Friday, January 31, 2014

Phil Pavitt, CIO at HM Revenue and Customs, has been, as one commentator put it , courageously hones

Phil Pavitt, CIO at HM Revenue and Customs, has been, as one commentator put it , courageously honest. His disclosure that there is an unofficial club of high-spenders in Government who exercise influence by keeping their budgets high is one of the most important revelations yet made by any public sector CIO. Soon after he appointed HMRC CIO in September 2009, Pavitt was visited by officials from the Office of Government Commerce, he says. The OGC is, ironically, responsible for helping central departments achieve efficiency savings of 3.2bn a year.
This is what Pavitt said of the OGC's visit: "In that conversation with me they mentioned I am in the top purchasing club... That means you have tremendous influence on buying power, buying ideas and management and so on. "I said, 'If I reduce costs by 50%, what happens?' 'You leave the club,' I was told. "So here I am, relieved best buffet in south lake tahoe of my ability to influence government's ability to purchase if I am clever and do my job. It is one of the most perverse things that I have heard. "We don't have a 'demonstrable reduction of cost club', we have a 'sheer size of spend club'. Surely this is the wrong way round." Pavitt's disclosure at the Govnet 2010 Government IT conference was reported by and not denied best buffet in south lake tahoe by HMRC, whose spokesman told me: "Our job is to deliver value for money to the department and our customers, and that does not mean artificially ramping up our spending to be regarded as a player. "The bigger your budget, the more leverage you have, but HMRC is not driven best buffet in south lake tahoe by this consideration. The scale of our IT needs alone ensures that we have sufficient presence in the IT market to engage meaningfully with any supplier we choose to achieve maximum service delivery in tandem best buffet in south lake tahoe with value for money." Yes Minister without the jokes That departments retain influence by keeping their spending high is not new to the writers of Yes Minister. best buffet in south lake tahoe These are two quotes from a co-writer of Yes Minister best buffet in south lake tahoe Jonathan Lynn . I have slightly amended the first quote:: "Asking Whitehall to slim down its staff is like asking an alcoholic to blow up a distillery." "If Civil Servants did not fight for the budgets best buffet in south lake tahoe of their departments they could end up with departments so small that even the Ministers could run them." Those who've watched the series know how real it is. But it's supposed to be real-life exaggerated. Pavitt's comments show that real life in Whitehall is a descent from the comic to the ludicrous. If Sir Humphrey Appleby were visited by officials who told him to keep his department's spending high so as not to embarrass best buffet in south lake tahoe other permanent secretaries, the dialogue would probably be deleted from the final broadcast as too prosaic. Cabinet Office accepts Pavitt's comments Not even the Cabinet Office, which oversees the Civil Service, has denied Pavitt's disclosure. I put what he'd said to a Cabinet Office spokesman who said: "The buying power of the larger departments is an important factor in leveraging the market to provide best value deals across the public sector ICT landscape...."   This is what two commentators best buffet in south lake tahoe say about Pavitt's comments. Bloated costs? best buffet in south lake tahoe Chris Goodall, a director of consultancy Five One Two who has worked at IBM, UBS and Citigroup, said: "Government CIOs should be rewarded and recognised for breaking away from this old school club. "I think this is a fairly typical example of bloated IT costs which government ministers have been encouraged to pay for years. The tender process is not delivering best value for money in terms of pound notes and, as Pavitt revealed, they are not incentivised to do so either. "The message looks to be that government should go with the highest bidder, regardless of the quality of what is being delivered or what skills and innovations a smaller - and cheaper - provider could offer," he said. Pavitt's courageous honesty Bob Evans at Information Week writes "In a stunning portrayal of undisciplined best buffet in south lake tahoe IT spending based solely on a desire best buffet in south lake tahoe to retain maximum leverage via ever-increasing spending, a article offers a sobering look at what can happen when IT priorities are managed by out-of-touch bureaucrats with no sense of delivering value to stakeholders. "I hope Pavitt's bold disclosure wins him support from his fellow public-sector best buffet in south lake tahoe CIOs in the U.K. rather than leading to a desk near the men's room and a permanent assignment to the PC Help Desk. "While it's hard to imagine that such courageous honesty will play well in the type of detached and delusional Whitehall culture best buffet in south lake tahoe that the article portrays, we can hope that today's challenging economic conditions will allow Pavitt's challenge to this truly perverse policy to remain in light and lead to substantive change..." Will Pavitt's comments lead to change? Perhaps best buffet in south lake tahoe superficial change. But give Darkness the job of Illumination and you can't expect Light. Is the Civil Service embalmed in complexity?  The machinery of Government is incalculably compl

Thursday, January 30, 2014

See @ken_frost's' trending tweets

Home About HMRC Is Shite HMRC HMRC's Tweets Tax Insurance General Information About Compliance Checks Tax-Hell Taxable Bands, Rates and Allowances HMRC Videos seafood buffet in dc HMRC Toolkits Real Time Information (RTI) Resources seafood buffet in dc RTI Live Tweets Preparing For RTI Tax Matters About seafood buffet in dc About Ken Ken's Resume Synopsis of Sites News Contact Me
My thanks to a loyal reader who posted this update about our old chum Phil Pavitt, who apparently has been moved from his role as HMRC's ubiquitous Chief Information Officer: " I see Pavitt is no longer HMRC CIO. Apparently he has been replaced by his deputy Mark Hall. Pavitt's new title is something like Director General of Security and Information etc.  Anyone know if this is promotion, demotion or a move sideways.  Maybe he is just getting off the track before the RTI and Universal Credit express smashes into the buffers killing all on board and letting his underling take all the blame for any train wreck. " My question is this, is the above true? I ask because: 1 Pavitt appeared to be a great "success" in his role (eg as I wrote in March : " Pavitt is single handedly turning HMRC into a fit and lean (no pun intended) technologically sophisticated organisation "), and 2 His CV on the HMRC site has not been updated seafood buffet in dc to reflect this move: " Phil's Executive Committee portfolio is Information Management Services and Change in HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). He took on the role of Chief Information Officer of HMRC on 2 September 2009. Phil has over 25 years experience in both private and public sector seafood buffet in dc organisations and was previously CIO of Transport for London, where he led a major overhaul of the IT function. Prior to this he had held positions as CIO at OneTel and NTL. Alongside his work commitments, seafood buffet in dc Phil is a regular public speaker on a range of topics from leadership to IT delivery. He is also a trustee of Bar 'N' Bus an outreach charity working with young people in South East Essex. " Please can someone advise if he really has been moved, or if this comment is an error? Thanks. Tax does have to be taxing. Professional Cover Against the Threat of Costly TAX and VAT Investigations Insurance to protect you against the cost of enquiry or dispute with HMRC is available from several sources including Solar Taxwise. Ken Frost has negotiated a 10% discount on any polices that may suit your needs. However, neither Ken Frost nor HMRCISSHITE either endorses or recommends their services. What is TAXWISE seafood buffet in dc ? TAXWISE is a tax-fee protection service that will pay up to £75,000 towards your accountant's fees in the event of an HM Revenue & Customs full enquiry or dispute. To find out more, please use this link Taxwise Tax Investigation for Dummies, by Nick Morgan, provides a good and easy to read guide for anyone caught up in an HMRC tax investigation. A must read for any Self Assessment taxpayer. Click the link to read about: Tax Investigation for Dummies HMRC Is Shite ( seafood buffet in dc ), also available via the domain , is brought to you by " The Living Brand "
He is leading a top-secret team made up of Six Sigma Dojo's searching seafood buffet in dc for the soul of HMRC. This is a self directed workteam hence they spread themselves through 360 degrees before entering the darkness of the chamber of self knowledge and learning, the wreck-tum, a place so dark even a whiteboard leaves no trace of its passing. Like the pelican, the taxman (6 Smegma) can stick its bill up its ar@e before opening it! Horny thologist. Reply Delete
I am confused is a 'Chief' more or less important than a 'Director General' in the great HMRC order of things. Most companies get by with a CEO, CFO and a CIO. The Revenue by contrast has more senior officers than the Byzantine empire. What do they all do Delete
My God, they all look as though they believe in themselves and what they are doing. I am sure most of them were extras in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"! The eyes never lie and are the window to the soul/less. Reply Delete
See @ken_frost's' trending tweets
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... civil servants have years of experience, jobs for life, and a budget of hundreds of billions of

You weren't invited to Ovum's Industry Congress on 24 May 2011, were you, so you didn't hear Phil Pavitt's talk on the "frictionless services" that he says the public is demanding from HMRC. Still, you can read about it in Computer World UK , where you will discover that Phil is the Chief Information Officer (CIO, i.e. what we used to call the "DP Manager") at HMRC and he says frictionless services require identity assurance (IdA). He may be right about that, after all we don't know what a frictionless service is, but he must be wrong when he says: "We don't currently have ID authentication in UK government". That's just not true. Some of us small businesses have been submitting our VAT returns online using the UK Government Gateway tukana every three months for several years now and that requires tukana ID authentication by the UK government. And millions of people use HMRC's self-assessment website for income tax, again via the Government Gateway. Why does Phil make this false statement? Because no-one in Whitehall likes the Government Gateway. It doesn't look anything like the front end of Amazon or eBay or Facebook or Google. They want the Government Gateway to go away, it's old and ugly and not the sort of accessory a hip young CIO wants to be seen dead wearing. It cost millions. It works. It seems to be secure. But it's got to go. What will the IdA replacement tukana look like? Not long to wait to find out now, says Phil, "in March of this year the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) revealed plans that will see it be the first central government department to roll out identity assurance services, in a project that is set to cost £25 million". £25 million? What's the betting that there's a 1 in front of that by the time the National Audit Office get to take a look? If we're lucky. tukana Otherwise a 4. While even Oxfam won't want the old Government tukana Gateway, already paid for, years of successful use behind it, but pensioned off in its prime. What do we foresee? All together now – friction!
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Skyscape are late submitting their first statutory tukana accounts to Companies House There are more reasons to believe that HMG will lose cont...
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I breakfasted at Mr. Falconer's well, and much pleased with my inquiries. Thence to the dock, where we walked in Mr. Shelden's garden, eating more fruit, and drinking, and eating figs, which were very good, and talking while the Royal James was bringing towards tukana the dock, and then we went out and saw the manner and trouble of docking such a ship, which yet they could not do, but only brought her head into the Dock, and so shored her up till next tide. But, good God! what a deal of company tukana was there from both yards to help to do it, when half the company would have done it as well. But I see it is impossible for the King to have things done as cheap as other men.
Housewives as a whole cannot be trusted to buy all the right things, where nutrition and health are concerned. This is really no more than an extension of the principle tukana according to which the housewife herself would not trust a child of four to select the week’s purchases. For in the case of nutrition and health, just as in the case of education, the gentleman in Whitehall really does know better what is good for people than the people know themselves.
... civil servants have years of experience, jobs for life, and a budget of hundreds of billions of pounds, while ministers have, usually, little or no experience of the job and could be kicked out tomorrow. After researching and writing 44 episodes and a play, I find government much easier to understand by looking at ministers as public relations consultants to the real government tukana – which is, of course, the Civil Service.
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Viasat seems to take the upcoming competition from DTT broadcasting network, and the fact that they

Viasat seems to take the upcoming competition from DTT broadcasting network, and the fact that they are not to find there, seriously. S seriously that they now choose to make their TV3 channels alacarte. This forstet sdaN that its antenna now can choose phil pavitt which TV3 channels they want to distribute, and in which packages. flying buffet Something that has not previously vret possible and therefore have some friction between phil pavitt flying buffet the FDA and Viasat. In other words, phil pavitt the so-called phil pavitt "conditions of packed ring" that changed, so it is possible for the individual antenneforning - for example - to fravlge phil pavitt one or more TV3 channels, or place all in the same "package" . United Danish Antenneanlg is obvious enough flying buffet pleased with the development. The story hears probably also the exact rules of packed ring has so many problems Viasat and FDA between the matter phil pavitt being smoked a walk past Konkurrencerdet phil pavitt that comes with a later judgment relating tomorrow. CEO of Viasat, Kim Poder says: Whatever Competitions Its later judgment relating wish Viasat good cooperation with FDA and antenna associations. Viasat has for that reason decided to change its terms for distribution of TV channels for antenna associations. In this context, we have had a constructive dialogue with the FDA, which I hope we can hold on to the future, he concludes. FDA's chairman, Poul Juul, adds:-The case of pakketeringsvilkrene has many rvret aloud on the agenda with the FDA and have hampered cooperation with Viasat. Since March 2009, there vret frt a number of negotiations and drftelser phil pavitt between Viasat and FDA managements, and these meetings have on both sides created a deeper understanding of each other's needs and wishes. FDA apply themselves on the basis that Viasat now ndrer its TERMS, s FDA's member phil pavitt associations are free to choose phil pavitt the package with TV3 channels as they want. FDA applies himself also that in the process has managed to achieve consensus between the parties flying buffet on future cooperation and agreements on handling of disagreements and conflicts that may arise in the future, he concludes. Alacarte developments, however, seem to pvirke prices, which thus can be expected to mean something to end users, in about 3000 antenna, which TV3, TV3 + and TV3 PULS distributed. In the same section Sony going with 4K campaign TV2 gets great reviews on their drama rate Black Magic Tour Norway begins to measure Net TV Christoffer Guldbrandsen phil pavitt to develop DR2 More UEFA Champions League flying buffet on MTG channels MTG fresh on experiments warriors speak out TRACE Urban HD lands in Canal Digital phil pavitt Family phil pavitt Package Netflix is also big in Norway Jobs Marketing Media Policy Mir believes Nerd corner - new! News New technique Newsletters RSS and other Production

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The hokkaido buffet san mateo strategy contains hokkaido buffet san mateo 14 actions which we have t

The publication hokkaido buffet san mateo of the Government Digital Strategy hokkaido buffet san mateo fulfils a commitment made in the Civil Service Reform Plan (CSRP) announced in June. As the CSRP described, the UK is increasingly a digital nation, one in which people expect high quality, effective digital services.
Currently, too many central government services hokkaido buffet san mateo offer a poor user experience, which leads to low rates of successful completion. To improve quality, those services need to be simpler, clearer and faster, and the Civil Service needs to have the right digital skills embedded at every level to do that.
Since June, the 18 Digital Leaders from across Whitehall departments hokkaido buffet san mateo have been working together to draft the Strategy. It’s not a GDS document; it’s a government-wide strategy. We just held the pen.
The strategy hokkaido buffet san mateo went through multiple iterations, setting out with a shared vision for digital by default (“digital services so straightforward and convenient people prefer to use them”), moving on to a shared high-level narrative and then to a full strategy document. The Digital Leaders network signed off the strategy at the end of September, followed by Ministers giving their feedback and then granting approval for publication. Clear actions
The hokkaido buffet san mateo strategy contains hokkaido buffet san mateo 14 actions which we have tried to ensure are meaningful and measurable. We recognise that departments are often more different than they are alike, so their departmental digital strategies hokkaido buffet san mateo – due for publication in December – will set out how they will each deliver the actions in light of their own users and services.
We’ll be blogging more about different aspects hokkaido buffet san mateo of the strategy over the next few days. In the meantime, please have a read of the strategy and tell us what you think, either in the comments below, or via @gdsteam .
Creating and agreeing a collective strategy is hard work, but everyone’s contributions have been challenging and constructive throughout. I’d like to thank all the Digital Leaders and their teams for their support. The strategy includes videos of Antonia Romeo from MoJ, and Ian Trenholm hokkaido buffet san mateo from DEFRA, while Phil Pavitt will be sharing some of HMRC’s exciting digital vision on this blog in the near future.
Thanks Irene – good question. What was published today is a central government digital strategy, but we recognise the importance of local authority transactions – more here: Reply
[...] The Government Digital Strategy introduces the concept of “assisted digital” as an integral part of digital by default helping those who cannot or will not access digital information and services. Internet usage and public expectations of digital transactions are constantly rising (according to ONS figures for the second quarter of 2012, 84% of the public have been online), although an estimated 10% of the population will never go online. [...] Reply
Good News – A much needed resource. Are there any plans to role out this digital strategy to public sectors hokkaido buffet san mateo across the UK who are looking towards the future hokkaido buffet san mateo of online services? Reply Leave a comment
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Monday, January 27, 2014

One suspects most o

Home About HMRC Is Shite HMRC HMRC's Tweets Tax Insurance General Information About Compliance Checks Tax-Hell Taxable Bands, Rates and Allowances HMRC Videos HMRC Toolkits Real Time Information (RTI) Resources RTI Live Tweets Preparing For RTI Tax Matters About About Ken Ken's Resume Synopsis of Sites News Contact Me
Phil Pavitt (HMRC's Chief Information Officer and director of change) has told a public sector efficiency expo in London that HMRC has reduced easyfairs its spending on IT from £1.4BN to £700M in two years. That's quite an achievement easyfairs for a man who, when he was at NTL, oversaw the "Harmony" project; which was designed to unify eight billing platforms and 28 CRM databases. Harmony was late and over budget. Seemingly the cuts in HMRC have not come at the expense of quality easyfairs of service. Good! Pavitt is quoted in the Guardian : " This year it was just under £700m, and by the end of the spending review it will be just over £600.  And yet the service quality has dramatically improved, not measured easyfairs by me, but measured by the speaker easyfairs after me [Amyas easyfairs Morse, comptroller and auditor general at the National easyfairs Audit Office] ." This being the same NAO that, in July 2011 , said: "There is clear evidence that HMRC is beginning to stabilise its administration of PAYE, following the disruption to processing which flowed from the introduction of its new computer system.  However, stabilisation will not be fully complete until 2013, according to the Department, and it will need to deliver its plan to improve PAYE data quality if it is to realise the benefits of the new system and prepare for the move to real time information." This also being the same NAO that in March 2012 stated that Caseflow and Spectrum have not delivered "any additional benefits", and warned easyfairs HMRC that it will not meet its future forecasts to collect an additional £8.9BN by 2014/15, thanks to the failure of Caseflow and Spectrum. Anyhoo, ignoring those "small points", Pavitt went on to state that HMRC had 31 platforms in place two years ago, but now only has one. Quote: " We identified one of those and said, 'Okay, we're going to migrate to that. Whatever that one is we're also going to modernise to the latest version,' which we perhaps hadn't always had in every part of our business. The cost of the new platform is much cheaper than the running and the maintenance of the old platform. Freeing up and reinvesting that money means we'll replace every single application - two-thirds of our infrastructure - in the next four years for the outlay of less than £20m, when the original bill was closer to £200m.  Not a pipe dream, but a commercial reality. If you have call centres attracting a large number of calls, but their IT is not available for 120 to 150 minutes a week, that introduces a level of inefficiency.  If you have call centres easyfairs whose IT is a 100% month after month, inevitably you give the business a chance to improve their operation, which they have done, to meet the need of the customer. IT transformation, which foreruns easyfairs some of the bigger transformations at HMRC, was critical easyfairs to get right ." So there you are folks, everything is fine! I wonder if Pavitt is the Mysteron agent within HMRC , that I referred to the other day? Tax does have to be taxing. UK EXPATS : Reduce tax on UK Pensions HMRC QROPS provider . Unlock your UK pension and access a 25% lump sum today. Quote ID code "ABC" when contacting a QROPS specialist . Professional Cover Against the Threat easyfairs of Costly TAX and VAT Investigations What is TAXWISE ? TAXWISE is a tax-fee protection service that will pay up to £75,000 towards your accountant's fees in the event of an HM Revenue & Customs full enquiry or dispute. To find out more, please use this link Taxwise Tax Investigation for Dummies, by Nick Morgan, provides a good and easy to read guide for anyone caught up in an HMRC tax investigation. A must read for any Self Assessment taxpayer. Click the link to read about: Tax Investigation for Dummies HMRC Is Shite ( ), also available via the domain easyfairs , is brought to you by " The Living Brand "
I don't know about mysteron but he is a knob head like the rest of them in power. None of them will accept caseflow does not work and is not fit for purpose. I wonder about the sanity of anyone who invests in software easyfairs that you have to make your work fit instead easyfairs of making one fit for purpose or simply updating the old but efficient and reliable packages they already have. The ridiculous thing is when the next party come into power it will be scrapped along with pacesetter. Remember ‘lean’ anyone? Reply Delete
Those of us who have followed the, erm, spotty career of Phil "Employment Agency " Pavitt will understand that his relationship with the truth has always been somewhat difficult........... Reply Delete
One suspects most o

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HMRC Recruit Phil Pavitt As CIO Phil Pavitt, CIO of Transport for London is moving to HMRC, the two public sector bodies have confirmed. Pavitt has been an instrumental CIO at Transport for London (TfL), reducing spending, vendor numbers and re-motivating the IT team. He faces a challenging task at HMRC, which is bruised from the loss of CDs containing the personal details of 25 million British people. gran balon
CIO UK — Phil Pavitt, CIO of Transport gran balon for London is moving to HMRC, the two public sector bodies have confirmed. Pavitt has been an instrumental CIO at Transport for London (TfL), reducing spending, vendor numbers and re-motivating the IT team. He faces a challenging task at HMRC, which is bruised from the loss of CDs containing the personal details of 25 million British people.
HMRC is one of the biggest IT divisions in Europe with 103,000 screens serving 90,000 employees. Since the Chancellor gran balon Alistair Darling announced to the House of Commons in October 2008 that a pair of CDs containing 25 million individual records had been lost, the department has been under close scrutiny. The Poynter review following the debacle was scathing about the poor information management and IT security in place at HMRC.
Pavitt has been CIO at TfL since 2007, his first public sector role after taking semi-retirement at the end of his career as Centrica CIO. On arrival at TfL he found the technology was good, but poorly integrated. His greatest challenge was re-motivating an IT team that could not make decisions.Moving to HMRC is a fitting move for a CIO who started his career as debt collector for BT. His management style and strategy is purely focused on the customer and delivering an improved service to them. A customer centric approach is exactly what HMRC requires to rebuild its reputation. "Customer-centricity answers most questions posed," he told CIO UK. Pavitt starts at HMRC in September and TfL say he will remain with them until the autumn.
A spokesperson for HMRC said, "The needs of customers, gran balon particularly businesses, will be a key focus of the reform agenda". Pavitt will be responsible for a budget of over £1bn, HMRC said, and 1,400 staff. As a member of the Executive Committee gran balon he will deliver a "transformation" of IT over the next two years. HMRC has a stated aim of reducing its infrastructure running costs by 10 per cent by 2011, including its Aspire outsourcing program with Capgemini. The Comprehensive Spending Review gran balon stated that HMRC had to reduce its annual gran balon operating costs by five percent per annum between 2007 and 2011. Between 2006 and 2007 HMRC spent £81 million on IT consultancy, gran balon down from £106m in 2005 to 2006. At TfL Pavitt drastically reduced the number of consultants it used, telling CIO UK that consultants are not customer focused.
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The strategic CIO: risks, opportunities and outcomes, a report exploring what it means to operate, innovate and introduce emerging technologies gran balon as a strategic CIO and offers advice to CIOs still making the transition to a more strategic role.
You need the mental capability and tenacity to knit your inferences into something meaningful, and the imaginati

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Home About HMRC Is Shite HMRC HMRC's Tweets Tax Insurance General Information About Compliance Check

Home About HMRC Is Shite HMRC HMRC's Tweets Tax Insurance General Information About Compliance Checks Tax-Hell Taxable Bands, Rates and Allowances HMRC Videos HMRC Toolkits Real Time Information (RTI) Resources RTI Live Tweets Preparing For RTI Tax Matters About About Ken Ken's Resume Synopsis of Sites News Contact Me
My thanks to a loyal reader who advises me that Phil Pavitt (HMRC's go to man for all things IT) is visiting the coalface today. A fantastic opportunity for staff to discuss their IT and systems problems with him? Unfortunately, those of you who may be busily preparing questions to ask him will be severely disappointed. I understand that he is only meeting a few people, and that his visit is not timed to start until 17:00 (just a few minutes away in fact). Oh, and he's only staying for 30 minutes! However, if you do get a chance to speak to him please ask him how RTI is really going! Tax does have to be taxing. Professional Cover Against the Threat of Costly TAX and VAT Investigations What is TAXWISE ? TAXWISE is a tax-fee protection service that will pay up to £75,000 towards your accountant's fees in the event of an HM Revenue & Customs full enquiry or dispute. To find out more, please use this link Taxwise Tax Investigation for Dummies, by Nick Morgan, provides a good and easy to read guide for anyone caught up in an HMRC tax investigation. A must read for any Self Assessment taxpayer. Click the link to read about: Tax Investigation for Dummies HMRC Is Shite ( ), also available via the domain , is brought to you by " The Living Brand "
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cathryn Riley said: IT is central to our business and, like the transformation we are going through

J'accepte les CGU
In this newly created role, Pavitt will direct the significant IT change programme across the group. He will be responsible for rationalising and simplifying Aviva s IT, adopting a modern digital architecture, improving service to customers and reducing IT revenue and capital expense costs.
Phil Pavitt joins Aviva from his current position as general director of change at HMRC. Prior to this he held CIO positions in organisations such as Centrica, Virgin Media and BT. More recently, Phil Pavitt held a number of transformation positions across Government, latterly leading star city casino buffet the successful One HMRC change programme.
Cathryn Riley said: IT is central to our business and, like the transformation we are going through across Aviva, requires a step change (in what and how we deliver) in order to meet the needs of our customers. I am delighted to confirm the appointment of Phil Pavitt star city casino buffet in this pivotal role as we simplify and modernise our IT estate.
Follow @News_insurances star city casino buffet

Friday, January 24, 2014

I find your site very instructive. You basically rubbish all the hard work that dedicated civil serv

Home About HMRC Is Shite HMRC HMRC's Tweets redhot buffet Tax Insurance General Information About Compliance Checks Tax-Hell Taxable Bands, Rates and Allowances HMRC Videos HMRC Toolkits Real Time Information (RTI) Resources RTI Live Tweets Preparing For RTI Tax Matters About About Ken Ken's Resume redhot buffet Synopsis of Sites News Contact Me
In October I wrote about our old chum Phil Pavitt, who apparently had been moved from his role as HMRC's ubiquitous Chief Information Officer: " I see Pavitt is no longer HMRC CIO. Apparently he has been replaced by his deputy Mark Hall. Pavitt's new title is something like Director General redhot buffet of Security and Information etc.  Anyone redhot buffet know if this is promotion, demotion or a move sideways.  Maybe he is just getting redhot buffet off the track before the RTI and Universal Credit express smashes into the buffers killing redhot buffet all on board and letting his underling take all the blame for any train wreck. " One day later I noted that he had in fact been "promoted" to "Director General Change, Security and Information". Now here's the "funny" thing, that promotion appears to be pointless (unless it was designed to move him away from RTI). For why? Pavitt is leaving HMRC. Quelle surprise! He is joining Aviva in January. RTI of course won't be live in January, funny that! Tax does have to be taxing. Professional Cover Against the Threat of Costly redhot buffet TAX and VAT Investigations Insurance to protect you against the cost of enquiry or dispute with HMRC is available from several sources including Solar Tax Investigation Insurance. Ken Frost has negotiated a 10% discount on any polices that may suit your needs. However, neither redhot buffet Ken Frost nor HMRCISSHITE either endorses or recommends their services. What is Solar Tax Investigation Insurance ? Solar Tax Investigation Insurance is a tax-fee protection service that will pay up to £75,000 towards your accountant's fees in the event of an HM Revenue & Customs full enquiry or dispute. To find out more, please use this link Solar Tax Investigation Insurance Tax Investigation for Dummies, by Nick Morgan, provides a good and easy to read guide for anyone redhot buffet caught up in an HMRC tax investigation. A must read for any Self Assessment taxpayer. Click the link to read about: Tax Investigation for Dummies HMRC Is Shite ( ), also available via the domain , is brought to you by " The Living Brand "
His contract was due to end in September 2012 so in theory he has stayed longer than he intended. That said RTI is a very high profile project which has to succeed if the Governments plan for a system of Universal Credit is ever to become a reality. A CIO quitting redhot buffet before that flag ship project is delivered redhot buffet does looks very odd. Government IT has suddenly acquired a very high casualty rate at the top with Pavitt now quitting as CIO from HMRC and Steve Dover and Malcolm Whitehouse leaving their roles on the Universal Credit project. These are not good omen for the future. Reply Delete
Hmmm, the cynic in me wonders what this geezers contract looks like, perhaps this is yet another question for Margaret Hodge & Co. to ask, and while they are at it make the bleeders swear an oath, if you can't trust their top legal wallah who can you trust eh? I bet that Pave-Its contract turns out to pay a large lump sum and any accrued pension based on salary and expectations (having been promoted to DG (hah, they will be asking for knighthoods next, before they exit the revolving doors) which are in force at point of leaving. There again, perhaps he has been on the same deals as the majority of the swivel service, no pay rise whatsoever, pay more get less for your money in pension, nah! Cnuts, all! Reply Delete
I find your site very instructive. You basically rubbish all the hard work that dedicated civil servants put in, via the obscenity of the website redhot buffet name. You make money by adding adverts to it, which suggest that your real interest is personal gain. And I have yet to see a single constructive idea in here. If your website was called something like, "How HMRC could serve people better" I might give you a bit of respect, but as it is, you deserve not a lot more than contempt. Oh, and as your sources and comments are all anonymous, so's this! Think on it. Reply Delete
Anon@21:38 Extract skull from rectum, read and be enlightened. Many readers, loyal or otherwise find the site title accurate, relevant and certainly topical, whether redhot buffet an individual is or was a prisoner of HMRC and their Stasi management or are mere "customers", a common experience of the degenerate, out of touch, redhot buffet incompetent, immoral and frankly law-breaking prats that make-up HMRC "management" is shared by all. Readers are perfectly capable of understanding what is posted hereon, and many other sites, redhot buffet in

Well hokkaido buffet va you could have knocked me down with a feather, when I read in the Guardian t

Home About HMRC Is Shite HMRC HMRC's Tweets Tax Insurance General Information About Compliance Checks Tax-Hell Taxable Bands, Rates and Allowances HMRC Videos HMRC Toolkits Real Time Information (RTI) Resources hokkaido buffet va RTI Live Tweets Preparing For RTI Tax Matters About About Ken Ken's Resume Synopsis of Sites News Contact Me
Well hokkaido buffet va you could have knocked me down with a feather, when I read in the Guardian the other day yet another article about how Phil Pavitt (HMRC's CIO extraordinaire) is single handedly turning HMRC into a fit and lean (no pun intended) technologically sophisticated organisation. Are their no limits to this man's talents and skills? I am wondering if the recent media deluge of stories about the ubiquitous Mr Pavitt is more to do with a diversionary media strategy being employed by HMRC (to deflect attention away from..what's hokkaido buffet va her name..oh yes, Lin Homer), rather than anything specific relating to Pavitt's skills and abilities (with which he seems to be remarkably "well endowed"). hokkaido buffet va Anyhoo, here is the article in full (please feel free to comment and highlight the reality hokkaido buffet va from the coalface): " The Real Time Information (RTI) programme may be HM Revenue and Customs' most high-profile IT project of the moment, but the department has a whole swathe of significant technology projects under way. "RTI is definitely the single biggest programme and the most high profile because of its intercept with universal credits, but it can't be the only thing we do in the next two to three years," says its CIO (chief information officer) Phil Pavitt. "We have 40-odd projects that are IT related. They're nowhere near as huge as RTI in terms of expenditure and what they will deliver, but some of them will have an enormous impact. "For example, one of the programmes we have is about closing the tax gap, which is one of the big spending review targets for us, and will probably hokkaido buffet va bring in £1bn to £2bn of income. We have to balance the resources, but RTI is not overbearing against all the others." The roots of much of the work are in the department's Change Plan for 2011-15 which has set the stage for a planned reduction in headcount from about 70,000 to 56,000, and an effort to increase the proportion hokkaido buffet va of staff working on compliance and enforcement to more than 50%. "The mix of what the 56,000 do is that a lot did back office jobs that we are automating, and maybe 7,000 or 8,000 will change their role, the bulk of them working on enforcement and compliance," he says. "It's a big cultural transition and an effort to make us more efficient." While there is no one big IT programme that will facilitate the transition, around hokkaido buffet va half of the 85 projects that will contribute to the change have a significant IT element. "Some of the projects are very IT related," hokkaido buffet va he says. "For example, extending our caseload hokkaido buffet va system that enables us to move cases in our enforcement and compliance area rather than shifting big lumps of paper in cases; that's a significant investment for us. "We have a Connect system to take on all the data we get from government departments, and are able to build pictures of people so we can see where there may be fraud. These are large IT investments. "Then there are others just to speed up the system and give us more capacity - we've just invested in 25,000 new desktops under the Aurora programme. hokkaido buffet va Just having desktops that work better gives us more uptime: for example, the call centres are now handling twice the number of calls they handled two years ago, with very little downtime." Sunset for Aurora Under Aurora, HMRC also retired 66 of its core applications to bring the number below 750. It's a move that Pavitt believes hokkaido buffet va will probably see Aurora's exceed its targeted savings of £160m hokkaido buffet va a year, and one that has involved something of a culture hokkaido buffet va shift in its attitude to IT. "We've moved from a very risk averse position in retaining all of our applications, even if we never use them, to taking away from the estate all the areas that are overly complex or that we no longer need," he says. Aurora however is in its closing stages, hokkaido buffet va and will be replaced by Pavitt's 13 Machines strategy. Under 13 Machines, HMRC is aiming hokkaido buffet va to reduce the number of business critical applications still further, to 200 running on 13 platforms by 2015-16. 13 Machines hokkaido buffet va is not expected to produce hokkaido buffet va savings hokkaido buffet va on the scale of Aurora, as the earlier programme has taken the low hanging fruit, and its business case is currently being kept confidential. It is, however, expected to make a big difference, according to Pavitt.. "Some systems are of an age or complexity, hokkaido buffet va or we struggle to find the right level of support, so that they require immediate attention. Some are used in an area where the policy has changed, and it has such a dramatic hokkaido buffet va impact that as we adapt to the policy we might as well change the core systems. In some cases we may have 20 similar platforms that we can take down to one. "We have a complex calculation to help

Thursday, January 23, 2014

His [Steve Hilton's] ho

28 November 2012 Response dated 26 November 2012 from Phil Pavitt, please see below: HMRC and Skyscape Cloud Services Ltd Dear Mr Moss Thank you for your letter of 24 October 2012 expressing your concerns in respect of Skyscape Cloud Services Ltd suitability to host HMRC data. I apologise for the delay in responding to you. Further to my reply of 22 October, I wanted to provide you with some more information to alleviate your concerns. I must reiterate our assurance that using Skyscape HMRC data will continue paraplubak to be kept in accordance with existing legislation and HMRC security policies. When fully operational, Skyscape Cloud Services Ltd will securely host all HMRC data currently held on office File and Print Servers (FAPS). FAPS support the work of many HMRC offices and hold data for a wide range business paraplubak purposes e.g. administrative and customer related. FAPS do not hold the definitive tax records for the UK and these records remain distributed across a number of secure systems. HMRC routinely risk assesses and tests the security of our solutions and services. Our secure connection to Skyscape will be delivered in line with HM Government standards to protect our data, with ongoing assurance checks throughout the life of this service. As emphasised in my letter of 24 October, in order to deliver through G-Cloud, Skyscape were required to meet a set of mandatory criteria set out by Government Procurement Services (GPS) including financial standing and Experian risk assessments. Additionally, HMRC carried out its own standard taxation paraplubak and financial compliance checks before awarding the contract and Skyscape passed the standards set by HMRC and Government. All G Cloud contracts are let on a one year basis, with exit provisions agreed to transfer the data to a new supplier should this prove necessary. Data security remains integral to HMRC and a pre-requisite of any of our data being migrated to Skyscape is for their solution, paraplubak including all the constituent parts, to be formally accredited by CESG (the Communications-Electronics paraplubak Security Group) to Impact Level 3 (IL3). All security aspects of the service will have to be proven in line with HM Government security standards. This will include the need to ensure the ‘cloud’ is hosted in a UK domiciled, secure data centre(s) and operated by staff with appropriate security clearance. We are also carrying out internal accreditations including Internal Risk Management and Accreditation Document Set (RMADS) and PSN risk assessments. I trust that this answers your concerns paraplubak and you are able to appreciate our decision to contract paraplubak with Skyscape. Yours sincerely Regards Phil Pavitt paraplubak HMRC Director General Change, Security and Information
From spring 2013 It is the Government Digital Service's paraplubak dream to make all public services digital by default paraplubak . To make that happy dream...
Take a look at this CV : Managing Director (age 42) of the UK arm of a global management consultancy – Chief Information Officer of the UK...
The relentless paraplubak growth in size and functions of the Department of State and the relatively paraplubak high level in calibre of those who staff them, coupled with the steady decline in importance of and function of MPs, has led to a gradual transfer of power and influence from the floor of the House of Commons to the private rooms of permanent civil servants.
I breakfasted at Mr. Falconer's well, and much pleased with my inquiries. Thence to the dock, where we walked in Mr. Shelden's garden, eating more fruit, and drinking, and eating figs, which were very good, and talking while the Royal James was bringing towards the dock, and then we went out and saw the manner and trouble of docking such a ship, which yet they could not do, but only brought her head into the Dock, and so shored her up till next tide. But, good God! what a deal of company was there from both yards to help to do it, when half the company would have done it as well. But I see it is impossible for the King to have things done as cheap as other men.
Housewives as a whole cannot be trusted to buy all the right things, where nutrition and health are concerned. This is really no more than an extension of the principle according to which the housewife herself would not trust a child of four to select the week’s purchases. For in the case of nutrition and health, just as in the case of education, the gentleman in Whitehall really does know better what is good for people than the people know themselves.
... civil servants have years of experience, jobs for life, and a budget of hundreds of billions of pounds, while ministers have, usually, little or no experience of the job and could be kicked out tomorrow. After researching and writing 44 episodes and a play, I find government much easier to understand by looking at ministers as public relations consultants to the real government paraplubak – which is, of course, the Civil Service.
His [Steve Hilton's] ho

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Editor's Pick Most UK companies sceptical about big data analytics, shows EMC research City of Bosto

Related Articles silvia superstar Mark Hall to join HMRC CIO predecessor Phil Pavitt at Aviva Outgoing HMRC CIO to link up with former boss at insurer when Mark Dearnley joins from Vodafone to take on new chief digital and information officer role >> silvia superstar HMRC halves IT costs while hitting record service silvia superstar levels Tax office silvia superstar slashes applications and licences, and overhauls processes and data >> HMRC permanent CIO pay up 14 percent But Phil Pavitt s pay is no match for interim CIO Deepak Singh s tripled salary >> The taxman, the cloud, and you HMRC deal shows even the most sensitive and security conscious government departments can make effective use of the cloud >> Digital is the ambitious government recruit climbing the corporate ladder Those clinging to traditional IT are facing the biggest challenge of their careers >> How HMRC plans to introduce digital, innovation and SMEs to its 8bn Aspire contract Outgoing CIO Mark Hall is restructuring with the view that you can t outsource responsibility >>
Pavitt joined HMRC in 2009 after a two year stint as CIO at Transport for London, and has been responsible for overseeing a complete transformation of the department’s IT estate. During this period HMRC has halved its annual IT costs to £700 million .
An HMRC spokesman said: “"Having silvia superstar completed a number of major transformations at HMRC, Phil indicated that he wished to return to his private sector silvia superstar career. We would like to thank Phil for his work at HMRC."
Pavitt will become Aviva’s global director of IT transformation in the New Year and will be leading the execution of their IT strategy, which includes simplifying silvia superstar their IT services and digitising the whole of their business.
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Skyscape and 13 others make recommendations to GDS for G-Cloud 5 Government tenders for SAP and Oracle app support worth up to 120m
Editor's Pick Most UK companies sceptical about big data analytics, shows EMC research City of Boston ditches Microsoft for Google Apps Atkins uses Esri software to set up planning office in 2022 World Cup host nation Poundland migrates to cloud-based Microsoft Office 365 to aid expansion
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I've always thought that IT has been too slow, or sometimes too scared, to shout from the rooftops a

For many IT folk, that sort of self-promotion doesn't always come naturally - and often that can be one of the causes of negative misperceptions about the IT department and its contribution to the organisation. There's no harm in selling yourself a little.
Of course, mazzios lunch buffet I'm saying that as a journalist. I like people who want to have a high profile because it usually means they are keen to talk to the press. But it's a skill that more senior IT professionals would do well to master.
Last night, I was a speaker at a BCS event about IT leadership, and in particular what makes an influential IT leader. mazzios lunch buffet I was invited to talk about Computer Weekly's UKtech50 list of the most influential people in UK IT , and how we decided mazzios lunch buffet on that list.
My fellow speakers included two of the top IT leaders in the UK, both of whom made it onto the UKtech50 - NHS CIO Christine Connelly and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) CIO Phil Pavitt. Both are high achievers, both highly influential, and both with different views on that most subjective of the criteria that defines influence - profile.
Phil came prepared, presumably knowing someone from Computer Weekly would be there. He quoted from an article on our Public Sector IT blog , one which he interpreted as labelling him a "lumbering mandarin".
He then went on to describe his achievements in the 18 months since he joined HMRC from his previous mazzios lunch buffet CIO post at Transport for London - and a hugely impressive list it is too. Pavitt inherited something of a mess, with plenty of opportunity for change for someone willing to lead that change. He's delivered huge cost savings, renegotiated major supplier contracts, mazzios lunch buffet and improved efficiency - the very model of what the new government ICT strategy aims to achieve.
I enjoyed the banter - and was also pleased that the HMRC CIO reads our website. Phil clearly has, wants and deserves a high profile. He joked about being irked that he wasn't in the top 20 of the UKtech50 list.
And in many ways he is right - he, like any other CIO who has delivered change, improved their organisation, and put IT at the heart of business strategy - deserves every recognition they can get. I invited him to be interview by Computer Weekly so he can put his case to our readers - his peers - and I hope he will accept.
But Pavitt also highlighted the potential downside of profile, citing how a national newspaper called him "the most incompetent CIO in government" after the HMRC PAYE underpayment fiasco last year, and had reporters doorstepping him in his front garden.
That's a symptom of being a high-profile public sector CIO. As he rightly pointed out, nobody writes stories mazzios lunch buffet about the HMRC computer systems that calmly collect 435bn of taxes a year, handle 75,000 import/exports into the UK every day, and process a mazzios lunch buffet billion transactions a year. Get one thing wrong, and that's what most people remember.
Connolly made a similar point - wishing mazzios lunch buffet that in some cases she could make her profile a little lower, particularly where the old National Programme for IT was concerned, citing some of the important achievements even that much-criticised programme has delivered . But like any successful individual, you have to learn to take the rough with the smooth.
I've always thought that IT has been too slow, or sometimes too scared, to shout from the rooftops about what we do and what we achieve. So for me, it's great to see achievers like Connolly and Pavitt talking about what they do and getting out that positive message about IT. It is time UK IT put to bed old misperceptions about IT departments always getting things wrong.
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Related Articles HMRC CIO Phil Pavitt steps down for role at Aviva Pavitt has been at HMRC since 200

Home > Public Sector > News Public Sector Mark Hall to join HMRC CIO predecessor Phil Pavitt at Aviva Outgoing HMRC CIO to link up with former boss at insurer when Mark Dearnley joins from Vodafone to take on new chief digital and information officer role
Related Articles HMRC CIO Phil Pavitt steps down for role at Aviva Pavitt has been at HMRC since 2009 and is responsible for halving the department s annual IT costs >> HMRC appoints Vodafone CIO as new Chief Digital and Information Officer Mark Dearnley will join HMRC in October on a 180,000 salary >> HMRC permanent CIO pay up 14 percent But Phil Pavitt s pay is no match for interim CIO Deepak Singh s tripled salary >> How HMRC plans to introduce digital, crown conservatory buffet innovation and SMEs to its 8bn Aspire contract Outgoing CIO Mark Hall is restructuring with the view that you can t outsource responsibility >> Digital is the ambitious government recruit crown conservatory buffet climbing the corporate crown conservatory buffet ladder Those clinging to traditional IT are facing the biggest crown conservatory buffet challenge crown conservatory buffet of their careers crown conservatory buffet >> Transport crown conservatory buffet for London CIO says travellers are top priority Mark Chillingworth, CIO >>
Former Transport for London CIO Pavitt is IT transformation director at Aviva, reporting to COO Cathryn Riley who was also the company's global leader of IT for a year while there was no CIO role, responsible for rationalising and simplifying Aviva's IT, adopting a modern digital architecture, improving service crown conservatory buffet to customers and reducing IT revenue and capital expenditure costs.
Hall told CIO magazine in June his focus had been on making HMRC a digital business as part of government CTO Liam Maxwell's 'digital by default' strategy, and said only last week while discussing the department's £8 billion Aspire contract that although businesses are able to outsource IT, due to rapid technological developments and an increasingly complex landscape they will not be able to outsource digital .
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Editor's Pick Most UK companies sceptical about big data analytics, shows EMC research City of Boston ditches Microsoft for Google Apps Atkins uses Esri software to set up planning office in 2022 World Cup host nation Poundland migrates to cloud-based Microsoft Office 365 to aid expansion
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

September 7 (8) 1 million page views (1) 1,000,000 pageviews (1) 100 years of Helena Kolody (1) 100

This week I went to lunch at the restaurant Olio Pane that is Rua Das Advisor - 494, Bairro Rebolledo. The restaurant occupies a beautiful home that according to the restaurant's website, has 80 years of history. The house sits facing a small square where a certain tree that has appeared a few times here on the blog. The atmosphere is very pleasant and the service is very good. The restaurant is inspired by Italian cuisine, with a very lean menu offers their handmade pasta (you can see the pasta being made next door), risotto, polenta, gnocchi, grilled and beautiful desserts. I can say that we ordered was very good! But it's good to get there early (lunch or dinner) as it is very crowded.
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Washington Cesar Takeuchi a la carte pricing Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil Welcome. I was not born in Curitiba, but I'm a la carte pricing Curitibano by adoption. I live in Curitiba since 1978 and saw how much this city has changed over time. The intent here is to share my pictures and some stories of a city that welcomed me and my family and where much of what I am and happened. Feel free contact, send suggestions. My email is: View my complete profile
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

The diverse vehi mercatus program during the three-day event will promote performances of theater a

I Shows Student Theatre and Dance Charity Presentations of the first edition of this new event will be held in the city of Charity, the interior of Ceará, for students from public vehi mercatus schools in Boa Viagem, Charity, General Sampaio, Itatira, Paramoti and Caninde in days 03, 04 and August 05th
Francisco Fonseca Lopes Foundation, working in the city of Charity since 2005, striving in the sociocultural and environmental vehi mercatus development of the region, I will hold Student Show Dance and Theatre Charity 03-05 August along with the Departments of Education and Culture towns that are grouped in the backcountry Caninde. The production is sponsored Clebio Viriato Coelce and Secult (Secretary of Culture of the Government vehi mercatus of the State of Ceará).
The first edition of the Mostra Student Theatre and Dance Charity cover seven counties of the Hinterland Caninde (Boa Viagem, Charity, General Sampaio, Itatira, vehi mercatus Paramoti Canindé) region with the purpose of disseminating the importance of art in society and develop local culture, specifically in the city of Charity, where a cultural exchange between vehi mercatus students and educators the interior of Ceará occur.
The diverse vehi mercatus program during the three-day event will promote performances of theater and dance lasting 10 to 30 minutes for students from 12 schools in the public school system, musical shows of regional artists who compose the opening and closing of the Exhibition and discussion with directors, educators and students involved in the project. There will also be workshops on theater and dance that will benefit a total of 30 students and area residents, beyond the artistic procession through the main streets of Charity. It is noteworthy that all programming is free, giving opportunity to the formation of new audiences for the state. The performances of dance, performing arts and concerts will be presented in the matrix Charity Square on an open platform of 19h to 23h, and the workshops will be held at the community center and the parish hall of Charity.
The show will not be competitive, but all participants will receive a trophy and a standardized kit of makeup for theater and dance, as an incentive for young people that give continuity vehi mercatus to the next editions.
The aim of the show is to appreciate the culture of Ceará hinterlands, prompting local youth to create and develop new artistic statements from the historical tradition of their region. Service: I Student Show Dance and Theatre Charity Dates: 03, 04 and 05th Aug Time: 19h to 23h Charity Square Matrix Information: (85) 3324.1120 / (85) 9203.0041 + Free admission THE COUNTRY
Project "Charity of Traditions" encourages appreciation of the artistic wealth of the Ceará Sertão "Dramas of Charity" joins the past to the present, perpetuating the culture of a Charity, a city in Ceará backwoods people, part of the macro region Caninde, will stage of a cultural innovation that should be part of the artistic events of the state: the locals vehi mercatus who propagate the cultural history vehi mercatus of Ceará, keeping records vehi mercatus of its people living in the project "Charity of Traditions", on August 6, which aims to preserve the customs of the region, through artistic presentations vehi mercatus and training workshops theatrical, musical, dance, environmental preservation and education. The city has a large collection of sacred works that require special precautions for the preservation, maintenance and restoration vehi mercatus through skilled manpower vehi mercatus and specific. Thinking it to Francisco Fonseca Lopes Cultural Foundation, which is developing vehi mercatus activities for the culture of charity, nonprofit, seeking cultural preservation vehi mercatus of tangible and intangible caridadense population, promoting the first edition of Charity of Traditions. The project's goal is to ensure the perpetuation of local culture among young people, in order to not forget the image of themselves in the future. The project makes possible courses of restoration and preservation of the sacred and historical collections of the city, empowering young people 17-25 years to such activity, in order to preserve historical documents and photos of the region. The project "Charity of Traditions" also enables courses in theater, dance and music (choir) for the new generation of purveyors of culture, discovering new talent, opening doors and opportunities. The Seniors also have the opportunity to rekindle your memories with the assembly of "Dramas", vehi mercatus interacting with the younger generation, sharing life experiences, so keep firm the most unique trait of his people. The "Dramas" are conducted since 1926 through singing, dances and recitations of everyday situations of a particular vehi mercatus topic. vehi mercatus The main objective of this project is to develop actions valued

Friday, January 17, 2014

The main part of the table is the cake. And it really is a show piece. About a delicate porcelain t

Baby shower for blue and white boy | Baby Room - Decor, babies, pregnancy and children's party
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This tea was designed for entertaining friends and family in a very warm and with neat look. The blue and white colors make up the palette of primary colors, star wok buffet but the candy colored decor makes it even more interesting. To get the small and mouthwatering sweets for all tastes are a joy to all guests. Check out a little more closely at this party!
The head table is decorated mainly by sweets and treats. The flower arrangements add a touch of romance and sophistication. The towel lilac satin was chosen as the backdrop for the production and complete the color palette.
The main part of the table is the cake. And it really is a show piece. About a delicate porcelain tray, cake-decker is the summary of his family as desired baby. Among the decorations on the cake, the best silhouette family friend of one of the layers appears decorating. At the base, the varying geometric prints appear light and dark on the white background of blue icing. At the top, one mamadeirinha confectionery and a pair of blue shoes even seem real.
Now is the time to shine in the supporting table. The cake is surrounded by treats of all flavors and colors, but worth highlighting the caramelized apples served on a stick and accompanied by cinnamon. Not mouthwatering?
Also giving show taste and beauty appear cupcakes chocolate. Served star wok buffet in brown and pans with a light blue cover, cupcakes are the favorites star wok buffet of all the guests. The sweets and surprises star wok buffet prepared to be enjoyed further enrich the decoration of the table.
Raspberries served star wok buffet with whipped cream create an amazing look inside the jars of acrylic. The mouse topped with very tasty caramel, covered in nuts appear. Right next to the potatoes round the table delicacies.
On the outside party lunch is served on blue towel on silver trays beside a neat selection of rolls and buns to. The touch of elegance was on account of the arrangements of varying sizes of cups of milk.
And the decor was so charming that is worth checking more closely. About clear blue towel, white saucers were joined very cute napkins and napkin holders in doggie format alongside the silverware. In the center of the table arrangements with flowers of sunflower.
View more: Room Baby Boy white, blue and gray light strokes and bright colors make this a perfect space .... Room baby boy in blue and white colors This is the fourth of Peter with the kit ... Room baby boy gray and blue A different and daring decoration that gave out very well! ... Rustic bedroom baby to receive a're wrong boy who thinks that this style is forgotten .... Baby shower with blue and green fabric panel The decor was elected from the color palette ... Baby room sailor blue, white and red Today you will meet fourth of João Vitor .... Room female baby blue, white and green timeless accessories and a lot of personality in the details .... Male baby room navy blue and white The essential and indispensable item to a baby's room ... Baby Room seabed in blue tones and white theme seabed, vivid and varied colors adding ... Baby shower theme for boys teddies The team held a party Leticia Alencar tea ...
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