Wednesday, February 12, 2014

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I have two favorite food above all others: a pizza and caesar salad. The former is best for it yourself!, But each restaurant is usually really good pizza. Caesar salad I'm gonna venture into the restaurant to order, especially in any place of the intermediate chain (ie, those which have recently been added to the main asioitua, phew). In my experience, have been quite disparate and poorly just that I can tolerate the food class of disappointments. Of course, if someone has tested and recommends. So, I do this often myself. And I offer to others, sallat because of the deranged somehow I imagine that all the people like Caesar salad?! This time, the variation of the crayfish parties substitute a salad and the crab was served at the beginning of the in-laws.
Crayfish caesar salad with about 400 g crayfish tails two to three pots of romaine salad with a few slices of white bread 3 tablespoons oil or butter a piece of parmesan cheese shavings 1 clove garlic Sauce: 1 egg yolk 4-5 anchovy sallat fillets 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon mustard pinch of black pepper 1 cup oil 1 garlic clove, cut the bread into cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan and bring to a boil in oil with chopped garlic clove. Add bread cubes into the pan. Bake until they are crisp and golden brown. Prepare the sauce. Mix the yolk among the roughly chopped anchovy fillets, lemon juice, mustard, black pepper and oil gradually in a thin strip (I use the hand blender) until the sauce emulsifies, sallat ie becomes thick and pale. Season the sauce with crushed valkosipulinkynnellä. Rinse the lettuce leaves well, drain and shred large bowl. Pour the sauce over the salad. Stir. Add crayfish, parmesan cheese and croutons.
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