Thursday, April 17, 2014

World history data and facts, which in many cases are linear, ie, easily understood, explained and

World history data and facts, which in many cases are linear, ie, easily understood, explained and include known. Testing and data support that aims to reliable information. However, there are demonstrations breakfast buffet los angeles and events that are beyond breakfast buffet los angeles any attempt at explanation possible, ie, logical or rational.
- Then will analyze aspects of the peoples of this part of the Andean continent about 20,000 breakfast buffet los angeles years ago, this area of nomadic tribes or clans is populated, the agents that compose it have a common ethnic origin, form and constitute a single race. The study of our past shows that these nomadic clans or tribes, had a thorough knowledge of the process of life, death and rebirth.
- Evidence has been found in many buildings and figures made Andean men who knew the Triangle and MEANDRO, the numbers 3, 5, 7 were sacred. Many of the shrines show the union of three elements (SKY, EARTH AND afterlife) and that the number 12 is present in our culture, for example, AT TIAHUANACO CULTURE IN TEMPLE KALAT SALLAT, breakfast buffet los angeles see the main God is represented breakfast buffet los angeles with a turban on his head, hanging turban look 12 strands of hair, what is?, probably the 12 divisions of the people of the SUN GODS.
- The structured Tiahunaco erected colossal culture, were certainly met and builders who dominated the geometry and physics. That they continued to reproduce their religious impulse SOL movements relative to the stars. These BUILDERS "ANDINOS" founded a new empire in the City Navel and therefore, is that the city is built in a triangle being the Huatanay and Tullumayo and shed Pumacchupan, likewise breakfast buffet los angeles we are surprised that this Temple KORICANCHA built from east to west, making the beautiful mystic occult know of this fact.
- When looking for our roots in the ancestral, we wondered, or done rare process that allowed primitive races or clans of the peoples living in the south of the continent, walking barefoot nearly 20,000 years ago and White Dream proceed, to build strength and majestic architectures symmetry, denoting a good grasp of mathematics. breakfast buffet los angeles
- And wisely handled three (03) BUILDERS couple basic tools which are: PLUMB, which served them erection pair of vertical walls, the LEVEL regularly to seat the stone walls that were built, the COMPAS which allowed the roundness of the towers, in the towers, in the symmetry of the funeral chulpas, etc.., breakfast buffet los angeles etc.., breakfast buffet los angeles to this is that the stone work masterfully encuadro then perfectly made constructions. This originated a caste of chosen and selected people to possess advanced knowledge. And who served as master builders, both constructions made in the pre-Inca breakfast buffet los angeles times as Inca.
- But one day between ethnic hatreds of one race, the black night gripped the nation, coarse cross and a sword to destroy a culture, disappearing cruelly HH: MM:.. ANDINOS known as APU and called RUNA HATUN ATIMURUNAS builders, but, although the last time, they tell us that we have nothing to envy the large cosmological conceptions of the world.
- The Andean culture was steeped in fantastic images breakfast buffet los angeles for our eyes and have remained silent, folded in their temples or buildings that preserve the ancient breakfast buffet los angeles wisdom that tends to be and should be our essential spiritual core in this new millennium.
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