, and for the healing of ulcers in the stomach milwaukee zoo ala carte 2012 and duodenum.
Mix of herbs for the treatment of gastritis hiperacide used this cure. Take 10 gr root çikoreje, 10 grams of juniper black fruit, leaves, nettles 30 gr, 30 gr bar wormwood. Take 2 tablespoons of tea from this mix and the

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