Sunday, February 23, 2014

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For Christmas dinner renai a la carte as a main course you would be able to do an appetizer buffet. Think dish as Russian salad, meatballs in peanut sauce, salmon rolls, etc. To keep the buffet affordable you can advance your guests agree that everyone takes a bite.
Ingredients for 4 people: -400 grams Potatoes -1 apple (granny smith or other hard sour apple)-Gherkin-diced ham, canned peas small-Mayonnaise-Salt-Pepper Possibly curry powder, paprika, chives
Cut the apple and pickle into cubes and stir with a fork into the salad. Let the can of peas drain and add it together with the diced ham to the salad. Stir it well with a fork through it. Transfer the salad to taste with salt, pepper and curry powder, paprika, chives. Put the salad in the fridge. Cold is he the best.
Meatballs in peanut sauce Ingredients for 4 people: For the meatballs -400 grams minced -1 teaspoon mustard soy milk -2 crumbled biscuits or bread crumbs, chopped herbs if
Crumble the biscuits and place in a bowl. Put a small amount of milk in the mustard and a dash of soy sauce, if it is not yet seasoned ground beef would be some chopped herbs can do. Put the mince and mix everything together.
Make small balls the size of a ping-pong ball. Fry the balls brown on all sides in the pan. Put a dash of milk in the pan and add a tablespoon of peanut butter to it. To taste soy sauce and ketchup. For a spicy sauce would sambal can do. Let the sauce come to a boil, stirring constantly.
Place a large sheet of plastic wrap on a plate and lay the tortilla. The plastic wrap should be larger than the tortilla. Spread the tortilla with mayonnaise and top with lettuce leaves d. Divide the salmon on the tortilla. renai a la carte Roll the tortilla up and do the plastic wrap tightly around it. Put it in the fridge. renai a la carte For best results you can get the best tortillas renai a la carte in the morning or early afternoon already make.
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