Sunday, November 9, 2014

Contract Secretary, Civilian Mission of SIV-arviointijärjes Defence Forces / finance and sales / Ce

Contract Secretary, Civilian Mission of SIV-arviointijärjes Defence Forces / finance and sales / Central Finland the application deadline has passed. View all jobs in the profession of sales and finance experts in the area of Central Finland Show Defence Forces jobs in Central Finnish Defence Forces is a rapidly developing, valued and safe employer, offering a diverse and challenging missions sakura seafood buffet college park around the Finnish. Defence Forces, 15 000 employees, almost half of them civilians or civilian trained. Air Force Materiel 1.1.2010 sakura seafood buffet college park established the Air Force Commander, subject to a number of department, responsible for the Air Force as part of the overall performance of the Air Force, the material performance of the design, construction, maintenance and dismantling. Body parts located in Tikkakoski, Tampere Hall and the Linnavuori. Air Force Materiel sakura seafood buffet college park employs approximately 600 people. sakura seafood buffet college park The post / job description: Job Nurse works of the Air Force Materiel Planning Department of the contracting sector hankejaoksessa Tikkakosken locations. The contracting sector is responsible for the Air Force Materiel acquisition of the responsibility of, all sectors of the supply portion of the commercial preparation and implementation, as well as the fact that the purchases are made with applicable laws and regulations. Hankejaoksen sakura seafood buffet college park is responsible for new acquisitions and related research and development contracts sakura seafood buffet college park and service contracts. Secretary of the acquisition is mainly engaged sakura seafood buffet college park in domestic procurement manager sakura seafood buffet college park for a commercial matter. The duties include. - The call for proposals and the product or service to the commercial portion of the definition (eg. The submission, delivery, duration, payment and delivery terms and conditions and other terms and conditions, comparison, and selection criteria) - Opening of tenders (the opening committee, served as secretary of the) - Procurement supervision, bid comparison and possible specifications - Contract Preparation of decisions and orders of contracts - Payment Making predictions (procurement status tracking) - Dealing with technical experts - Invoice Audit and Payment Preparation - Acquisition of document filing of restructuring as a result of the Defence Forces dismissed and threatened by redundancy, eligible persons have priority when filling vacant posts, sakura seafood buffet college park filling temporary vacancies and tasks . Eligibility criteria: the post of Defence Forces to be appointed as required, that he is a Finnish citizen and meets the general eligibility criteria for a government post. In addition to the general eligibility for a government sakura seafood buffet college park post elsewhere in the law, the armed forces of the appointed sakura seafood buffet college park tasks required sakura seafood buffet college park for the necessary credibility. The applicant is made with the consent of the safety report (basic security clearance, the law of the safety study in Section 4). The applicant to look forward to: the task can be managed successfully - Bachelors Degree or Bachelor's degree - more than three years of work experience in We read in favor of: - the Armed Forces procurement sakura seafood buffet college park and guidance knowledge - experience the defense forces of different computer programs use (SAP, PvAH) Personal attributes: sakura seafood buffet college park The successful management requires the applicant to: - number precision and diligence - Good communication skills - Personal initiative and ability to work independently. Work necessary language skills: Good oral and written English language skills would be an asset. Performance-based pay: the Defence Forces is enabled based on job evaluation palkkausjärjestelmä.Viran / job requirement category is SIV7 (task specific component 1923,34e / month). On personal work performance-based salary does not exceed 37% of the job's salary. A new person to the personal salary is 17% (326.97 million) of the total wage and salary 2,250.31 euros / month. , The Air Force Materiel, PO Box 14, 41161 Tikkakoski, Release Date 2011-05-04 Address Pl 14.41161 TIKKAKOSKI Applying Appointment Set By Employer - See Free Text Ktm Riitta Väisänen, 0299 283 450, the application deadline has passed. Keywords Procurement Secretary, Civilian Mission, Filing, Tikkakoski, check, money
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