Monday, June 30, 2014

In other words, the way in which it was produced a certain object affects the appearance and on the digital newspaper L'Espresso Facebook Mobile Network South Tyrol Local newspapers Corriere delle Alpi Journal of Mantua Official Journal breakfast buffet st louis of Modena Reggio Center the morning of Padua Piccolo Il Tirreno The Fò Trentino The City of Salerno The New New Ferrara Sardinia La Nuova Venezia La Provincia Pavese The Sentinel Canavese breakfast buffet st louis La Tribuna di Treviso Messaggero Veneto Bo Periodicals Espresso Espresso - Food and Wine The National Geographic Sciences breakfast buffet st louis Micromega Limes Capital Radio DeeJay m2o Services, TV and consumption TvZap - Kataweb Ads MioJob Agencies and Courts Fantasy Football sites of Republic D - the Republic TrovaCinema Home & Design XL close Sciences FOLLOW U.S. Facebook Twitter RSS Newsletter Contact Us About Science in the kitchen by Dario Bressanini
In the summer of 2009, this sentence appeared on the front pages of many national newspapers as advertising slogan of a company, Aboca, which produces herbal products. Continued the advertising pane:
Ohibò, and what would be the true natural? But then, are we so sure that it is so easy to distinguish the natural by the artificial? What's more, we are absolutely certain that there is a clear-cut distinction breakfast buffet st louis as suggested by the advertising message? And that natural is better then the artificial? Who said that?
It has been said, demonstrated and reiterated in almost all the sauces that there's nothing more cultural idea of nature. Nevertheless there are many proofs of the fact that there is nothing more difficult breakfast buffet st louis to eradicate the idea that there are situations that are, by definition, natural or more natural breakfast buffet st louis than others. An idea that in itself would not have anything problematic if not always to travel in the company, for reasons that also depend on our nature, the prejudice that what is considered "natural", as this is considered more "good", more "right", more "healthy" and "safer".
Take for example an oxygen atom [1] with its eight electrons orbiting around a nucleus consisting of eight protons and eight neutrons. We can find it in the molecule of oxygen in the air we breathe, tied to a second atom of oxygen (chemists use the symbol O 2); or in the molecule of carbon dioxide, where together with two oxygen atoms are also a carbon atom. But even in sucrose, common table sugar in alcohol and ethyl alcohol in many other molecules.
If we could cast a spell to rip all the oxygen atoms of the universe, with eight electrons eight protons breakfast buffet st louis and eight neutrons, from molecules to which they belong, breakfast buffet st louis rimescolarli in bulk and redistribute traded in the molecules of departure, no one would find out that we made the exchange . And the same goes for any other chemical element.
This fact, which may be surprising contrasts with the everyday experience: a copy of a picture, however accurate, will always be different from the original: a brushstroke will be even more pronounced, a carmine red a little more intense, breakfast buffet st louis a detail of a flower slightly different, and so on. Even if we look at objects breakfast buffet st louis with mass produced industrial machinery we can find differences, although sometimes small and well hidden. A box of screws appear to contain identical copies of the same object, but if you looked at under a microscope would notice scratches or other inaccuracies on the tip, and with a very accurate scale we could verify that each piece weighs slightly different from the others.
In other words, the way in which it was produced a certain object affects the appearance and on the final properties of that object. It's something we consider absolutely obvious, and we take into account when, for example, we buy consumer goods or food. The quality of a pair of pants definitely depends on the quality of the starting raw material but also by the care with which they are packaged, the accuracy with which they are cut, the accuracy of the stitching, and so on.
In some cases, such as in the production breakfast buffet st louis of some cheeses, breakfast buffet st louis there are the so-called disciplinary very precise rules concerning, for example, the processing temperature of the milk or the curing period, in which the producers of a particular cheese must follow if they want to be able to market the their product with a specific name such as Parmigiano Reggiano or Castelmagno. But since the rules can not go down to the tiniest detail, here is that even within a given type of cheese you can find qualitative differences.
Instead - returning now to the chemical elements - oxygen is not so: its atoms are all identical, as are absolutely identical to each other a couple of atoms that have the same number of electrons, protons and neutrons.
This fact has an important breakfast buffet st louis consequence: it

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