Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tags: 2014 Amadeus Band lyrics Boban Markovic Nigor tell Songlyrics songtexte songwords texts party

Amadeus Band feat. Nigor, Marko 2014 - Party |
Niggor: Yay, it's so cool when pizza this good sound trumpeters on the ear, the domestic underground now reject stress, wake up and feel the power of love Come Rajah cimni, sorry, it's in the blood let expires this evening, your heart now while OPEC drmaj you are young, do not stop ufati in round one hundred grand watts Tongue, forget about problems upside earth shall be turned on, let's go, let's drink until dawn empty bottles as when the sea dries Clothing party never pass clothes each Dasa well come eksim, Puritan, alien to the Horn of Africa het vechthuis utrecht dzibutanac
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Tags: 2014 Amadeus Band lyrics Boban Markovic Nigor tell Songlyrics songtexte songwords texts party
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