Wednesday, June 18, 2014

When we talk about childbirth methods, we can mention actually not too many options (see details be

Was unimaginable to any 'individuality'. Then more and more has been said that the delivery should be more procedúránál hospital. Have an experience of a lifetime, to teamwork, to be intimate, tell the mother and the baby the greatest moments of ...
Experience has shown, it can be the birth to prepare, you can practice proper breathing, you can choose the maternity music you want to then listen to the delivery room, you can select the most comforting for supplies, labor location - but the moment of truth it will come only when they begin to contractions. Because then all of a sudden turn out very differently had it all good as we thought for months ...
When we talk about childbirth methods, we can mention actually not too many options (see details below), more opportunities for vajúdással varied. The practice of giving birth on your back is probably stabilized in the hospital environment, because the doctors in this situation easier access to the baby and the laboring édesanyához. However, many ancient cultures demonstrates that the posture of great help in relieving pain and faster course of childbirth. The kneeling, breakfast buffet tampa squatting, site location and soothe the mother in labor pains, but we must always keep in mind that the ideal solution may vary from individual to individual.
Recognizing this, the obstetricians attitude has changed a lot over the last decade and a half - the alternative modes of birth so soon become a raison d'être. Thus, the main direction of adaptation: not a doctor, but the mother decide, what is best for him, and to provide background for the obstetrician. What we call today as alternative, it really is the most natural form of childbirth. It means that the woman who vajúdhat to meet your needs, the elected body positions, as well as walking, use of tools - such as gymnastic ball - for which facilitate the control of pain. The alternative maternity delivery rooms double bed lying down - therefore the pair hands - or ball sitting in the tub, walking, squatting, walls, breakfast buffet tampa and even climbing rope can help relieve the pains. Thus, the case of alternative breakfast buffet tampa delivery conditions breakfast buffet tampa for women in labor demands, requests to the converted, whether the strength of lights, music or just silence, breakfast buffet tampa and all forms of maternity support, that does not jeopardize the safety of the mother and the fetus.
If you look for some parents room, mostly what we see: the newborn in the birth canal is difficult if released is stranger's hands immediately after the first performance of (the still pulsating umbilical breakfast buffet tampa cord in most places right cut, probe plugged into the tiny nostrils of the esophagus, cold and hot liquid dropper the eyes, often hanging upside breakfast buffet tampa down were dragged, megmosdatják, stiff brush to scrub through delicate skin, weighed, and then clothe ...) wrapped handed over to his mother.
One of the most well-known - alternative method, the so-called - the name of Frederic Leboyer breakfast buffet tampa attached. Gentle birth method, following the birth of the child in the mother's belly and make the umbilical cord is cut from waiting until it persists in the blood flow. The baby should not bathed, since the magzatmáz contain valuable breakfast buffet tampa nutrients that are absorbed through the small skin so. It is very important breakfast buffet tampa for the newborn loving, patient, breakfast buffet tampa gentle touch. Besides, it does not employ an enema or gátvágást instead active gátvédelmet used. A French doctor has drawn a result of the oriental culture and philosophy of this method, which is the occasion of the smoothest transition szültés tries to ensure the baby. Leboyer moments postnatal environment provided by a bee trying to re-create the silence, félhomállyal and warmth.
Dr. Illanitz elemer led obstetric department in the undisturbed birth in favor of "Medical staff assess in advance the good of all maternity needs, desires, fears, because it is the foundation that can raise the most comforting atmosphere as possible for you. The alternative delivery room only minimal medical device recalls breakfast buffet tampa in the hospital environment, the design, the equipment breakfast buffet tampa would otherwise serve the cozy atmosphere. "This room has a pedestal width" hencsergő "has been designed, which is the mother conveniently alter posture, depending on how you are relieved from the pain . The other half of the sunken bath platform provides an opportunity for mothers to take advantage of a muscle relaxant, sedative effect of the warm water. The parent chair amplifying breakfast buffet tampa effect of gravity facilitates the progress of the child's birth canal. The expectant mother know you're around for the most important person in the delivery room, and only one complication door separates the műtőtől, allowing for immediate intervention.
More and more people are interested in water birth, or the possibility of water towards the more labor. The bath - as well as the bars, the ball or the volume

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