Thursday, May 29, 2014

The next problem; a second pure de grao de bico turn? It is easy to think,

Affordable price, overflowing plates and always the same unpleasant soporific matkoma. This is the buffet. A kind of love-hate from my side, do not know what the buffet yourself think. Today we will take a look at how to create moderation in this abundance of food.
Many restaurants offer a lunch buffet and we all know the problems pure de grao de bico that can be summarized in: The desire to make value for money Pent hunger makes itself felt food tastes often (but certainly not always) good and you want more.
To begin with, drink plenty of water, happy half-hour before dinner, you will be measured pure de grao de bico in reasonable time .. Well with suction in the eye and ladle in hand, drop the spoon. Take the salad first, fill up atleast one-third of the plate. This saves you from having to make the trade-off whether to fill all or half your plate with potato gratin.
Then make good choices, you really know that that fried chicken might not be so thin after all. Choose good meat to a quarter of the plate and slow carbohydrates to rest. The sauce is good, but choose rather vinegar and oil (together they can lower the GI of the meal by up to 25%!). This is easier pure de grao de bico said than done, but think before you build Mt. Everest of carbonaran.
And yes, by the way, that's not a speed eating pure de grao de bico championship either. Eat at an easy pace, you might even have time to converse colleague for once? The release of satiety hormones have time in which to catch up, instead you have to wait fifteen pure de grao de bico minutes before you actually feel full.
The next problem; a second pure de grao de bico turn? It is easy to think, "Now that I still paid for the buffet, I surely do value for money", but what is value for money? To eat so much that you feel disgusting measured afterwards and have a bad conscience, pure de grao de bico because you nevertheless decided to eat a little less this time? OR to eat so much that you're just in time measured, enjoy the food and still be "on track" toward pure de grao de bico your goals, whatever they are?
This became pure de grao de bico a little recap of the old advice from Home Ec with both plate model (with modification) and kostplatityder. pure de grao de bico But some advice is boring, they do not sell magazines and has always existed. Maybe we need to pimp up the government's guidelines a little?
Slab for fab
Axel Bramell is my name and is a Scanian training nerd that plugs Training Programme in sports medicine, exercise physiology and sports psychology at the University of Umeå. I am a gym instructor in aerobics from start and founder of start-up company SLAB Fitness. Some goals I have before me is to make a Swedish classic and compete in various disciplines of fitness pure de grao de bico - further away on the horizon looms an ironman and on the intellectual side to study at Masters level. As I see it does not need health and physical performance become more difficult than it is (says the physiology nerd) and I come here to share my opinions, wisdoms and tips for us all to reach our goals and not lose my mind on the road. To follow me on instagram, it's no harder than @ slabfitness!
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