Sunday, April 20, 2014

What a great story, buffet breakfast what a great story! But is not the point as always: love and i

THE ASSYRIAN & BLOOD STAR - Nicholas Guild 'historical novel' Sagas and Series Hislibris - History books, History books
Tiglath buffet breakfast Ashur, Nodjmanefer, Nabusharusur, Abdimilkutte ... With that heavy infantry buffet breakfast will be hard to win in this novel open field. And how many pages? Over five hundred. Difficult buffet breakfast see it, check. How? What about second part? But not as long as the first. Seven hundred pages?? If I is not a story of Greek not let me fool. Well, the main character is half jonio, that's something; and his best friend is Greek at all. And the bodyguard, Macedonian. That is another thing. But still I hesitate because it's a challenge: more than twelve hundred pages assume, in my case, a couple of months of quiet reading (and that downwind). Weeks and weeks and nodmanofos tiglinsures head, I'll finish parallel lost. Anyway, read it's a risk but having it read folly, buffet breakfast so here we go. Biographical novel at first glance because the story begins almost buffet breakfast at the same time the life of Tiglath Ashur, who pluriempleándose debuts as protagonist and narrator of his own adventures. What do I do, you and I apply the cliché? Let's correct, we read with healthy mind and purity of spirit. However, reminiscent buffet breakfast of so many other novels about famous people: Ciro's, buffet breakfast Philippi, Alexanders ... Who would say that would create Xenophon buffet breakfast school. But so what!, Cliché or no cliché, the novel seems to hold, has temple, and interest rate. Maybe because I'm starting to alelarme.
And who are these Assyrians, why they liked both twister names, the protagonist really existed? I can not help it, I'm cheating: I arramblaré with manualillo History. Aha, in ancient Mesopotamia; aha, the Sumerians and the Akkadians ahead, the Medes and Persians from behind, and by the way, pacing, Hittites, Sea Peoples, the Achaeans, Egyptians, Babylonians ... is clear. Ancient empire, new empire; since I do not know what half millennium to the seventh century BC Ah, well: Assyria is like the Greeks called the Kingdom of Assur; ah well: a certain Sargon II expanded the borders of the empire (Urartu, Egypt, Babylon); ah well: his son Sennacherib buffet breakfast had enough to quell the ongoing rebellions in the conquests of his father; ah well: a Esarhaddon, son of the former, he spent three quarters of the same; ah well: Assurbanipal, son of one (this really sounds like, man), they are had with his brother Shamash Shamukin; ah well: Assurbanipal dying empire vanished. And the cover of the first book reproduces a bronze mask of Sargon that before ... but wait, is not the same Sargon, is another much earlier, in the mid-second millennium. And it was not even the king of Assyria but the Acadians. Ay, these book publishers, how little care the details! Finally, knowledge buffet breakfast does not take place, but will not need to learn all this reading the novel, right? Just listen to what the child says: "I am Assyrian Tiglath! My father is Sennacherib, Lord of the Earth and King of Kings! Do not approach them get close ". Okay, do not venture to, that's all I wanted to know.
What a great story, buffet breakfast what a great story! But is not the point as always: love and indifference, agreements and disagreements, adventures and misadventures, victories and defeats? Yes, but how well run, how to attract, how I mob to follow, and follow, and keep reading! What is at the bottom: of love, of kindness, of injustice, buffet breakfast of friends, of hatred ...? All, all that. It is an epic story about the inherent cruelty of the fate of a man, what a man, what a great hero, Tiglath Ashur, archetype of virtue, nobility model, mirror ornaments, buffet breakfast for example soldiers! Marked from birth, physical (a starry purple spot on his hand) and morally (a goodness of character that borders the panfilismo) for their simtu, destination, and guided by his sedu, their protective spirit, Tiglath pilgrim from cuts real and stable because it is so good turtanu as a farmer; by bedrooms and battlefields (which are often the same thing) it is such a good lover as shaqe rab; deserts and mountains, as well as resists heat and cold and thirst as hunger. Nothing against him are mere mortals, men; instead women (who are also deadly but are not simple) you trajinan at will, into believing that the grind is reversed. The gods that are not fatal or simple, these do play dice with the poor Tiglath. And yet I envy you, I want to be like him, have his mettle in the fight (cruel buffet breakfast but fair, fierce but human) and his strength of character in the calm. Admit it, Tiglath, and this without buffet breakfast irony: you're living an enviable life miserable.
And there is more, much more to this story. The value of friendship between men, this unwieldy subject without falling into

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