Thursday, June 5, 2014

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Tonight I'm on the cruise with the job. Two buffets will be eaten on board dinner today and breakfast tomorrow. It's always a bit of a challenge to not know and have control over what you eat. The breakfast I look forward to, it will undoubtedly be scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, bacon, sausage, meatballs, ham, cheese and vegetables. It will be lovely! Dinner buffet is a bit more uncertain. But there's always warm snacks meat / fish / poultry, so it teaches my plate consist of with a bit of salad and vegetables. The sauces I jump probably because they most likely are not made with real butter warm snacks and from scratch, but with so cheap means possible.
The best thing to eat carb on the buffet is that you avoid running the plate several times, eat until you almost burst and then still push themselves a lot of dessert. warm snacks It is there that you "must" take the opportunity to eat out of everything. That's warm snacks not the point of buffets really. It is not served, so much food that you should eat everything, but because it will be something for everyone. I carefully select only the best and tastiest. I enjoy it instead of throwing in me to soon be up and fetch more again. Leaving the buffet full and satisfied on light bones.
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