Monday, November 3, 2014

Congratulations to Katja and Apple Snow!

Edit. 13.12. The draw period has ended. Winners will be announced 88299 tomorrow. There is little time for celebration. Apple Snow-blog meets the principles and practices of four years. I will be happy to blogisynttäristä 88299 principle, therefore, that the first words I wrote in my blog exactly four years ago, but the first kirjaesittelyni (the kind where my text was) wrote in January 2009. But the first blog post is the first and four years ago, Apple Snow-blog was born. Then my blog was called Snow apple readings. Longer read my blog know that first wrote a book, then, according to them was this, and now I have for some time been a blog attached to the books. To celebrate the occasion will serve marmeladisydämiä 88299 photo format. Nelivuotissynttäreillä would certainly be angling, but it is a little difficult 88299 to implement on your blog. Fortunately, Christmas is arriving in kirjabloggaajaa and certainly not pleased 88299 about any other gift as much as a good book. I now declare the draw, where participants write a letter to Santa Claus. In the event, if Santa did not bring a wish book, the winner can buy it for yourself. The raffle grand prize is a 30 EUR voucher for the Academic Bookstore or Adlibrikseen the winner of your choice. And since Christmas is nice to remember some friends, the value of two consolation, who have something in writing and / or Christmas parties. Draw Rules are as follows: - Write a letter to Santa Claus. Hope you get this time only one book. What is it? - Mail your letter to this post in the comments field (you can of course in addition to approach the Santa Claus) - You can take part if you are logged in a reader of my blog (now time to log in), or if you are a Snow Apple Facebook People who like - By participating you will receive one lottery ticket, linking the two. Please let me know the possible linking - Time to take part in the lottery 88299 is just over two weeks. The draw closes Lucia on 13 December - proclaiming Winners publish it at the same time Apple Snow readers joint letter 88299 to Santa Claus. I picked the best pieces of the letters, as well as a wish list of all the books up. Good luck and thank you to everyone Snow Apple reader!
Congratulations to Katja and Apple Snow! <3 I would hope Santa Claus even if my book How were born 5 copies (I already have it on loan from the library, but it would be a wonderful piece with a later date). Delete
Dear Katja, Santa Claus! First of all a raft of luck 4-year-old. 88299 It's been wonderful to follow your blog (point a couple 88299 of years I have visited here on a regular basis). How do you know how not to write such a great book. Christmas is upon us and it would be wonderful during the Christmas holidays to get you to read a very good and entertaining book as a gift and I hope Heidi Köngäs "Dora, Dora." 88299 I am very interested in reading the reviews here Lumiomenassa. One lot, I'll try my luck. t. Jaana (PSolen been quite nice) Delete
Terribly good luck! You are already a veteran real-blogger! Lovely hearts. I am involved in two by drawing lots. Letter to Santa Claus: Dear Santa, Awesome that you have time to his journey here until Christmas day. We put the carrots for the reindeer while the back yard and you cookies and milk in the kitchen. Towels are in the laundry room in the closet, just in case you have time to take a dip in the ocean gifts, sharing between them. I hope this year the hard package to be found by Aki Ollikaisen Hunger Year. I have been once again really nice, as you probably already know. Yours always, Sannabanana Delete
Good luck with Snow Apple, and <3! This year, I am able to write to Santa Claus at all, it should be the first to ask for more time to read; the bookshelf sharp pruning showed that a myriad of your books have been a couple of hyllyllistä ... So I'll leave the draw between, and I will confine myself to send virtuaalihaleja you. Your blog is always a pleasure to read, as it exudes a kind of discerning positivity - a rare feature! Delete
(Good luck! Comes with a one!) Dear Santa, I have this year has been pretty nice. (Well, I can not always yes, but the best I have tried most day. As you probably know. And honesty 88299 will get extra points, right?) I hope the gifts of Jerusalem, Guy Delisle posts. I borrowed it from the library already, but I see now thinking that it should be just omassakin hyllyssäni. So if you can send one elf bookstore and roll up my pakettiini comics? Best regards, Norkku Delete
Good luck with your blog, and, of course, you yourself should. :) Two of the lot I jump, I link this evening or tomorrow 88299 on my blog. Then: Dear Santa, I have montakin wish for a record, but the number one is Ulla-Lena Lundberg ice. I'd really like to get its own, it seems interesting. Anyway, all related to the history books would be nice, I like them. :) Greetings special kind Jonna:> Delete
Good luck, good luck, good luck, and once again Good luck! Iha

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