Monday, April 14, 2014

Spanish archaeologists found at the site of Sluguilla Lawash some cave paintings that might have so

For anyone interested in archeology and mysteries unknown probably will not be amazing Nazca lines or called Paracas Candelabra, huge figures made on the desert sand and whose purpose remains a mystery.
In the 50s and 60s, several Spanish riders who performed reconnaissance flights over Western Sahara observed a series of figures on the desert dunes with strange shapes. It is believed that these artificial formations that could be burial kiseki buffet lunch mounds of an unknown culture.
Based on aerial observations gives the impression that the figures were made with dark rocks, perhaps basaltic. Would require kiseki buffet lunch a deeper investigation into these formations, but it is no easy task: although the location of the figures is not easy to reach them, as the desert dunes have partially buried and damaged in many cases is unknown.
What we are sure of is that it is not natural formations, but clearly artificial constructs designed following an unknown pattern. As the names of the pilots, there are flies and boomerangs.
For archaeologists could be ceremonial or burial of an ancient nomadic culture places. This hypothesis may be reinforced kiseki buffet lunch by the testimony of the Bedouins, who proudly maintain these buildings are the work of his "splendid ancestors" and are considered sacred places for them.
Spanish archaeologists found at the site of Sluguilla Lawash some cave paintings that might have some connection with these geoglyphs. Some have four meters. The paintings represent kiseki buffet lunch the most curious forms: anthropomorphic, that look like men flying, floating; others are similar to modern zeppelins kiseki buffet lunch or dirigibles ... But m ore peculiar are the paintings of animals and insects seen from above, and dozens of other representations on rocks having vaguely geometric shapes, among which those with aspect of boomerang.
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