Sunday, June 29, 2014

Alessia Meli was born in Rome and wine converts to a step away from a law degree. la bottega locati

Alessia Meli was born in Rome and wine converts to a step away from a law degree. la bottega locations I understand it is one of the few (women) sommelier in Italy. Collaborating in L'Altro Mastai of Rome (the then chef Fabio Baldassarre) was crowned Best Sommelier of the Year by Restaurant Guide 2009 L'Espresso. The gossips do not find similarities between women and haute cuisine but determination and seriousness of Alessia would suggest that all is not lost. Among his professional experiences, all in Rome: Hotel De Russie, Arco Antico, Antica Pesa, Os Club (current use) and an exciting introduction course to the wine for the boys of the Community of Sant'Egidio. With her, we talked a bit 'of everything and our exchange is started like this:
"I deeply love my job, I still choose to do it every day, despite the sacrifices involved, despite the physical effort, the sacrifices to any social life, despite often having to have to deal with people who do this work for the event or in desperation, with ignorant people, with sexist, catering to those with level and you do not understand anything deemed too high a cost to be incurred or thinking of bringing back the costs making you do dishes or buffet! " la bottega locations
The sommelier who speaks of wine, writes about wine, wine law and knows how to do just that should keep reading. I like to read! Back at home, however late it may be, three or four pages of an essay or philosophical gourmet relax me and make me reconcile with humanity. I do not even miss books and some classic noir. Now I divide between "An Edible History of Humanity" by Tom Standage, "The la bottega locations wine of others" by Andrea Scanzi and "extreme Enlightenment" by Michel Onfray. The music has the same function: the beauty la bottega locations relaxes me and makes me abstract from contingent problems. And so space to Joy Division, The Cure, The Smiths and all their fellows. I began to see Francois Truffaut's films around the age of thirteen, are now a cinedipendente stabilized. I autosomministro from 3 to 4 films a week. Unfortunately I only have one day off per week and in the evening I try to experiment with a new restaurant or finding consolation in a safe address.
Ok culture, but you want to tell me why do you reward the sommelier? I love this work because the "cons" still does not obscure the satisfaction I feel when, after talking to a client the emotions that a wine pairing or send me, this looks at me surprised and agrees with my impressions. So I feel I have done bingo, I gave him to "just an emotion" and I like to see him write down impressions or take a picture with a label.
Give me 10 wines of the heart. Writings of my belly and extrapolated from the wine list and selection from my home. Champagne Krug 1990: I look forward to good news brief, to put an end to his agony. Champagne Bollinger RD 1996 unforgettable. Le Mont Vouvray, Domaine Huet: the idyll. la bottega locations Sterpi Timorasso, Massa Vineyards: austere, elegant, I love it more every time I riassaggio. Verdicchio di Matelica Collestefano: the value of my heart. Chevalier Montrachet 2003 Domaine Leflaive: the bottle of the meeting that changed my professional life. Chassagne Montrachet, Ramonet: The Board appreciated the most by my clients. Barolo Vigna Rionda 1998 Massolino: find out which side to take and keep. Mouton Rothschild 1989 precious gift from someone who knows my passion for Bordeaux. Clos de la Roche, Dujac: because you can have proudly foot in both camps.
Let's talk about markups on wine. Normally apply a surcharge equal to 100% of the average low-end la bottega locations wines and 50% on high or very high-end wines, using elasticity and attitudes. Although la bottega locations in the current place of work I have been given sufficient autonomy, so it was in the past. I happen to work in places where I casually brushed reload the 300% or more. Dissociate itself from this policy unfortunately does not change the result. My advice always la bottega locations prefer companies discovered recently and value for money winner.
When I go to the restaurant, half the fun is watching the customers around me. What do you think? The anthology of portraits of the customers had encountered in the various restaurants is complex but circumscribed to three or four types. From sophisticated clientele la bottega locations and politely indifferent to the culinary trends of the luxury la bottega locations hotel, from the careful and frugal gourmet la bottega locations restaurant at the star-studded super rich peasant presenteeism restaurant screaming, through the enthusiastic neophyte who looks at the world of food through thick pink lenses. Meetings and picturesque clashes that have contributed to

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