Sunday, April 13, 2014

63. Appeal to observe the crescent moon 167. Allahu akbar, Allahumma ahíllahu saldes

63. Appeal to observe the crescent moon 167. Allahu akbar, Allahumma ahíllahu saldes 'aleinaa saldes bil NIMA, Imaani wal, wal Islaami saldes was salami, wat taufiiqi limaa tujibbu belated rábbunaa wa wa rábbuka Allah. 167 -. Allah is the greatest, O Lord, make this moon appears and we are sure, faith, peace and Islam Grant doing what you love and pleases our Lord. Certainly your Lord (by going to the moon) is Allah. 64. Appeal to cut 168 fasting. Dhahaba aDhamaa.u, abtállatil wa 'uruuqu, zábatal saldes wa Allahu ayru in sha.a. 168 -. Thirst has gone and the veins have been satiated, and the reward will be accepted saldes if Allah wills. 169. Allahumma ínnii as.áluka birajmátika allatíí wási'at kulla an tágfira lii. .. 169 - Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al-'Aas (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): Indeed the fasting person has at the time of breaking the fast. a supplication which is not rejected .. Ibn Abi Mulaikah said: I heard Abdullah ibn Umar say (Allah be pleased saldes with him), when breaking his fast:... Oh Lord, I pray Your mercy all-embracing, forgive me . 65. Plea who is invited for breakfast 176. AfTara 'wa akala índakum aSSaa.ímuuna T'aámakumul abrááru, wa Sallat' aleikumul mala.íkatu. 176 -. Han breakfast with the fasters and you have eaten your food pious and prayed for you angels. 66 Appeal of fasting when food is present and has not yet breakfasted 177 -.. If any of you have been invited to respond (the invitation) but if you are fasting to request (by the host) and if it were not fasting, then eat. 67.Que say when insulted while fasting. saldes Saim Inni, Inni saim. I am fasting, saldes I am aynando.
Du'a qunut extracted du'as the Quran Hisnul muslimin
2010 (12) August (12) 2009 (62) May (62) 120. Dhikr How did the Prophet 119. Virtues of remembrance and glorification saldes of A. .. 118. How the salute is returned to a non- Muslim 117. 116 Good evening habits. Supplication for those who fear evil eye cause 115.Suplicas 114 and fearing the enemy. From 107 to 113.Suplicas of saffa, marwa, arafa ... 106. Which Muslim says to praise another 105. Appeal after insulting 104. Appeal to hear barking at night ... 103. Appeal to sing the rooster and the braying of ... 102.'s virtues to greet with peace 101. Appeal to receive saldes good and bad news From 90 to 100.Suplicas travel, transportation, m ... 89. Banning 88 believe in superstition. Supplication for fear of falling into idolatry and 86 87.Suplicas aid or gifts to thank. . Supplication 85 who says. I love you for Allah. 84. Plea to protect the False Messiah From 81 to 83 pleas for forgiveness and gratitude. 79 80.Suplicas during and after a meeting .... 78. Appeal to see a disabled person or person ... 77. Appeal to anger and 76.Suplicas 74.75 for marriage. 73. Plea From 68 to sneeze 72.Suplicas saldes before and after eating and ... From 63 to 67.Suplicas about fasting. From 57 to 62.Suplicas to ask about the weather. 54. Appeal to deposit the dead in the tomb of ... 53. Condolences 51 and 52. Supplication for the deceased in prayer ... 50. Appeal to close the eyes of a deceased 49. Plea for who suffers Unfortunately or pe ... From 45-48 Appeal to visit a sick 44. instruct children how to protect ... 43. Appeal against a disgrace 42. Plea to ward off the devil and his whispers 41. Appeal that should say who commits a sin .... 40. Appeal to the difficulties. saldes 39. Plea for the sufferer or whispers saldes during ... 38. Plea to settle debts 37.'s saldes Plea who is afflicted with doubt 36. Appeal against the aggression of the enemy or Aque ... 34 and 35 before the Appeals Sadness and Worry ... 32 and 33 begs the qunut and after 29,30 and 31 witr supplication for insomnia and Nightmare ... 28. Supplication before sleeping 27. Souvenirs dhikr to do during the day and .. . 26. Plea to ask good (Salat Al-Istikhara) ... 25. Supplication after the final salutation 24. Supplication after the last tashahhud and before 22 and 23 the two testimonies of faith and praises ... 19 20 and 21 pleas sujood. 17 and 18. Plea for tilt and levan ... 16. Appeal to begin prayer 15. Plea for the call to prayer and 14.Suplica 12.13 to go, in and out of ... 10 and 11 . Beg to leave and return home. 8 and 9 pleads to begin and end 6 and 7.Súplica ablution before entering the bathroom and out. 2-5 of Appeal to dress, undress and ro ... Brand 1. Appeal to awaken
"When My servants ask you about Me, I am near and answer the prayer of who called when I called. Which I hear and believe in Me, that they might be guided. (Holy Qur'an, 2:1

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