Saturday, April 12, 2014

Indeed the truest speech is the Book of Allah. The best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The w

Verily continental buffet breakfast all praise is due to Allah. We commend you, seek His help and implore His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil in our own souls and from our bad deeds. He whom Allah guides, no one can astray. And he whom Allah leads astray, none can guide him. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, the One, which has no equal. And I bear witness continental buffet breakfast that Muhammad is His slave and His messenger. O believers! Allah will obey His commands and do not die without being Muslim. Oh mankind! Fear your Lord, the One who created you from a single soul, which has created another, and many men and women both have emerged. Fear Allah Whom you demand your rights and do not cut the ties of kinship. Verily, Allah is Eternal and sees all things. Oh believers! Will obey Allah and always speak the truth. He will guide you through the Straight Path and forgive your misdeeds. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger is rewarded with the best of rewards.
Indeed the truest speech is the Book of Allah. The best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The worst deviations are innovations. All innovation is heresy. And every heresy is a going astray. And every misguidance is in the fire.
Dhikr is the remembrance of Allah. And remember this must be constant, and pause at any time, place or situation. You should know that if you do not find a connection with Allah, nothing you do has value or importance. The Qur'aan is a reminder, the Kalimat as-shahada is a memory, the Sallat is a memory, the Hajj is a reminder ... Our life must be a remembrance of Allah. How to learn the Qur'aan without remembrance, how do Sallat continental buffet breakfast forgetting Allah? How to say La ilaha il-Allah when Allah does not mean anything to us and it is this world (dunya) the holder of all our attention and all our desires?
Started in the remembrance of Allah is essential for those looking closer to Allah fulfilling steps Qur'aan and Sunnah. Begin to enter the start dhikr Allah is introduced into the depths of oneself.
Scientists have stated that they now know more about the universe, the stars, the sun and the planet Mars, on the seabed. We know more of what is far from what is near. And so the man knows more than his eyes out than inward. The key to get in and know is the Dhikr Allah. How can we say I know this or that person, we do not know who we are?
Enter the seabed has a high cost of money, continental buffet breakfast a team of experts and a number of machines, special suits, air tanks etc. To help people to come in itself and regain its nature (Fitra) Muhammad (saw) was 13 years in Mecca repeating continental buffet breakfast key and secret: La ilaha il-Allah. From the sincerity of the heart that wants to be clean and free of Nifak (hypocrisy), Allah has brought us a Qur'aan to hear His voice, a istighfar continental buffet breakfast to wash, and a series of invocations for every situation and moment with subject to feedback our imaan, which ages and wears.
The word to remember is not to learn. Remember to regain means that you forgetting something or forgot completely. The Guide is Dhikr Allah, because what I remember is a man you know and already has, but he has neglected, forgotten and thus their neglect has made him into darkness.
The most advanced dhikr, continental buffet breakfast which is beyond words and descriptions, which corresponds to states in which one perceives the ayat of the Quraan in which Allah says: I am closer to man than his jugular vein.
The best Dhikr is the study of the Qur'aan, then we have expressions continental buffet breakfast like subhanallah, alhamdulillah, which are the most loved by Allah. So, repeat the Sura Ikhlas is a very high value. In fact once the Prophet asked: Does anyone want to know how to read a third of the Qur'aan in one night? Say Qul huwallahu ahad ... We should also pay attention to other formulas such as La ilaha il-Allah (there is no god but Allah), wa Hasbunallahu ni'mal wakil (), La Haula wa quwatta ilah illa b (no power but by Allah), among many others. Finally, ask for peace and blessings on the Prophet (saw) is also a very important continental buffet breakfast element: for every time you ask for Rasulullah, Allah blesses continental buffet breakfast you 10 times.
The best way to meditate is in group dhikr in silence, it is possible with the voice, but always in moderation continental buffet breakfast as it is not allowed to speak out. In this regard, the Prophet said: "Allah Almighty and Exalted has angels who seek the people of Dhikr If they find the people of dhikr, accompany them until they reach the first heaven and Allah asks them..

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