Thursday, April 2, 2015

* * * T ket dog must Winters, that was back to work (laughs msues in a village and the other), I fo

Criticism deja-vu - Prparim Hysi: Beware of 'bite' man! ...
How many times brings ndrmnd, olives preparation m look like his portrait alive. Thin and tall, but said firmly as a tree, with White sod at the head, with buzqeshjen as t iltr which originated as Mirsie and words mblq n t t bnte as for himself, his hand kosovari or Bac Mustafa, as the thrrisnim, that you asi time, Afr moshss retirement. That's strange, olives preparation will chat linked with something and prkimi or resemblance was so iprkryer, as there had pr forget how far he spoke. That friend ers and un like and respected, widow things, olives preparation that his son t great, Sadiq, qem intimate friend. I never forget how when m show something that was related to timeshoqe. This sample is pregnant (pregnancy, when thon there from our ant) and, in this gjndje however, was falling olives preparation villages (was shrbente three village , AFR three km away from the village where we were living), cross etrthor, that you nurse. Baca, I was shkmbeheshim njdit left timeshoqe to escape from there job, and me, suddenly, m said: - BACnet Dgjo njtash. And I see that is grah ttshoqe below eprpjet and vallah, Kohn anyone has. - Well, bac, - I say, - Thus is the law. - Yes, more, yes. You know Baca, but these digjon me that I tell. When falling shtatzan Gruen, NDR us, in Kosovo, do you know whether I bnte vaki? Such Gruen giving Grues tjetrq Handover what had ELSAT the shtpis. This makes plotsonte to all conditions, with dairy, vegetables olives preparation and all sorts of fruit. That the treated tuj kshtu, t nesret had to let Nji Children of shndetshm. That's like Children (ika of una) to strongly that without kien t till, taken Jara shkjau mbytte us. And that loyalty, strong boy out, or you, who told Lighthouse. Here, vrej Sadiki (eldest son of Bacs) to do with m either come Sadiki Sometimes I m says: that bab "m is such a man confess", by Allah, billaahi, m mir stabs the blade than with the pack master. When there arises aj, the ama, has taken to tana: the dairy, meat, fruits, and ttshoqe Schiff: I roam, how are suffocate, and when travail The child, -no, taken Jara - better with mo, but for power, here it says Baca: - Forget! And like not un like, kt accepted his claim to a fact that his speaking. As without, q m "beat", gave a t laughter (as m missing it so spiritual laughter), but Dasht, Jara that do not have a job ksaj with the ba . And MCI each n t his job.
* * * T ket dog must Winters, that was back to work (laughs msues in a village and the other), I found ers cut wood in the front yard is Pis. When, next to the fence that separated the yard from the street, was rrfye Baca. Buzqeshjen had as t sprouted on the lip and, unlike the usual hello (from it is bnte IMAT, should say: - Pun around!), said: - "there are tuj ba, Hazis? - Yes aj wood. - Yes Papi? (Bodeci piercing olives preparation for me, that, while IMAT retiree chopping wood, un men in meal've used to see) - and IMAT, tossed for chuck, said: - Why when Papi see my hair or when to die? !!! Licking m t RND than that I do not ngrn Sometimes and, IBR tossed in the face, was measured to enter brought within. - Wait, Jara - Baca spoke. That I have two words. Whereas entered in the yard, ran took a chair and sat ULN njri versus other with victims, and got, fjalnprsri.
* * * If you tell a story, to remember, more Yaran. olives preparation Un (m had passed the fries) are expected wears eye. There was kn, - began to tell Baca - a believer prayed in the mosque. And thn imam was somewhat believers: -Gjithkund ve ba better. For njerz is that yes, yes and animals and creatures that are. Paska thn imam, and somebody, when out of the mosque, without lip Nji a dog t sklebosur channel for mysybet to God. - Ou, has lshue Nji kuje a clever tuj die and said the imam m helped. The dog took parakrahsh kt and, at home, has left the mir mir, has brought in ngran and, little by little, the dog bounced. Arise, Arise, yes, I know, has got better after passing olives preparation the time the dog will ba bone bash as lambs or you. The neat being tuj plays with the dog when Nji day bash, tuj plays, the dog has bitten in the finger. Man umrzit and paskej more thn being: - I saw God as m kafshove when un bana everything for you. And vrej, taken Jara that dries somewhat lighthouse dog: dog un am and di t bite, is warned olives preparation by human bite, that is to bite the man, hardly being sh rohesh. olives preparation How un and IMAT hold mbajtmt laughter from rrfenj, but Baca was such that no cartridge evacuate vain. To being up to escape, m said: - O Page is a sector meeting today, the person who works lshue have me soon, that somebody olives preparation has to either come from above, that bone njiashtu work. And you (had fjalnpr us as a family) was not working Kushi here, but you, Jara do better to either come to have decided, with "t killed in sleep". It rose and said: - The slave, to me worse than dog bites, vallah. My Prqafoi at and fled.
* * * Now I forgot the dog bite and I n 't come to the "Order of Bacs. He wore (IMES

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