Monday, November 24, 2014

Most remember the musical

7. July 2013 writes Henning Ness an article in Aftenposten entitled "Reincarnation - An unwanted child - Whoever will seek spiritual truths of life, must seek elsewhere than in the Church." The article was introduced buffet breakfast brisbane with link in Antropost 7-2013 . At least one of the comments was chock full of bile (Ole Eriksen) against all anthroposophic general and against Ness particular is something I understand, although it bubbled over polemical prejudices that emerged involuntarily comical.
Although I have a lot of problems with Ness' initiatives in Aftenposten. And the first thing that strikes me is that he emerges as Waldorf buffet breakfast brisbane teacher. Over the past 20 years, rocks schools gaining popularity worldwide aroused some resistance and some of this resistance consists of sullen antipathy which involves mendacious buffet breakfast brisbane claims. One of these claims is that students learn about anthroposophy these schools. This is not correct, but the situation does not get better buffet breakfast brisbane when stones educators advocating buffet breakfast brisbane pure anthroposophy in the national media. buffet breakfast brisbane
The following statements in Ness' chronicle require comment: "We are now entering into what is called the Age of Aquarius, where the experience of near-death experiences and the experience of reincarnation becomes more common and common."
Most remember the musical "Hair" from 1968 and the bangs beautiful opening song "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius," which thus suggests that the Age of Aquarius began 45 years ago. So easy it is not. Astrologers disagree about when the Age of Aquarius will begin, buffet breakfast brisbane or whether it has already begun. According buffet breakfast brisbane Nicholas Campion claims most publications on the topic that this age began in the 20th century (29 claims), with the 24th Century in second place with 12 claims.
The most common calculations are based on the Platonic year (ie the time the sun spends go through the entire zodiac as seen from the northern hemisphere at the vernal equinox) has a duration of 25,800 years and that each age therefore has a duration of 2.150 years.
Now however, we should assume that Henning Ness suggests Rudolf Steiner estimates in this field, buffet breakfast brisbane and it's buffet breakfast brisbane something different. He believed namely that the Age of Aquarius will begin in the year 3573 AD According to his calculations, the Platonic year lasting 25,920 years, ie every age lasts 2160 years, and these coincide with his historical periodization. Seven of these astrological ages coincide with the post-Atlantean culture epochs: buffet breakfast brisbane 1. post-Atlantean epoch (the ancient Indian): 7227-5067 BC 2. post-Atlantean epoch (Old Persian): 5067-2907 BC 3. post-Atlantean epoch (the ancient Egyptian): 2907-747 BC 4. post-Atlantean epoch (the old Greco-Roman): 747 BC - 1413 AD 5. post-Atlantean epoch (the current European): 1413-3573 AD 6. post-Atlantean epoch (the future Russian): 3573-5733 AD 7. post-Atlantean epoch (the future US): 5733-7893 AD
The fourth era include words both the two periods buffet breakfast brisbane as historians call antiquity and the Middle Ages. Late Middle Ages is usually considered until 1500 AD, then the modern era, but Steiner puts words divider year 1413. This fourth epoch called also the intellectual era while the current (fifth) epoch called consciousness era. The future sixth era, ie the Age of Aquarius, also called the era of universal buffet breakfast brisbane brotherhood. In fish the age (ie the current fifth epoch), people must develop their individual independence. In the coming Age of Aquarius, people can develop spiritual brotherhood, but if this brotherhood should come now, would not human individuality be strong enough. For that reason buffet breakfast brisbane comes Age of Aquarius buffet breakfast brisbane first about 1560 years, ie 3573 AD
When Henning Ness claim categorically and without preamble or warning that "We are now entering into what is called the Age of Aquarius ..." in himself Aftenposten, he half millennium too early if he wants to reflect buffet breakfast brisbane Rudolf Steiner's ideas. If, however, he sticks to Terry MacKinnells calculations, he 600 years too late, for according MacKinnell began the Age of Aquarius in 1433 AD
Equally categorically and without notice alleges Ness in the same sentence that this Age of Aquarius means that "the experience of near-death experiences and the experience buffet breakfast brisbane of reincarnation becomes more common and common." That said, referring to an era that is half millennium in the future, as if it is present, he believes. And when this becomes literally strung over Lutherans ernes heads in this way, it can be experienced not only as strong cost but as a stranger lightning from a clear sky. It is therefore not unexpected that someone reacts with bile.
I also have problems with the title: "Reincarnation - An unwanted buffet breakfast brisbane child - Whoever will seek spiritual

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