Thursday, June 26, 2014

Similar ironed Breadsticks 500 g of flour 250/280 g water 15 g yeast 50 g salt 8 g of extra virgin

It 'a classic. Anyone who has attended a buffet knows perfectly well that, in front of a table burdened with food, even the most staid and the most elegant guest comes forward with boldness, art ala carte grab eagerly, energetically sgom and fills the plates, as we would say here Naples, "cuppulone", ie large dome, losing all sense of shame, all restraint, decency.
Something similar happens when you publish a full buffet recipes somewhere on the web. The buffet attracts, apparently; will draw many, and, sorry to say, sometimes you draw without feeling compelled to cite sources. For heaven's sake: nothing to challenge those who, unaware, takes the material that someone else (aware, however) art ala carte has taken the source and published elsewhere (photos included). To avoid fraintedimenti, I would like to point out that Paulita has no responsibility for what happened, so it's been very correct, and I thank you.
This buffet we prepared Lydia, Mariella Di Meglio and I on June 9, 2007 to celebrate the birthday of the father of Lydia. At that time, we have published recipes and photos on the web. This is the original post appeared on Amicincucina and later reported by Lydia in the forum of Italian cuisine.
Since, by then, that post has been plundered in every way (now also publish our photos, however painful, without allowing us the honor of a quote nor ask permission), we decided to publish it from us, so to put some on the dot.
STARTERS Sweet and Sour Meatballs (Paola Rovetto) Strips of chicken with sesame seeds Mini quiche onions art ala carte and apples (Ernst Knam) Mini quiche pears and prosciutto (Eric Kayser) Baskets of bread dough with witches and breadsticks accompanied by: pepper cream, cream of eggplant, humus (Jean-Michel Carasso) and cream cheese (Enzo Raspolli) Cups Sicilian Caponata with gazpacho minispiedini of cherry mozzarella pizza with ricotta triangles Ice cream and Parmesan cheese Terrine with dried pears ham salad crudités yogurt Cuttlefish salad and beans Controne Mini cornettini (Elena Di Giovanni) with smoked salmon Rosette sword and cantaloupe FIRST COURSE Pinwheels Capri DESSERTS Cous cous Trapani baba delight Mini-Cups peanuts and caramel art ala carte (Christian Beduschi) ricotta and pear cake Capri black and white portion
Baskets of bread (dough baskets Elena Di Giovanni) 1 kg of flour, 500 grams of water 120 grams of lard 1 cube of yeast Mix all and let rise 1 hour and half. Use the trash and bake at 220 degrees for about 15 minutes.
Similar ironed Breadsticks 500 g of flour 250/280 g water 15 g yeast 50 g salt 8 g of extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon of malt flour of durum wheat semolina oil to brush Making the fountain and mix all ingredients. Knead beating for 10 min. Make a loaf and spread it out into a rectangle about 30 by 10, place it on a layer of flour, brush with olive oil and sprinkle with flour. Cover and let rise in bell 50/60 minutes. With a knife or a spatula cut off from the short side of tall sticks about 1 finger, grab the center with your fingers and gently pulling assottigliarli and simultaneously moving the fingers outward. Place them on a baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.
Briochine Mediterranean Elena Di Giovanni for the brioche: 260 g flour 00 200 grams of strong flour, 150 ml of warm milk, 15 g of yeast, 100 g butter, melted and made it cool, 2 whole eggs, 1 egg, 15 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt. For the filling we used smoked salmon, butter, chives and lemon peel. Dissolve crumbled yeast in a little warm milk, mix with 100 grams of flour to form a dough and let it rise for 45 minutes. After this time, put dough (or on the worktop) the remaining flour (may well need a little more '), eggs, red, butter you'll ever mixed the sugar, salt and mix everything art ala carte together, kneading for about 5 minutes. Shoot the first batter, handle a bit 'and then add maybe dividing it into 3 parts to the new dough. The dough should be a little 'softer than the bread. Let rise for about 45 minutes in the oven warmed, covered by a towel. art ala carte Finally resume the dough, roll it out to about half a centimeter thick, draw triangles narrow base and long sides, from which you will form small croissants (length 6 cm). Put aside to rise again until doubled. art ala carte Pennellarle art ala carte of egg yolk and

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