Wednesday, May 28, 2014

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Yesterday I finally got to get away from campus for a few hours. It always feels a little lichtenbergschule darmstadt extra when you have overstayed in the bubble as U-town easily become, a lovely one, but still a bubble. I, Allison (who wrote her last exam on Tuesday night) and Priya (the Singaporean kattokiga girl who took us to the cat cafe) went on Indian lunch buffet inside the Singapore city. It's probably the case that the Indian food and culture are what I like best about Singapore and then I have yet been to India twice before. We have all come to the conclusion that our last day in Singapore, we will, instead of trying new things, eat what we like best, because we do not know when we will have the opportunity next time. For me, it means Indian in plenty. I have been a fan of anything that contains chickpeas recently, lichtenbergschule darmstadt an adult character Mantro? The funny thing here in Singapore is that the Indian restaurants can be found Singaporeans of Indian origin, the Chinese places do you find Singaporeans of Chinese origin, and so on. Top unpleasant Indian figures at actual size.
The food was absolutely amazing and I got to try some new flavors, it becomes the easy-going here on campus food courtsen. When we had eaten as much as we could, which was a bit sad considering everything lichtenbergschule darmstadt one could choose from, we headed for home. On the bus I started to feel a light headache, in my apartment went headache over to among the worst I've lichtenbergschule darmstadt ever been through in huvudvärksväg. As much as I rested, slept, rested some more and drank water so they refused to give in so when Allison and Kaylee svirade into party clothes and began planning ladies night I was kindly put in my earplugs and pulling at me sovmasken to sleep away my terrible pain.
Today I feel better and have lounged me a little poolside with Martin and David for company. After lunch with Ramiar, I booked inspection time of my room and went to Clementi template lichtenbergschule darmstadt to post any cards. Tonight we celebrate our guys who have written their final exams, how and where I do not know but fy seventeen, now we are done every single one of us!
I want to end this post with a quote that I found about a week ago. It matches lichtenbergschule darmstadt so well with all of my closest back home and my wonderful friends here in Singan, it allows time for a little reflection.
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