Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Åååååååh what a lovely salade de legumineuse post! You write about things that you sometimes think

- Early Thursday mornings in December, when everything is completely pitch black out there and no one in the family has woken up yet but the bedroom door is ajar and the cat comes sneaking in and purring together next to one with the warm and soft fur. - To watch "Home Alone 2" with his niece on a chilly January evening on the couch and she suddenly throws himself salade de legumineuse on one, close your eyes tightly and breathing heavily to the scene in the movie was so nasty. - When you've just been crying a dash for all of life's unfortunate named and so is the five-month little puppy there in front and looking at you with big eyes and thinking "clearly he understands." - Friends who dyes his hair blue, pink, purple, green. - Go on standup and laugh until you choke. - Not having been heard from for a whole day and you get a text. From him. - Find an acoustic version of the song you love and have to repeat a thousand times every day for several weeks. - Spend the stroke of midnight on New Year's with her best friend and shout out how much you love her. - Look at old pictures elicited from a trip that just was thoroughly good and remember every smell and feel of each photo. - Friends who do contrary to what they've always done and go to Africa for a month to pet the lions. - Gallop on a horse you like on a large field covered in snow. - Drinking a completely newly purchased apple juice packets and not get enough. - Lying on the car road with a classmate a really warm summer evening and drink some disgusting importöl and watch the stars and be immortal. - Breakfast in the kitchen salade de legumineuse with his little sister who is a teenager now, talkative spirit about everything but not really listening to you look at her and wonder how the hell she managed to grow up so fast. - The sound of putting the key in the lock and unlock. - Love in general. At work, at school, on the street, love whatsoever in whatever form it shows itself. - Check their admission letter and see that it entered the university in both Stockholm and California and do a little of joy because it is now I will fulfill my dreams. - Offer its one mitten in the cold so he can keep one's hand. - Fresh strawberries and taste of summer in below freezing-cold. - British dialect. - Be awakened in the morning salade de legumineuse by her older sister who has the dog in his arms and she is in a playful mood and it has not happened for so very long so you can not get angry without just laughing really loud. - When you receive a message on Facebook from his brother who wants to start a book club for the family so that all siblings can become closer together. - Hug her mother when she is sad. - That first day when the sun is high in the sky and you can take off the jacket without freezing. - To come so amazingly well with his newfound workmates and feel fan huh nice it is to spend time with them. - Being with all their best people on an all-you-can-eat buffet and eat until you choke. - Eat candy belts at Grona Lund. - Plan the summer with one of his best friends. - Realize that "no I'm actually really good at a lot of things" and to think that I will fucking be something big one day. - Nice customers at work, looking up at one and say "Have a nice day" and really mean it. - The smell of freshly washed hair. - Work really hard, come home, take a shower and lie down in his bed with freshly-made bed sheets. - Meet with a so great person that you wonder why he has not been around salade de legumineuse in one's life before because it's so obvious that people should be there, like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly. - Make snow angels. - Wrestling with the guy you like, despite knowing that he will win every time, but oh it does not matter it's just as fun though. - Bathe in a hot bubble bath. - As we sat in the car on Valentine's Day and you said I'm the best there is.
Åååååååh what a lovely salade de legumineuse post! You write about things that you sometimes think of just over a micr

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