Wednesday, April 2, 2014

That must have been delight, love the duck rice, is a classic of our kitchen. Never joined grated c

This traditionalã mancare portughezã, una din mele preferatele. Dhaka aveti invitati la Cina, prânz prelungit family sau cu ce am poftã pregãtit aici, spor la treabã itself empty asigur Dog Healthy the empty plate!
Cantitãti pentru dusties buffet Tava mare (6-8 persoane) 1 rattan 250 g bacon sausage 2-3 2 cepe mari morcovi usturoi dusties buffet orez cu bob lung was Dafin piper, sare piri piri OAU parmezan 1 2 duck 2-3 250 g bacon sausage 2 large carrots onions dusties buffet garlic rice blonde needle piri piri salt and pepper 2 eggs Parmesan
* Fierbe împreunã rata cu chorizo, ceapa, I grabbed the captive usturoi, was Dafin, sare si piper, piper boabe itself piri piri. If scoate rata itself chorizo, apa if pãstreazã. Scoate carnea pe rattan itself taie chorizo rondele naked foarte fine. Pune la Prajit baconul feliute taiat cubulete în ulei sau putin, Cand rumeneste adaugã 1 Toccata ceapã, 2-3 morcovi rasi itself I grabbed the captive usturoi Tocati. Cand sau înmuiat orezul pune (I consider it the ceascã of orez, 2 cu Cesti zeamã fierbinte of rattan) amestecã itself Lasa Prajit putin la, la punishes zeama fierbinte rattan, itself Lasa fiert la la foc mic. Cand orezul the fiert ia pe foc. Ytd am Doua variant penru the pregãti, ParTea dusties buffet artwork: 1) intr-un Tava mare punishes orez rand, rand un meat, acoperã orez ass meat ... Ultimul dusties buffet strat sound fie orez, acoperã cu bucãtile chorizo, ouãle bãtute 1 cu cutie smântânã 35% grãsime parmezan itself. If the wool cuptor Pana deasupra frumos rumeneste. 2) I am orezul amestecat cu carnea, dusties buffet l-am Turnat în Tava, deasupra am pus chorizo, ouãle bãtute dusties buffet parmezan itself. Dan gratinat dusties buffet it. From obicei dusties buffet if serveste green cu salata. * Bake with duck sausage, 1 onion, dusties buffet chopped Some garlic, bay leaf, salt and pepper, peppercorns and piri piri. Remove the duck and chorizo. Save the broth. Reels off the duck, chorizo slices thick rondelas. The fried part sliced bacon with little oil, then pour 1 onion, chopped dusties buffet 2-3 garlic, dusties buffet grated carrots 2-3 leaves fry and add the rice, mix, and add broth cooking dusties buffet duck (1 chav. Rice = 2 chav. cooking duck). Let it boil on low heat. There are at least two ways for browning the duck: 1) In a large way to the oven, pour the layers, dusties buffet rice, shredded beef and just co ... rice and sausage, beaten eggs with cream and parmesan. Takes gratin. 2) Mix the already cooked rice with shredded beef, chorizo arranges over, beaten eggs and Parmesan. Takes gratin. Serve with lettuce salata. Bon Appetite!
Trebuie sa fie orezul bun tare cuptor asta! Salvez reteta ... cred ca sa pum pui in loc rata. ciao .. o zi buna! Delete Reply
That must have been delight, love the duck rice, is a classic of our kitchen. Never joined grated carrot, and liked the look, I'll try to do next. A kiss. Delete Reply
Aici sunt in Dublin cu rate Miile give mie Africa nu sa la apar Stiri! Kkkk! Asta cu reteta May, mai ca sa scratch. The TRIMIT pe sa Lidia's prinda, so peneasca omoara itself, iar restul I fac. I think until Sept.'ll vizitar Almancil. If you leave a contact will be pleased to vizita them! Bye, bye! Delete Reply
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