Saturday, January 18, 2014

The diverse vehi mercatus program during the three-day event will promote performances of theater a

I Shows Student Theatre and Dance Charity Presentations of the first edition of this new event will be held in the city of Charity, the interior of Ceará, for students from public vehi mercatus schools in Boa Viagem, Charity, General Sampaio, Itatira, Paramoti and Caninde in days 03, 04 and August 05th
Francisco Fonseca Lopes Foundation, working in the city of Charity since 2005, striving in the sociocultural and environmental vehi mercatus development of the region, I will hold Student Show Dance and Theatre Charity 03-05 August along with the Departments of Education and Culture towns that are grouped in the backcountry Caninde. The production is sponsored Clebio Viriato Coelce and Secult (Secretary of Culture of the Government vehi mercatus of the State of Ceará).
The first edition of the Mostra Student Theatre and Dance Charity cover seven counties of the Hinterland Caninde (Boa Viagem, Charity, General Sampaio, Itatira, vehi mercatus Paramoti Canindé) region with the purpose of disseminating the importance of art in society and develop local culture, specifically in the city of Charity, where a cultural exchange between vehi mercatus students and educators the interior of Ceará occur.
The diverse vehi mercatus program during the three-day event will promote performances of theater and dance lasting 10 to 30 minutes for students from 12 schools in the public school system, musical shows of regional artists who compose the opening and closing of the Exhibition and discussion with directors, educators and students involved in the project. There will also be workshops on theater and dance that will benefit a total of 30 students and area residents, beyond the artistic procession through the main streets of Charity. It is noteworthy that all programming is free, giving opportunity to the formation of new audiences for the state. The performances of dance, performing arts and concerts will be presented in the matrix Charity Square on an open platform of 19h to 23h, and the workshops will be held at the community center and the parish hall of Charity.
The show will not be competitive, but all participants will receive a trophy and a standardized kit of makeup for theater and dance, as an incentive for young people that give continuity vehi mercatus to the next editions.
The aim of the show is to appreciate the culture of Ceará hinterlands, prompting local youth to create and develop new artistic statements from the historical tradition of their region. Service: I Student Show Dance and Theatre Charity Dates: 03, 04 and 05th Aug Time: 19h to 23h Charity Square Matrix Information: (85) 3324.1120 / (85) 9203.0041 + Free admission THE COUNTRY
Project "Charity of Traditions" encourages appreciation of the artistic wealth of the Ceará Sertão "Dramas of Charity" joins the past to the present, perpetuating the culture of a Charity, a city in Ceará backwoods people, part of the macro region Caninde, will stage of a cultural innovation that should be part of the artistic events of the state: the locals vehi mercatus who propagate the cultural history vehi mercatus of Ceará, keeping records vehi mercatus of its people living in the project "Charity of Traditions", on August 6, which aims to preserve the customs of the region, through artistic presentations vehi mercatus and training workshops theatrical, musical, dance, environmental preservation and education. The city has a large collection of sacred works that require special precautions for the preservation, maintenance and restoration vehi mercatus through skilled manpower vehi mercatus and specific. Thinking it to Francisco Fonseca Lopes Cultural Foundation, which is developing vehi mercatus activities for the culture of charity, nonprofit, seeking cultural preservation vehi mercatus of tangible and intangible caridadense population, promoting the first edition of Charity of Traditions. The project's goal is to ensure the perpetuation of local culture among young people, in order to not forget the image of themselves in the future. The project makes possible courses of restoration and preservation of the sacred and historical collections of the city, empowering young people 17-25 years to such activity, in order to preserve historical documents and photos of the region. The project "Charity of Traditions" also enables courses in theater, dance and music (choir) for the new generation of purveyors of culture, discovering new talent, opening doors and opportunities. The Seniors also have the opportunity to rekindle your memories with the assembly of "Dramas", vehi mercatus interacting with the younger generation, sharing life experiences, so keep firm the most unique trait of his people. The "Dramas" are conducted since 1926 through singing, dances and recitations of everyday situations of a particular vehi mercatus topic. vehi mercatus The main objective of this project is to develop actions valued

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