Saturday, June 7, 2014

Haha you know what? I have just won a free restaurant visits for two, but something even bigger too

Haha you know what? I have just won a free restaurant visits for two, but something even bigger too! What is honor and fame to be propped up on Jensen's Bofhus's next serviettes, or tablets or whatever it is called. You know Dedar pieces kuchentheke of paper that you get at McDonald's on the tray with food, or Dedar pieces of paper you get that wallpaper on some mediocre South Sea's restaurant when going out and jaws. So take what I mean? And now the question is, what is the Jensens Bofhus? Is it a wannabe McDonald's fast food chain because they use paper coasters instead of ordinary table cloths or? No Jensens Bofhus is a franchis Beef-house chain in Denmark and Sweden. Their motto is Great Steak at Small Prices, kuchentheke type. It feels like there is a nice restaurant to go to, sleep is very cozy, the food is delicious, I love the staff, but it is cheaper than what it would cost if you went to a "nice" restaurant. kuchentheke So up here with table mats are one of the few stuff you notice inside the restaurant that it is a "cheaper" place. Actually, it's certainly not a cheap restaurant, during the evenings, the prices are on par with what Beef-house anytime, but during lunch they have really good deals. Eg a 125g chicken steak with vegetables and fried potatoes to 59 dkr (type 8 euros?), which is really beneficial to be Denmark (Denmark is ASDYRT. Do you think Finland is expensive to live in? Welcome to Denmark ..). Though my favorites on the site is all-you-can-eat salad buffet and all-you-can-eat-ice-cream-buffet (!! So we're not talking Rax standard on all-you-can- eat ice cream, kuchentheke but-derived glassbuffen have everything! SoftICE that you can top with caramel, chocolate, licorice or strawberry sauce, sprinkles of all kinds, marshmallow, Smarties, Oreos, chocolate balls, meringues, biscuits, nuts, aaaallt Who got the urge? )
Okay yeah sooo, I have thus been chosen as one of the 33 winners kuchentheke of their Instagram contest, which received over 1500 grants, and that was that they would publish a picture when you are out and jaws, or just something that has to do with the Jensens Bofhus, and tag it with # jens squires. Simple.
I got kind 150 likes included on this picture on Instagram when I published it. I'm not really sure if people like it that there is a yummy burger there in the middle, or because kuchentheke there are two damn big melons in the picture too? I guess it's the combination? Weeeell, how that hellst so fixed it myself a dinner for two seats and the entire village Svendborg now have the chance to eat from me, then wow ..
2009 Mar. Apr. | May | June July | August | Sept Oct | Nov Dec

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