Thursday, April 17, 2014

But not only the South American continent that offers this unique series of enigmas. The

But not only the South American continent that offers this unique series of enigmas. The "obsession" with the figures, drawings and constructions observable only "from above" also appears in other corners of the globe. Some-case U.S. and Britain, well known to lovers of archeology. Others, like the Sahara, perfectly ignored. And this new mystery I will refer, but I anticipate that the information that has come to me is scarce and incomplete, for obvious reasons. Let me explain. The scenario of this enigma is located in the hot sands of what was the Spanish Sahara. Today, unfortunately, this region is involved in a guerrilla war and my successive attempts to go into it have not prospered. It will be a matter of waiting for better penetrate that wilderness and explore the area carefully times.
The news came into my possession through the pilots of the Spanish Air Force, who served in that part of Africa. They, rightly, easy fairs who "discovered" in their foreign flights existing in the territories of Laayoune Chej Merebbi Raban, Lehmeira, Musa, Sallat Aseraui, Moroba, Habchi, Chabien, Jang Saccim, Quesar, Tuccat, Tifariti, Bir formations Lehmar and Fadral Tarnat. And the ones who were "baptized" with the names of "ums" and "boomerang" drawing close-ups of their situation. "Flies" and "boomerang" respond to the curious easy fairs forms that present from the air. The first resemble these insects, with two huge "wings" rounded corners, separated by a kind of straight channel and provided a dark and ill-defined "head". According to estimates of the size of the pilot "flies" in no case exceeded fifty meters. The "boomerang", however, are gigantic. Some reach a mile in length. easy fairs A dark, almost triangular central area of the narrow paths that start and extraordinarily long lines seen in photographs taken from airplanes. A structure, in short, very similar to the famous Australian weapon. Inexplicably, all the "boomerang" are facing west. The "flies", however, have no apparent order. Are distributed everywhere and anarchic formations. According to the pilots, the ground location of buildings is as perplexing hard work. Despite easy fairs having the location of many of them, the desert dunes have come to cover them, preventing recognition tasks. What is known is that there are natural formations or simple terrain features. Are "manufactured" with huge dark stones and, in the case of the "boomerang", as I say, keeping as stiff as cryptic guidance. Why westward? When the native population, the Saharawis, was questioned about these enigmatic "works", his response was always the same: "They belong to our glorious ancestors." And a flood of questions immediately arise. Why refer ancestors? Are we, as in the mysteries of Peru and Chile, to a civilization with very superior knowledge to those who imagine? Why the "boomerang" point to the Atlantic? What is hidden under the "wings" of the "flies"? Were they aware that such buildings could only be spotted from the air? Does have the capacity to fly?
Former Spanish Sahara. What are these enigmatic figures only visible from the air? Some experts say that it could be ancient tombs. The mystery, however, is elucidated.
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