Saturday, April 19, 2014

A request-brother Omar Galicia, I will explain some aspects of the wird of the tariqa

A request-brother Omar Galicia, I will explain some aspects of the wird of the tariqa 'Alawiya: Good question yours. I hope my answer can satisfy, at least in part, to the truth that there is latent in nafila works. Bismi-Lahi-l-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim Allahumma salli 'ala sayyedina Muhammadin' abdiKa rasuliKa nabiyyi wa-l-'umiyi wa' ala 'Alihi sahbihi wa wa sallim. The paracticado pumpernickel catering wird in tariqa 'Alawy is rooted in the Qur'an and hadith. This means that the invocations performed on it were practiced likewise by Rasul (salla-l-Lahu 'alayhi wa sallam). The general contents of this form of invocation is divided into three main parts; each corresponding to Islam, Iman and Ihsan respectively (istigfar, salli 'ala Muhammad and Tawhid). Let the explanation of surat-al-Waqi'a to the end and start at the istigfar. Haddiz: "I pumpernickel catering ask forgiveness from my Lord 70 or 100 (a haddiz says another 70 and 100) times each morning and evening." This is the first part of dalil devoted pumpernickel catering to the forgiveness of Allah. Once we ducked our heads in humility before Allah, we can continue with the second part, which is devoted to salat on Rasul. Haddiz, "He who calls the greeting upon me once, Allah will return it ten times ...". It is for this reason pumpernickel catering that the Sufis' Alawy perform this invocation hundred times morning and evening. "Allahumma salli 'ala sayyedina Muhammadin' abdika rasulika nabiyyi wa-l-ala pumpernickel catering umiyi wa 'wa sahbihi Alihi wa sallim" Why a hundred times? As this peculiarity also exists in the third part of wird'll explain pumpernickel catering at the end. Haddiz: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the gate" Once we opened the door and entered the city followed by the Tawhid. The third part is Tawhid: "La ilaha illa-l-Lah wahdahu chariqa Lahu, Lahu wa-l-mulku lahu-l-hamd pumpernickel catering wa Huwa 'ala kulli chay'in qadir". Haddiz: "If we put on a plate balance everything in heaven and on earth, and in the other dish we put" La ilaha illa-l-Lah ", the balance would lean side" Lailaha pumpernickel catering illa- l-Lah "Another haddiz." Best action is to leave the wet tongue with the remembrance of Allah "continue with the ayat al-kursy, which according Rasul is for protection against pumpernickel catering the evils of the dunya and against chayatin . Finally had to read the surat al ikhlas then ended up with the Tawhid and ended with salat 'ala-n-Muhammadan naby to signify the character of our invocation. Waqi'a The surat to the wird was introduced by the Shaykh al- Alawy, because the Sunnah indicates that it may be used to prevent the poverty of material resources. At the time of French rule in Algeria fuqara passed some major economic problems., so the introduction of this surat to head wird changed life many of them. I could extend, however consider as sufficient grounds pumpernickel catering for someone to ask for more realization on a particular point, and to leave the door open to the opportunity to dig a little issue by issue. Why a hundred times each invocation? In the case of istigfar we have already explained. In the case of Sallat 'ala Muhammad, we complete the haddiz explidado above. "Whoever asks Allah Sallat on me, Allah returns it 10 times, pumpernickel catering the one who calls it 100 times, 1000 times returns Allah, and he who makes 1000 times, hellfire will never touch you" . In the case of La ilaha iila-l-Lah ... we found no specific mention of a certain number, but like everything else you have to put an order, particularly when it comes to an invocation of the community, the fact of leaving hundred comes in line with the rest of invocations. However we have to say, because I think there is some confusion by some fuqara, this wird as has just been explained pumpernickel catering is not a condition "sine pumpernickel catering qua non" pumpernickel catering within the tariqa. Each has its maqam faqir and is based on the maqam that should direct your 'ibadah. But that is the work of the Shaykh and we should not give more explanations on this review. You speak of some who say that in this there Bidda'a. I say: It is said that the wird bidda'a is bidda'a. Nothing in this wird that is not in the Sunnah, and if anyone says anything pumpernickel catering against it shall document its corresponding dalil. Of course, if someone holds that asertación pumpernickel catering is invited to find in the Qur'an or the haddiz something to support his words, and it does, it must bear the burden of having made the subject of slander Muslims with their claims. And Allah knows best. Sallam. Author: Abdul Karim Mullor Source: pumpernickel catering Link to a recitation of the wird of the tariqa 'Alawiya.
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