Saturday, April 4, 2015

Since prayer is acceptable snow crab buffet singapore to God Almighty, there are some rules which m

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Islamic medicine
Since prayer is acceptable snow crab buffet singapore to God Almighty, there are some rules which man shall meet. They are: -Drejtimi the Kaaba their hands raised to heaven with their hands and face after completing the prayer to delete his face with them. This is because, based on the word of the Prophet (pbuh) when he says: [...]
Since prayer is acceptable to God Almighty, there are some rules which man shall meet. They are: -Drejtimi the Kaaba their hands raised to heaven with their hands and face after completing the prayer to delete his face with them. This is because, based on the word of the Prophet (pbuh) when he says: [...] Rating: 0 Rules of prayer April 3, 2013 / By MI
-Drejtimi The Kaaba their hands raised to heaven with their hands and face after completing the prayer to delete his face with them. This is because, based on the word of the Prophet (pbuh) when he says: "When you pray ye therefore the Lord, turn the hands of Him and when you finish delete them face, because your Lord is generous and immortal. He hardly comes from the ego that one to direct the hands of Him and He not respond to his prayer. " (Reported by Ibn Majah).
Prayer should be done softly. Almighty Allah knows very well what is in your heart and what she wants. He knows very well your need even if you fail to shqiptosh it. The Prophet (pbuh) said: "O people! Do not try yourself. Lower your voice when you supplicate Allah, because not ask a someone that you do not hear or remote. Remember that you are praying What hears and knows all that is around you and with you ". (Narrated by Muslim). snow crab buffet singapore
Choosing suitable time. Lord we pray at every moment, but there are some cases better as the Majestic month of Ramadan, Laylat al-Qadr, the day of Arafah, the day of Jumu'ah for which the Prophet (pbuh) said: "It's an hour on the day of Jumu'ah in which if a man prays and prays to Allah, the Almighty, snow crab buffet singapore He has to put to meet the prayer ".
* Also the third part of the night is one of the most favorable times for prayer to Almighty Allah accepted, because at that time he descends worldly heaven and says: "I am the King of kings. Who is most at this moment I pray that prayer put to replenish it? Who asks me anything that I give to? Who is the most apologizes I forgive him? And it goes on like this until dawn morning ". (Narrated by Muslim).
* Among the suitable time for prayer is even after the end of every prayer. Also, when you are down in the forehead on the ground snow crab buffet singapore before Allah Almighty, because it is closer to the man and humble of his Lord.
When you pray you must start with gratitude to Almighty Allah, to pray for the Prophet (pbuh) and then start your prayer. These are some of the guidelines that gives us the Prophet (pbuh) when he should ask Allah.
When you ask Allah, it is preferable to follow are those prayers that have been prayed with the Prophet (pbuh). Name of Allah, the Exalted, is one of the main references to the Prophet (pbuh), who informs us that the greatest name of Allah found in these two verses: ((And your Lord is One of Only. No other god besides Him . He is the Merciful and Most Merciful)).
Also narrated by al-Tirmidhi that once the Prophet (pbuh) had heard one of his friends to Luste Allah with this prayer: "O my Lord! I ask You for You are God besides Whom there is no god. You're the One for You need all the creatures. You are the One Who has not arisen anyone and neither is born and no one like you ".
When he heard her praying so, the Prophet (pbuh) said: "By Allah! This has prayed Allah to His great name, of which

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