Thursday, November 13, 2014

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The mnemonics is nothing more than the art of remembering. And what you want is a very, very learner to remember? IIIG, words. The people instinctively look for ways on how can a problem, it is difficult to remember the word, and it is either successful or not. For example, it was very easy for me to remember the word "juego", which is a game, simply because I started my favorite show, Game of Thrones watch in Spanish, with the Spanish title "Juego de Tronoša". Every time I would say play, I imagine, as the screen rolls in the Spanish or label and a deep male voice suddenly called out to Juego de Tronoša. ponderosa breakfast buffet
If you do not have something ponderosa breakfast buffet that I could speak to knit a thousand times more difficult it will be to remember ... I still do not know what "Aun" the Spanish word. Ankit seen a thousand times, but you never know. Leech became too :)
If you manage to consciously create a conscious link, however, you are guaranteed success. The first is the conscious "Build-a-word-story-around" -kísérletem recently ponderosa breakfast buffet fell and made me realize how much power there is in my hands. It also shows:
How did we get here? Tocar The sound reminded me of a toucan, a colorful beautiful bird. What is this bird doing? Érintget the beak of a musical instrument (see the trick? Two birds with one stone!), Which happens to be a sitar (because it came first to mind). Where? The Alhambra concert hall (hence jumped on). The rest of the details ponderosa breakfast buffet are not so important, I feel that's enough for this illustration ...
He listened, just as background music. I picked ponderosa breakfast buffet up my head and 1: 05 in length. It was not my intention interpretation of the song, but I heard crystal clear, that says: "Me gusta tocar guitarra ..." I like the rabid mouse yyyy ééértem this !!! *. * Guaranteed gratifying sense of achievement ponderosa breakfast buffet ...
Posted by on 03/25/2012 in nearaa effectively, inspiration, sense of achievement, learning about music and Tagged joy, foreign language, mnemonics, Mnemonic, language, language learning, spanish, words, learning.
Such "couplings" useful idiot of a teacher. ponderosa breakfast buffet I'll never forget, as the high school Spanish teacher constantly drawn and pointed, ponderosa breakfast buffet grinned, as if he had been playing activity. :)
Of course that makes sense! :) And you're absolutely right; Moreover, many "lefordítatatlan" word / phrase in every language ..
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I teach English in my friends Kitti Re: Festa Major de Gràcia!/spanyolul member! Woohoo! 1 year ago back from the Oktoberfest in Germany .. I LOVE !! 2 years ago RT @ omy: "When someone asks Which book, a CD, a computer program or website is best to learn from, I say," All of Them "" ... 2! Spanish munkatempo years ago: 10 pm came and still working on teveszerelok .. (only one cable to be guided two homes ..: D) two years ago and Game of Thrones / for breakfast .. :) http: // t. co / 2 years ago MA8U8BHj Followspanyolul
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