Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nigeria: country commemorating the 50th anniversary of Independence in Abuja mine exploded two cars

Valdis Dombrovskis, the Latvian Parliament photo. crab leg buffet kansas city
2 d. Latvia: Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis center-right bloc Unity convincingly won the parliamentary elections, beating the Russian-speaking population supported by center-left-wing association of "Harmony Center". "Unity" crab leg buffet kansas city and occupied the third place in the elections the Greens and Farmers Union formed a new coalition government, which on November 2 approved crab leg buffet kansas city by the Seimas. Prime minister remained Dombrovskis work.
Nigeria: country commemorating the 50th anniversary of Independence in Abuja mine exploded two cars and killed 12 people, another 70 were injured. Assumed responsibility for the bombings in the Niger Delta Liberation Movement (MEND) militants.
Indonesia: Central Java provincial north of the collision of two high-speed trains, killing 36 people, another 50 were injured. It is believed that the accident was due to driver error. On the same day during the same train collision Surakarta in Central Java killed one person.
3 d. Germany: the country celebrated its association, after the Cold War decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall merged capitalist crab leg buffet kansas city West Germany and communist East Germany, 20-year crab leg buffet kansas city anniversary.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: the country held general crab leg buffet kansas city elections in which he was elected head of state functions, the three members of the Presidium of the central parliament crab leg buffet kansas city and two semi-independent structures - the Serb dominated by the Serbian republic and the Muslim Croat Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - parliaments. It has also been elected president of the Republic of Serbia, which became a hardline nationalist Serbian Milorad Dodik.
4 d. Sweden Prize for achievements crab leg buffet kansas city in the field of medicine in Stockholm began 109th Nobel Prize Week. Charles of the Institute on Medicine Prize was awarded to the British physiologist Robert Edwards - "for in vitro fertilization (IVF) of development." Vatican spokesman called the decision "completely improper."
Hungary: Aiko western city aluminum plant in the fall of chemical waste in the tank, through the towns and villages swept slightly radioactive and highly ėdaus sludge stream, killing a total of ten lives. Red toxic sludge stream polluted 40 square meters. km area. Contaminants reached the Danube River and some of its tributaries. It is the largest-scale chemical accident in the history of the country.
Netherlands: poulistas parliamentarian Geert Wilders appeared in court on charges of racial hatred kursčius. He faces up to one year in prison or a fine of EUR 7 600 for the name of Islam fascist faith, the Koran compared to the German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" (Mein Kampf).
5 d. Sweden: Nobel prize for achievements crab leg buffet kansas city in physics, awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Russian-born scientists went to Andrei Geim and Konstantin Novoselov - for "endangered breakthrough experiments with two-dimensional material graphene". Currently, they are both working British universities.
USA: New York Court of Pakistan, an American-born Faisal Shahzadaui on May attempt to blow up the New York Times Square SUV mined imposed life imprisonment sentence without the right to run on before.
Pancūzija the Paris criminal court of a former bank Societe Generale employee Jerome Kerviel for billions pridariusio fraud losses imposed three years in prison and ordered to reimburse the bank 4.9 billion. Euro damage.
6 d. Sweden: Nobel prize for achievements crab leg buffet kansas city in chemistry, awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the American Richard went to a heck of Japanese crab leg buffet kansas city researchers Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki, who discovered a new type of bond between the carbon atoms.
Pakistan: north-west and south-west Naušeros city in the KVET Taliban fighters destroyed 40 gasoline-tank, the fuel was transported in neighboring Afghanistan deployed NATO forces. crab leg buffet kansas city Killed crab leg buffet kansas city by a tank vehicle driver.
7 d. Sweden: Nobel Prize awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, went to Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, wrote a more than three dozen novels, plays and essays, including the novels of the Department of Conversation (Conversacion en la catedral), "The Green House (La casa verde) and Goat Festival (La Fiesta del Chivo).
8 d. Norway: The Norwegian Nobel Committee for this year's Peace Prize to Chinese dissident gave Liu (Liu Xiaobo) - for long and nonviolent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. Writer and former university professor of literature is currently carrying crab leg buffet kansas city out the anti-state subversion "for his 11-year crab leg buffet kansas city prison sentence. This move greatly crab leg buffet kansas city angered the Chinese government, which had previously crab leg buffet kansas city warned crab leg buffet kansas city Oslo, the relationship between the parties would break sharply when the prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo.
10 d. Kyrgyzstan: the country held general elections, crab leg buffet kansas city a total of five games

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