Saturday, November 1, 2014

But to the point: I had the honor to participate in Turku, Food

But to the point: I had the honor to participate in Turku, Food & Fun event in early October. This is a fun and unique restaurant event, with nine different Turku restaurant to cook local food chef, accompanied by the visitor. The Turku went eagerly to happen according to many restaurants best breakfast buffet and the tables had been booked full of eager diners.
We place was chosen Hus Lindman, where I have visited only once lunch. The restaurant is the setting for a beautiful and valuable, so it is a perfect fit Food & Fun Restaurant. Hus Lindman's visitor as a cook by the Swedish Morro Varli Language Stockholm's Radisson Royal Park Hotel. best breakfast buffet
I took a self-food menu alongside the pre-customized wine list. Since I am not a great expert on wines themselves with respect to, it is nice to order a glass of which the professional is selected. Such is sometimes nice to try, but I must admit that the three glasses with dinner is too much for me ... for future profitable to stick together in a glass. best breakfast buffet Not that I would have been in big pöhnässä, but a five-course meal with a glass more of my belly is simply too much.
The kitchen best breakfast buffet was a reindeer greeting salmon omenamoussella, which the French have already tasted champagne (Palmer & Co Brut Reserve). best breakfast buffet I apologize at the outset - from me you do not get an in-depth best breakfast buffet analysis of drinking, because the grading is good / bad. So I do not even try to change the source :) However, this was good! Similarly, the beginning of the food was in my opinion the whole set of the best parts.
A starter we were served potato, whitefish roe, red onion and kanttarellismetanaa. The dose was to your taste a bit too salty and heavy. This may have also contributed to the fact that alkutervehdyskin was relatively large, therefore, to be a welcoming message. The dosage accompany served best breakfast buffet German Riesling (Riesling WinWin), which was in my opinion a properly working choice. Riesling was nice to sample throughout the evening, but as I said, it would be worth it just to order and leaves, as well as champagne and dessert wine altogether.
Next, the crab was served, cappuccino, and Västerbotten croutons. A special best breakfast buffet dose, which was not to my taste. Clearly Cappuccino flavored kit did not managed to wow, as this dish did not buy it at this point the whole. Too sweet.
The main course tasted better now - you choose your two options of fried pike-perch: a portion was also involved in shrimp, sea buckthorn berries, red cabbage and mashed potatoes - and win! The whole aspect of the most humblest best breakfast buffet dose (at least in the picture) was one of the best! I liked the self-buckthorn berries with red cabbage and the combination of this dose, the prawns were perhaps a bit unnecessary. The basis for a bit of casual dose, but why not, if it tastes good!
For dessert, we were still covers cheesecake with cloudberry jam. Unfortunately, this dose was the size of the table especially the most disappointing, as the cheese cake in my opinion, the definition was not met at all. I do not know what this was, was a bit of a pancake best breakfast buffet in each room. Too bad, cheesecake always best breakfast buffet gives rise to high expectations. Wine of dessert served in a German sweetness (Huxelrebe Auslese Bio Lorenz) has agreed on the whole nicely. Sweet dessert wines should probably still leave the future out of because I was not able to drink a dose-probably half of it. Sweetness simply exceeded.
Hus Lindman's table setting was therefore full of good and less good stuff. I was expecting maybe a whole something "higher", and quite a normal left menu caused a small disappointment. Mun would also not have been drinking a half less, maybe a whole would have been lighter without drinks. Hus Lindman for perfect milieu, and it would be nice to visit again and recommend the place, sometimes for lunch and dinner. I have heard the abundant praise for the summer best breakfast buffet terrace: Waiting for next summer, that is!
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