Saturday, April 4, 2015

The study also reports pizza inn buffet the format for positive and non-violent to the children

- Sexual violence in children, boys four times more likely than girls | GAZETTE HEALTH
The study "Violence against children's in Albania" shows disturbing data regarding the rape of children in family and social environments. Besides high levels of psychological and physical that are reported alarming numbers of sexual harassment and rape Albanian children grow up in a violent environment. pizza inn buffet Unfortunately society and especially parents are still of the opinion that a slap in education positively affects their child best. The preliminary findings of research conducted by the center for the protection of children's rights pizza inn buffet with the support of UNICEF pizza inn buffet talk about disturbing figures regarding pizza inn buffet the different forms of violence are exposed to every day Albanian children.
Besides physical violence, pizza inn buffet psychological pizza inn buffet violence remains a problem of sexual especially in rural areas. pizza inn buffet The preliminary data obtained in this study (which were surveyed over 3,300 children across the country and around 2500 parents) show that violence occurs terrific Albanian children in all its forms prevailing in physical violence is psychological.
Not a few, but about 77 percent of children reported that they have experienced physical violence, where palms and throwing kicks regarded as the most prevalent forms in family environment and educational institutions. Research conducted on children aged 11 to 16 years, shows that girls report violence on the psychological pizza inn buffet higher than boys.
Further in connection with physical violence survey data show no substantial difference between boys and girls victimization. In relation to sexual harassment, the most vulnerable are boys. 14 percent of them reported that they had experienced at least one form of sexual harassment. Referring to the figures declared by the children themselves, it turns out that only last year 13 percent of boys have experienced some form of sexual harassment. Location with regards sexual violence reported that at least 2 percent of girls and 8 percent of boys have experienced at least once violence of this nature.
Meanwhile another form of violence exhibited in the family is feeling the negligence of parents who reported higher among girls. More than 31 percent of the girls involved in the study indicate pizza inn buffet that feel neglected by parents and boys this indicator is 20 percent. But unfortunately this report is based only on data of children in schools, and does not get in the study who are not in relationship with the school where violence and exploitation or sexual abuse is some higher.
The study also reports pizza inn buffet the format for positive and non-violent to the children's discipline, and the percentage of children's cases that have not had none history of violence in their lives according prevalencёs and incidencёs. Focusing on the findings of the study was emphasized that what is important from this study is to explore how these data will return to the policy of protection of children's, for turning them into priorities of Procedure of the organizations of civil society , public institutions, teachers, service-foruesve, donors etc.
Results of this study were collected by the research group which visited 61 schools in the entire pizza inn buffet country of Albania and 148 classes of 5th, 7th and 10th. With regard pizza inn buffet to residence, 46 percent of respondents living pizza inn buffet in rural areas and 54 percent in urban areas. While representatives pizza inn buffet of the UNICEF office in Albania, Vera Gavrilova, adds that "socio-cultural complexity for the development of these studies is very large, and meanwhile this study will be an useful addition to great for the comparison is the data with those of elsewhere in the region. "
Epidemiological study "Violence against pizza inn buffet children's in Albania" which is being implemented in nine Balkan countries: Greece, Serbia, pizza inn buffet Bosnia and Hercegovinё, Croatia, pizza inn buffet Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Turkey and Romania will hartëzojë level of action and the spread of abuse in general population of children from age 11 to age 16 to attend school, but also to have abandoned it.
Incidence 9%
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