Tuesday, November 11, 2014

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For centuries it's inventions, scientists wondered why such a big toucan beaks. Darwin mating, while others prey acquisition and gyümölcspréselésre suspected, but a recent empack study found a very different explanation for the excessive body size.
A research team under the toucan beak help regulate body temperature. Infrared cameras have been observed, as the bird transfers excess heat from the beak, and how to protect yourself from getting cold at night.
The needle cannula relative to the body of the largest pipe length of the body about the third. Previously, several explanations were found in beak size. Charles Darwin thought to play a role in mate choice, others think the bird is forced out of the tube by using fruit juice, while some theories suggest that the attackers intended to deter large beak.
Brock University in Canada and Brazil Estadual Paulista University scientists continued their research and found another explanation. The biggest nose tukánfaj (Ramphastos toco) thermographic examination empack revealed that the external temperature increases, the nozzle has warmed rapidly cooled the bird's empack body. Cool it was found that the beaks less warmed up, so the bird can regulate the heat output, and you can protect yourself from excessive cooling down.
Other animals also use this approach, for example elephants, mice and rabbits in the desert too large ears cool themselves down. However, the toucan beak particularly large compared to the body, it is the largest thermal control system of the animal world.
The study, published in the scientific journal Science, showed it off to the toucans extremely effectively regulate their body temperature: beaks be drained using 100 percent of the body heat, but the beak closure of the blood vessels leading to 5 percent can reduce empack heat loss.
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